Why are piratefags the biggest niggers there are...

Why are piratefags the biggest niggers there are? They say they support a creator and then spit in their face by not supporting the creator. Stop being such an entitled brat and pay for it.

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whatcha gon do about it faget

>Stop being such an entitled brat and pay for it.
Make me faggot


Hope you get sued like you deserve to be. Every thread made whining they got a copyright notice is hilarious.

Human nature. If you can get it for free you will, because it's free. It's easy to lie about having morals, too.

You first you freeloading kike.

Noone cares about your blog, go away.


Knowing what a blog even is would be useful.



dude if the admittedly largely incompetent administration of the US government essentially cant do shit about the problem in general what exactly are you hoping in

Keyword there bud, it isn't illegal.

>Citing a website ran by a literal communist jew

>Implying the money goes to content producers and not shitty publishers

I think if you're a teenager, it's fine, you have nothing to offer anyways. But if you're an adult with a source of income and you still pirate shit, you deserve to get buttfucked in prison.

>Implying the corporate scum that don't pay taxes or care about the 99% are any better

>Muh 1%
Let me guess, you're voting for Bernie Sanders. It's time for you do grow up.

>Implying voting matters
Cmon son

To be reasonable, most games don't have demos anymore. I don't want to pay 60€ and find out that the reviews where hyped shit and I don't actually like the game.

DRM and publishers are two big excuses for piracy. It falls flat when you remember there are sites like gog or humble bundle which offer software DRM free at your own price and independent software exists. There is no excuse for being a parasite.

I vote for Trump!...oh wait, I'm not 'murican, shit.

You know that there are poor countries and some rips the product(s) and burn them into a CD-R and sell that on the streets.
You're trying to guilt trip the person who is trying to get food money and doesn't care who made that product as long as it give that person the money, the rips will still be sold in a never ending loop.
Smell that thick dank smoke of humanity.

>voting for a liberal
lmao liberals will hang alongside fascists on the day of the rope

>He waz a gud boy! He dindu nuthin
I don't care if they're poor. When you break the law, you deserve to face the consequences.

That's fine for games apart from ones that fail to make reasonable demos. However, that is only one medium user.

>Smell that thick dank smoke of humanity.
>I don't care if they're poor.

Why would I pay for it when I can get it for free lmao
fuck the creators if they don't want their shit pirated then don't release the software at all

Vote for Donald Trump if you want to stop digital piracy that's killing jobs in television, film, software, music, and video games.

>OP makes "paid" app
>No revenue after some time
>"It must be pirates!"
Your app is shit.

All those game repacks are filled with Trojans anyways

I vote for a revolution where we seize the means of production and shoot the capitalists.

Never going to happen commie

Not with that attitude. You probably use permissive licenses too.

hello Venezuela is that way

oh no... they are not earning money i would never spend... what a tragedy

>independent software exists
You're implying that games are like typical productivity software like Photoshop vs GIMP. That argument only works for productivity software that may perform similar tasks, and not games. Games are unique and varying across titles even within the same genre.

>Tyrone's keep stealing music and software on the pirate bay
>Golly gee, why did they go under?


>Literal communist jew hating on copyright

>communist jew hating on copyright uses copyright to force other to use free licenses

The Constitution is over 200 years old. It was written well before the internet and means of easily distributing digital copies of anything. Copyright law has to n be updated to reflect modern times. If it isn't and a blind eye is turned to piracy, companies won't be able to support themselves.

quit crying about people pirating

i dont pirate anything but it doesnt bother me that people do

You don't have the right to steal other peoples stuff

>freedom of speech does not count on the internet or tv because the constitution did not account for such mediums!

end yourself

if you actually read the comment you would see that i dont pirate anything

>Shit. I wanna buy this game but I need weed and pay that ransomware pop up
>I know... I'll say I'm fighting the man!

>Digital piracy is free speech
Holy shit, are you seriously this delusional?

I'm saying you're stealing if you pirate.

where does it say that fag?
all it says is the x is old so does not count for something modern!

Lawful Neutralfag

i agree but people will always steal and you cant stop that

i make music and use software that has hardware usb anti piracy

its probably the most effective until somebody figures out how to write an emulator for the dongle again because they have been cracked before so they came out with a new version

Are you the first or 2nd guy I replied to?

>not taking stuff for free when it's available



I torrent something that interests me first before buying. I've done it with anime and movies and it's worked great.


>Being underage

>calling someone underage when they are in the conventional stage,and have yet to reach post-conventional stage

fuck off fag

No kid, it's time for you to grow up and stop pretending to be a rebel.

Copyright is a spook. Might makes right. Morals aint moral. The path to free culture must be paved with the lost funds of the legislative-entertainment complex. It's not the law, it's the gun pointed at you telling you to follow it. Praise stirner.


>implying i have ever said i would support anyone except my wife's son
>implying I wouldn't proudly steal software directly out of some cucked sjw beta male software developer's pocket on the subway

>You have a copy of something
>john lennon's ghost, represented by jewberg silvertstein, says you don't own your copy
>he's not stealing it from you, you stole it from him because he deserves a lifetime plus 70 years of profit because he bought the rights from the guy who made it
>don't argue, don't fight, he's just right
>this is what americans believe

I can afford to spend the thousands I have on games, cuz of sales and bundles. But I can't do it for music and anime, cuz that shit is insanely expensive.

I don't want to pirate my anime and hentai, but I can't help it. It's all so expensive. And I'm too addicted not to just not consume it if I can't afford it.


it time you develop from the conventional stage into the post-conventional stage son. The world is not black and white

>Fuck you mom, you can't tell me what to do!

>Producing art or collecting information for money
>Expecting people to pay for information or art

>IDK koldberg's stages of moral development so ill just shitposte

You don't even know it either kid. Post-Conventional is about ability to think about someone other than yourself, yet you support piracy which is completely egotistic and selfish. Just hang yourself already.

It's been proved music piratefags at least do support and are the biggest supporters when it comes to official merchandise and concerts. Music and anime are the only things I pirate, one can't even be obtained legally so im good. I rarely watch movies since most of them are jewish propaganda.

I buy only when I truly like it, and the developers are small time dudes.

I refuse to spend the ample money I have on billionaires that wouldnt feel the difference if I didn't
>that warm inside when you see the "purchases" counter go up when you download some obscure hentai

>understanding laws are not black and white and are only based if just. deciding on an based on it be just,and not because it avoids punishment

Yeah. For example: Music sells like shit in Brazil, but the gigs are booked full and everyone is wearing merch + know all the songs.

>They say they support a creator
No we don't

It's about having a basic set of ethics and not being a thieving nigger.

We promote 10-bit HEVC you faggot.

are your retarded even the courts have said it not stealing,but unauthorized distribution fag

This. It's still somewhat bad in the end but it's not theft of property.

All piracy is some cool user literally buys a movie with his hard earned money and uploads copies of it to the internet for free. No theft of property has taken place.

lel that pic

I don't have time to watch all the stuff that's out there.
I still pirate everything just to make some faggot think he is loosing money.
I sometimes download the same thing multiple times if I care enough.

I support the creators of my nationality.
I don't support the creators of your shitty nationality OP, or any other nationality (unless a creator really impressed me and made it worth it to me to invest in them).
Globalists are retarded idiots and you should kill yourself OP.

It's not stealing as the creator losses nothing except theoretical revenue.

I don't give a fuck. I downloaded a game to see if I wanted to play it, and then when I liked it, I bought it. I've bought San Andreas on a gazillion platforms, so I have no issue torrenting it.

Whether an individual pirates or not makes no difference. To me, piracy can only bring me a net benefit.

The benefit/cost ratio for legit purchases is far too small.

Faggot alert

You need to understand there's a very big difference between theft and piracy.

>It's about having a basic set of ethics and not being a thieving nigger.
If you are all about ethics, then you should be someone who listens to the law.
But you don't user.
If you did, you'd adhere to the ruling by the US Supreme Court that copyright infringement should not be referred to as "piracy", and that even comparing copyright infringement to "theft" is punishable in court and regarded as contempt in court.
The LAW clearly draws a line between "stealing" and "copyright infringement", as a line between a "crime" and a "civil offense".

Also, nobody in this world who copies software from your shitty nation and your shitty country, is in any way a nigger. Someone who doesn't waste the precious money and economy that their nation needs on frivolous irrelevant digital entertainment products made by foreigners, is doing a logical, rationally, and extremely ethical and moral deed for their nation.
Saying this isn't a good deed IS acting like a nigger who spends on retarded shit instead of prioritizing his own collective and thinking about the economy instead of wasting on useless bling.

YOU are the nigger user.


more like saving himself from diabetes. if only we could all be so strong

I don't know what's more monstrous, vile and malicious. This wretch wasting a good gallon of chocolate milk, or the fact this delicacy will make you sick.
In both counts, it is a sin against mankind.

>high blood sugar levels cause nerve damage
>loss of legs, loss of eyesight, loss of ability to have an erect penis, destroyed heart, constant pain
>all caused by one of the greatest things in life

There is no god.

more like non dairy chocolate flavored drink

R u black?

Go away Pajeet nobody wants to buy your virus.

Super Mario Galaxy is one of the best selling Nintendo games of all time. Also was the most pirated game of the year for many years in a row.
>bbbut piracy hurts sales...

But I do

Last game I pirated was Dragon's Dogma, and I bought it afterwards.

In fact, fuck, I preordered Dark Souls 2, which I could have just pirated, and it was utter shit. I want my money back but back then there were no "refunds".

Deal with it bro.

40 dollars per month for adobe
