28% better Excel performance with Zen

What does AMD mean by this?

You can make spreadsheets about how poor you are 20% faster

>7th gen
>better than Intel only 6th gen lel
>faster in excel!

Oh AMD, never change.


Bristol Ridge is not Zen based, shitposter.

I don't give a fuck because all AMD CPUs are literal shit.

>Brand loyal intelcuck shilling for free

You know people who have jobs actually use Excell right?

People with Jobs where they are using Excel can afford Intel.

LibreOffice can make use of HSA. Their processors beyond (and including) Kaveri have it.

And get less performance

Proof you will never own a company. Companies don't use gaymur pcs with razer keyboards

They use SFF Intel machines.

People with jobs that require excel are given computers by their IT department.

Intel ones :3

A tripfag AND a shill. Amazing specimen we have here.

I just slap Pentiums into the PC and give them to the employees, it's basic and it's not like their gonna need anymore power.
Pentiums are also cheap and easily replaceable and won't burn the office down.

that means it excels at some things :^)

It means that before they didn't have the basic power to run Excel properly


I need somebody.

>brand loyal faggot

Literally kill yourself.

It's fucking LibreOffice Calc you proprietary mongoloid.

IT departments usually only give people AMD laptops if they hate them.

Spend $500,000 or spend $200,000 for the same performance

or you know
if they are not stupid and don't waste much thought on it
there's literally no difference if a fucking office machine has amd or intel
if you think otherwise you have terminal autism

That explains why you would need faster hardware.


In all my years working as a sys admin and now for an MSP I have never seen a company buy AMD computers for their employees

Spreadsheets can get extremely complex over the years, imagine a sales team documenting and calculating numbers everyday over a range of 10 years.

Sys admin for a msp here
We only use intel, across all 2000 of our users we have maybe 5 or so amd machines.
The performance difference is quite large for heavy office users

Believe it or not, some people use formulas in spreadsheet programs.

28% more fps at EVE.

Raw, unrated post!

Sysadmin for a msp here We only use amd, across all 2000 of our users we have maybe 5 or so Intel machines. The performance difference is quite large for heavy office users

you bastard

Oh AMD, you can't even afford to license the Excel logo for your presentation?



this shit is CALC, not Excel. Excel doesn't make use of HSA, Calc does.

>7th Gen Shillogy

I really hope they finally get a contemporary equivalent of K8, but I'm not hold my breath.


My spreadsheets used to soft crash the program every time I updated them.

too bad that UI is still a pile of dogshit

Nice shilling
I know 2000 computers is only anecdotal but considering we order from the same suppliers as many other MSPs and large companies and I know our suppliers really don't offer AMD workstations I am guessing it's an industry standard