Well Sup Forums?

well Sup Forums?
Do you meet the needed requirements?

Other urls found in this thread:



>not afraid of SIGSEV 11 in other people's code
They're filthy code monkeys and they're proud? Ho my gosh C++ world is crazy.

Just looked up sigsev 11.
I thought C and C++ don't give a shit what locations in memory you access. Was I memed in my college C courses?

Wanting to work for shitty Rimac automobili

>tfw college dropout hacked into their servers

Must be why they were trying to recruit students today

C and C++ doesn't, but your virtual memory backed kernel does care very much.

C/C++ don't give a shit.
Your OS does. Because it's supposed to give a shit.

>I'm sure they'll get a lot of furry FER fags like you with 0 thinking skills

I don't have a positive attitude, but I can fake it I guess.
I don't share xkcd.
Having shit code is something that should be fixed, not just ignored.
If I wake up in the middle of the night:
Git status would still be up-to-date
Make is still not failing

I mean if I have to fake it and share xkcd comics and be a positive guy, I could do it if there is no other options.

Just apply for it, it might not be as bad as the application says.

No thanks user, I dont even understand where you got that from.
Certainly not from my post, it wasn't even a counterargument

then stop talking about shitty cro company, are you a cro retard that is jelly cuz he can't comprehend stupid shit like engineering & programming with Qt to display KM/h ??


I see.
But if the OS takes care of programmer booboos, then why do we still have the "C don't give a shit" meme?
I mean clearly, there's some safeguard that prevents retardation from occuring.

The OP doesn't mention which company it is nor was that the point of the thread.
Why are you so fucking mad?
Are you that salty faggot from today's presentation?

No, can you link presentation?

No, I can't

wow so mad user, I almost feel bad but

jebem ti ustasku mater neandertalsku

I can't because it is not uploaded anywhere, but I'm glad you showed your true colors, turĨine odvratni




Nah facebook /anja.zrnec

Why are you slavs so disgustingly autistic?
Can't even have a simple meme thread without this kind of autistic tantrums