It's Ogre

It's Ogre

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>needing two cards to beat one card

power per fps?

>tfw AMD will let you cum inside akreen through VR
>meanwhile nvidia still shitting themselves after people findout they have no hardware async



Haha, i'm sorry man. But if your only rebuttal to these results are that i'm supposed to be a poorfag for buying two 480's instead of a 1080 now you're literally fucking retarded.

Why are we still discussing this
Instead of laughing at the fact that it's AMD's turn to have a 480

2.8x perf per watt
r9 380 is 190w
Rx480 is 150w
It will be 2.8 x (150/190) = 2.2 faster
However there are architectural changes so performance in games might not scale in a linear fashion when comparing to the 300 series. Also I expect it to be near 1070 performance, maybe 5-10 % less. The 1070 will be worthless.

It's time to abandon nvidia (I currently own an nvidia card btw).

You can go and fuck yourself, no one will care

AYYMD is irrelevant and it shows

>same power draw
>$200 less
>only 51% used
>still beats the gtx meme80
RIP nvidia

oooo u mad

hey shitlord
this makes AMD seem pretty relevant to me


Stop trying to force this maymay, you've been at it the whole day, do you have nothing better to do cunt?

So this is your justification for letting nvidia cuck you out of your money? k well I'm gonna buy a pair of 480 cards when they come out

It's always performance for price, checks and balances m80. But still, you might get more performance for less money but the downside is that you use an additional PCI slot and heat rises and more energy is needed.

AYYMD needs 300W to compete with Nvidia 180W card

Pretty much irrelevant and only losers will do desperate things

Nvidia won, far more power efficient and will outsell AYYMD garbage

>need two mid end cards to beat Nvidia's most powerful VGA in history

Two 280s couldn't beat the 980.

see nvidia lied about power consumption. Max power consumption is like 450 watts.

> This impartial and totally unbiased bar chart

I always wonder how many of the people saying 'AMD poorfag' actually have the money to buy any graphics card at all. NEET basement dwellers don't normally have much cash to burn

Not necessarily.

having to pay less to beat the more expensive card

>implying anyone buying gaymer cards gives a fuck about power efficiency

>system power consumption
isn't that like cpu+mobo+gpu+...?

>mfw watching nvidia fuckboys lose their shit

280 CF beats 780
380 CF beats 980
480 CF beats 1080

At least compare cards of the same generation

>mentions old 280
>ignores the current 480
>yfw gets ass blasted by amd for less then half the cost

Difference being is that a single 1080 is far more expensive than two 480s.

Nope, just the GPU. The gtx 1080 is a little bit better (like 20%) but it's a fermi 2.0 housefire as well.

Yeah, it's always been like that, nothing new to see here

AMD: Look at all this headroom for improvement, its not because we suck or are rushed or behind promise :3

Nvidia: The way it's meant to be played.


Could you fuck off tripfag? You're always skulking around here trying to shill your heart out and going on damage control as soon as anyone calls you out

Lying is bad, don't do that

This. No wonder nvidia rushed to launch the "founders" edition. Imagine if amd announced sooner. I willing to bet 100$ that nvidia was planning on launching at computex but caught wind of the 480.

Christ just wait till vega drops. Like 2 titan z for 600$. Fuck. Amd is stright savage right now.

Guys quick question. Im going to by RX 480. Which brand is the best? Can someone post tiers?

Sapphire makes some high quality designs and coolers for amd chips, evga is always above average. Asus is always a gamble same with msi. The other brands are on a per card basis.

3 480s are still cheaper

don't waste your money, buy nvidia.

>Don't get AMD
>Doesn't explain why

Im not a gay, sorry.

>2 midrange cards in SLI/Crossfire do better than one flagship card

No seriously, this isn't surprising at all. Every generation has done this that I can think of in the last fucking decade.

Why can't we just have a third party?

Now I've seen it all, performance chart in dollars.
How many dollars per second can my 970 do?

AMD's done it again, boys! It's totally ogre now! NVIDIA = rip in piece. Only literal retards will buy 1080 when you can get more power at $500.

found one

okay explain this shit, how is two 480s running at 50% better than one 480 running at 100%?

why did they cap it at 50%? why not just get crossfire to run at 100% and absolutely wreck the 1080? protip; something fishy is going on

dont forget you can get 3 and still be cheaper


AMD maintaining their dominance in the theoretical performance without real world real world results category.

Because it was rushed to show with non-optimized drivers and games. AMD is several months ahead of DX12/Vulkan stuff working to 100%. Game devs are still working on it as it's new stuff for them to learn to work with.

A CF 480 setup just beat the 1080 at a 4K game benchmark, for about half the price, against something it's not even MEANT to compete with.

Do you feel retarded yet?

When are these cards set to launch?

I live in a country where everything cost triple.
So I will be getting que AMD one.

On shelves June 29.

490 and 490X will be next year and will cripple Nvidia.

Can't you just drive to a neighboring country and smuggle one in your asshole

Nvidia can go to hell and rest in peace

Fortunately you are wrong (and possibly a shill also)
Besides, even if you do find some example, the 480 CF beat it by 10%.

Call me again when we see some DX11 benchmarks.

But I don't know how to call you user.

Kill yourself homo

'we' have 4 brands actually.


>async compute
pick two to win your shill prize

If AMD gets its fucking marketing right ffs.

Just post on here I am here everyday. Ask for faggot.

>b-but these ayymd cards are cheaper
>n-no one wants to spend over $300

>OMG look at these two cards for $500!
>amdrones want to spend $500 on two cards all of a sudden which aren't even guaranteed to work properly see

buying 2 shit tier card and they beat the 1080 ah ha ha ha ha ha

A single 8pin gpu does not draw that much power, quit the bullshit.

System power consumption is the entire computer's consumption, not the lone gpu

evga has no amd cards

Good point but the 390 is drawing almost the same then, why?

Don't listen to the shills, pls.

If you're on a budget, get the rx480.
If you have the money, get the 1080.

It's as simple as that. Avoid crossfire/sli if possible as it's not worth enough.

Fuck you I'll get both and slifire them with dx12 to make you 100% MAD

>If you have the money, get the 1080.
Or Just get the 480X which will probably be like $300.

cf is relevant again since dx12 and vulkan.
Now you may not see the benefits until 2017, but cf is really future proofing because the rx480 can run every game currently out and in 2017 dx12 is probably gonna be the standard so it will be strictly superior if the current games get cf profiles.

the 1070 will be titan x tier
the rx 480 will be 980 tier


the rx480 is $200 for 4gb and $230 for 8gb. Not $300.


Have a z97 mobo with Crossfire but the second pci-e slot is 4x

How fucked am I?

Is there no 480X? Or is that the 8GB?

Very fucked and I'm in the same jam

Enjoy your xbox 1 console ports.

R9 480
RX 480
the x is now before the number

and it still costs less

umad, tripfag?

Hasn't been announced yet.

this graphic actually fails to show the GPU utilization which is the really damning thing for 1080

In fact the 1080 is using something like 98% in this test while the RX 480s are at 60%

"He actually thinks that SLI/Crossfire stutter is worth the 4fps increase"

>ashes of the singularity

This is bait.

see pic related


Fucking MSI. Good mobo, shitty meme gayme colors, getting nice OC on my i5, but fuck, why didn't they just put 2x16x?

Feel like I got cucked

>4fps gains

Not fully utilising the GPU is not a good thing you mongoloids.

Jesus christ it's summery as fuck in here.

Why is less than 100% utilization good? The GPU could give you even more frames, is it a CPU bottleneck or crossfire not working properly?

Even most modern mobos can't do 2x16x

Unless you get something crazy like an i7-6850k or some such, not going to happen. Difference between 16x & 8x is minimal though.

>maxing out the GPU to achieve barely playable frame rates is okay

for $200 less

>not fully utilising the GPU
>not a good thing

pick one

in an amd optimized game as well. i bet it won't have any gains in a real testing game like arma 3 or witcher 3.

No john you are the summerfag.

It was rushed AMD drivers. Doubt it scaled all that well. Not that it really matters imo since the 1080 was indeed beaten. Driver improvements will only aid the 480 in making inroads in the market/benchmarks.


Yeah msi gaming 3 here, I learned that if it doesn't support sli it really only supports 4x speed crossfire, so sli support is the way to check for decent crossfire support

Isn't Polaris a new arch designed for 14nm while Pascal is almost a 16nm port of Maxwell? Or was I just told lies?