Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
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it too perfect
Every OS after Windows 7 is dogshit.
literally everything
OP faggotry is the only flaw.
street shitters
Can't into mobile phones
None; 10/10. I like Windows 10. Niggers.
one big botnet.
>find a flaw
the company is named after my dick
The creators of Internet Explorer, a fucked up technology that has held the web back for over a decade and will continue to do so for at least 15 more years.
Who's this semen demon?
When will mods ban India like jewt banned straya?
She should have upgraded like a responsible person.
found it
>proprietary code
There market share is too big.
>also no windows 9
I feel you're pain.
The entirety of their operating system, Windows, is crawling with security flaws.
epic how do i upvote this dude
Why is your dick being called Windows a joke?
no ads
>he believes windows is the company
They are utterly retarded when it comes to marketing and PR.
i pirate all software and games and download massive amounts of weirdo porn
i am extra paranoid using microsoft services
>too much money
>dumb managers comping up with stupid shit thats supposed to be useful to users
>no gui designers
>forcing their meme winphone without apps
>no ability to sort folders by size since xp
>shoving down ya throat win10
>not rewriting windows from scratch in a way that would actually make it fast, unclutterd and easy for devs to make soft for
>making dick moves to promote new DX versions - want new dx12? lel, u better upgrade senpai :^) they did it with vista, 8 and 10
>constantly making products that fail. Sometimes even before release due to bad press. they push it even if feedback is bad and the whole idea sound straigh stupid
>gimmicks instead useful features
>no more good quality peripherial hardware
>botnet ( honestly it would be better to just simply throw in ads instead of spying)
>doing meme vr instead of making windows great again
The shills
retards everywhere
>not disabling updates
Its not microsoft's fault
and this guy stopped at the vista launch.
this ^^
>upgrading windows
kek, my reaction too
Who is your god now?
>tfw you will never have a soft micro dick that allows you to become a passable trap while still retaining your cock
>tfw stuck with this ugly 8 inches motherfucker that barely grows
What's it like being a mutant that will never be able to experience the joys of going balls deep except with nigress sheboons?
yes this xD ^^
like and share pls
Estrogen will give you a soft micro dick.
Their new goddamn useless infuriating informal/casual tone in their messages. ALL THEIR MESSAGES.
I wanna kill the pajeet who thought this would be a good idea.
kerning b/w the f and the t
>support policies for business are shit
>change things without announcing them
>huge amount of problems in the interaction of their products (latest example Onedrive for Business and Sharepoint)
>too large to function well, very badly structured
Started using Linux just to distance myself from their shit which I have to deal with at work all day.
10 looks good
Gee I wonder who could be behind these posts
doesn't know how to use a toilet
blurry edges
Even the logo is terrible.
I like Windows 10 but the fucking Antimalware Service Executable just won't stop running in the background causing my processor to run at full speed for the stupid scan, which takes hours and doesn't pause even when the computer is in use. It is impossible to stop once it starts and even starts back up after a reboot even when you set it to only run weekly when you aren't using it. I'm so frustrated but need Windows for muh games.
>Antimalware Service Executable
>processor to run at full speed
>muh games.
Maybe you should stop pirating and playing games on old toasters making MS scan and clean your malware game cracks constantly
here's your ten parjeets, rupee
It only uses 6-10% CPU but the processor is running at the highest clock speed because it is "under load".
Idk why you think I'm pirating.
good one!!