Home Screen Rate Thread

Home Screen Rate Thread


Very pretty but read your emails, dude
Not a fan but would be improved a lot by removing app names.

I'll be back later to rate when there are more. I need inspiration for a new homescreen


Absolutely Hipster

Just made this one thinking about changing the clock to something more colourful to make it stand out but not sure.

How's mine?

thanks friend
That could definitely work. Worth trying, at the very least
Get out of here, not enough room for 2 people named Kevin. Good homescreen, though. All of it fits the aesthetic pretty well

Thanks senpai, anything you would recommend?

>4 out of 5 replies are literally raddit

Night mode changed a few things making it darker and then I changed the text messenger icon.

More like 3/6
Not much, but you might want to rename your reddit app to just "reddit" since it looks a little weird compared to the others due to how long it is.

Thanks, I was thinking of changing it :)

You might want to change some of the others to be less aggressively bright as well, I like the idea behind it.


Pretty cool, I love the idea behind it, especially the parallax background thing.

Posting an older one I really enjoyed as a bump for the thread. I desperately need to move on from doing what I can with Apex Launcher.

I do too but that's a bit bland friendo. Won't argue that it doesn't look effecient though, assuming you really love google dick.
np, got any other homescreens, Kev? You seem to be one of the people that actually put some effort in instead of just rearranging icons. (I am among the latter unfortunately)

No this is actually my first time ricing my home screen. I did change a few more icons matching the dark theme though. I can link the klwp theme and wallpaper if you want it.


Thanks :)

it's cool, I don't play overwatch, I was just curious to see what else you might have done
And seriously great job for your first time, definitely looks nice.
Don't know why but I love this. I'd go with a clock over a music widget but still, it's very clean

Remove app names, make apps smaller, get a more robust icon pack overall: 3/10
7/10 nice dood but do something about the amount of emails also would be better imo to disable status bar
8/10 see if you can hide the app drawer icon a bit better
9/10 comfy
6/10 nice but icons look low res (your phone screen perhaps?) and make the app drawer a thin white one and not a black one so not as noticeable
5/10 too cluttered would look better if you remove the Google search widget and try to disable status bar too. Also why don't you try a different icon pack (not very need just my personal opinion)
Suck Google off as much as you want but disable page indicator
Like this one too user but page indicator is a no no for me.

I always forget the page indicator, thanks for reminding me. Been having trouble finding a good drawer icon, is it possible to just drop it completely and switch to a gesture for it?

I've never played overwatch myself, but I really like the theme and look of it.

Digital or analog?

Are tablets fine?
The device is pretty much on its last legs as it is, so I haven't bothered with customizing.

Haven't riced it at all because I'm an unimaginative faggot


You already have a circular thing going with the icons, so I'd go with digital.
Dude, at least get an icon pack. You don't need to rice for it to be more than stock/10

What's the icon pack?

What do you suggest that would go well with the background? I really like that one

arguable by some to be a little overly simplistic, but I like it. 8/10.
Hard to say, look around the play store for different ones and see which ones have similar colors/styles that would mesh well with the background. It's just that the drastically different styles of the stock icons make them harder on the eyes and hurts even your nice background.

Get nova launcher (I recommend pro), then get hexacons or candycons and change your icon theme to the one you want to use.


This is the only digital I have, unless I download some widget pack for a new one


I really like how everything seamlessly blends into each other
Have you looked into klwp pro?

>redditors don't even try to pretend anymore

trips get

Yea, it possible have use Nova Launcher so in the setting for Nova I just set 2 tap gesture to app drawer

Actually no, even though I unknowingly had the icon for it. I'll buy it. But I was using the icon for my coding app. It helps me learn the basics of some languages.

idk what's left to improve


Thanks! Believe it or not, I've put lots of time into my homescreen

Yeah it's really good because the background isn't too dark so you can still make out the icons. I'm not sure if there's anything at all to improve since you want the super dark theme.

Downloading a widgetpack might be worth it so you can get a more symmetrical one but honestly I think that looks pretty good.

In the end it's up to you, so play around with it and see what ya like best
Try it without the names underneath the apps.

Please stop samefagging. All you'll do is make the redditors replace reddit with another icon when they take a screencap, they'll be here regardless. Get over it.

Do people on here actually care if you go on reddit? What a joke.

Okay, thanks for the help user. Really appreciate the feedback

Can we quit with the silly website supremacy flame war? I get that you want Sup Forums to be more of an "exclusive" club, but it's just so ridiculous. People are allowed to enjoy more than 1 website.


no problem, glad to help. It's a good lookin home screen!
it's a meme but more often than not it's used unironically by some jackass. I think the site is fundamentally flawed in the voting system (going 100% against discussion) and have no use for it so I don't go there but some morons here have a superiority complex about it. And even when it's ironic, "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting."

It's especially entertaining (and equally pathetic) when you know at least half the people that shitpost about reddit probably browse the website from time to time.

Good point



Pretty sleek, I like it

Quit spamming, Jesus.
Minimal but nice. 7/10

Looks good

Pretty nice, though if I were you, i'd get rid of the color in the status bar. It's a little jarring to have the blue and green when the rest of the screen is mostly black, white and gray

Get rid of the text on your apps, and remove that Google search bar and you have 10/10

I like the idea, but for personal preference, I just prefer the text under the app, but it does look good without it, and I use the Google search bar regularly if I don't want to use chrome at the time.

Ten points to who can tell me what that icon represents

I got it set so the most recently played song's album art is my wallpaper.
I need to update everything with higher res art
Amused by the wallpaper, 7/10
5/19 because there's nothing wrong with it but it's boring and stock
Looks good but doesn't excite me.
I like the icon grid.
Fix the status bar for 9/10, as is 8.5/10
I hope you have an OLED panel.

It is oled and it looks sooooooo good


What faction

The one you like

This response deserves a extra prize, take this

In that case, 9/10. :)
With my next phone I'm going to get back to OLED, I swear.
Using LCDs is torture.

>that feel when your screen goes black and you don't know if your screen is off or if the app is loading

It feels soo good, you will soon know that feel. And thanks.

3/10 try harder
9/10 if you remove notification bar
Remove notification bar and it's 10/10


too many reddit fags on this forum


Please be trolling


Now with more horsepower(ogreclocked).

die please


I threw up in my mouth
Those icons are so hard to discern from the background

Is this any better? I feel like there's work to do

m8, even the text is perfectly visible.

5/10 get rid of button
Remove taskbar
Add clock 4/10
5/10 cluttered but i like for some reason
4/10 looks like lockscreen
You posted shit and rated no one/10
Cluttered and ponies 2/10

Haven't really bothered to rice My phone, still running the stock EMUI launcher with the Flat EMUI theme. Widgets are stock too.

Not the flashiest out there, but gets the job done. Screen on the right houses the extra apps, screen on the left has a full screen calendar widget.

>looks like lock screen
>his is absolute garbage

Not much, but it works

Remove app names at least. I don't get what you're going for here. 4/10
Really nice. I'd remove the notification bar though. 8/10
Pretty good 9/10
Love it 9/10
Hide notification bar and it'll be good 7/10
Not bad feels pretty cluttered though 7/10
Simple and looks good even though stock 8/10
Very nice 9/10
I saw you over in /WG/ and I'm gonna say the same thing I still love your setup 10/10
Feels extremely cluttered 7/10 remove app names
No idea where its from but I like it 8/10
Is that the crystal? I forgot completely about that phone how is it? 7/10 on the setup

Damn dude I rated the image you put up for critique, posting just to tell me you didn't like how I felt is fucking pathetic.

It looks like a lockscreen because there is a clock in a circle and no apps or any functionality.

It's very novel, but I'm not sure if daily drive it.
Inability to root/ non OLED panel/ battery is built in/ front facing camera is basically useless.
Is an absolutely beautiful device though.
Updated it now that all my album at is high res.
Moved day of the week down since it interferes with Alvin at being at the top.

LG G3, Fulmics 5.2, Nova Launcher. Wallpaper pic taken by me.

I tke it you cant do this with just Nova Launcher


Square rotates 90° when the screen is swiped

>mfw he took the bait

What do you guys think?


Looks much better already



What icon pack is that?

R8 and h8 m8's
Remove the blue on the status bar
Folders/kill yourself
Pretty comfy I like it
Absolutely haram
Remove app names and search bar
Why are you here
See Like it but seen the design heaps already
