WhatS your current choice of cell phone?

WhatS your current choice of cell phone?
I'm up for an upgrade, currently have an S5 active and I really like it and am actually considering jut keeping it.

Anyone have a new smart phone they'd share some pros/cons over the older one?

My biggest thing with smart phones is battery life, my S5 might be a little outdated but it's battery life is awesome and will usually last 1 1/2-2 days depending on usage where as my friends S7 edge has to be charged daily. I also like that if it glitches or something I can pull the battery out.

Why did that picture make me feel so comfy?

Cuz you know, it just... cuz... you know, it just cuzz... you know man it just, cuz... you know... it just... cuz... you known man... it just, cuz... man... it... just... cuz... man... you know... it just... cuz...

If you are in the US, I can recommend the ZTE Axon Pro if you want a cheap yesteryear flagship device and do not care for custom Roms. You could also get an LG G4.

>cell phone
cell phone
>cell phone
cell phone
>cell phone
fucking americans not even once. its called MOBILE phone ffs

I have a Nexus 6p, it's pretty nice imo. Definitely a much better battery life than my S5, but unfortunately not removable (and no SD card slot either, although it has 128gb, which is enough for me personally)
Marshmallow is pretty gud, compared to Lollipop.
Of course, it's much bigger than the S5, so I don't know if that's a deal breaker to you.

Ask the smartphone general you autistic fucktard.

Motorola Moto X is what I just switched to from a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, this is a great phone for the price!

Pure edition


Still on a Galaxy Nexus here, running the FML 5.1 rom

pic related

No, it's not, fuck off, it was invented here.

I still have my s5 and I agree it's really held up well. They recently unlocked the bootloader on the Verizon version so I put CM13 and Android 7 on it.

BlackBerry Q10

I want a Classic for the trackpad but the unremovable battery really turns me off

I really wish they had more side buttons, like a button for the camera and an extra button you could map to whatever you wanted like the older ones.

I have yet to really use one of these in person, but I really liked the older BB OS and haven't really seen how the new one works.

I am very seriously considering going with an old 9930 and just living with not having apps.

Q10 is fucking dogshit. If you buy a blackberry that doesn't have physical call/end/trackpad you should just buy something else.


>button for the camera
volume button

I couldn't care less about the toolbelt. If they released a Q10 with just a trackball between the keyboard and screen it'd be the perfect phone. I'd settle for the Classic if I could swap the battery but I'm probably just going to stick with the Q10 for another couple years.


The LG G5 is forests sweet. Look it up.

I'll be getting a Xiaomi Mi5 soon because it's cheap, has good performance and dual sim.

there's no such thing as
>unremovable battery

>my battery died, better pull out the soldering iron
Great fucking idea user

you only need to replace the battery when it doesn't hold a charge anymore, so once every 4-5 years probably.
Classics battery lasts for 3 days with moderate use. Unless you play android games, of course. Then it'll die in 4-5 hours.

I replace the battery every three days when my phone dies, 10 second recharges are not something I'm going to give up.

>my battery died, better get the charger
How hard is that? If you don't charge your phone every night when you are asleep why would people feel sympathy?

Otherwise just buy a small 10ah charge pack or something and keep it in a bag or car. The only thing removable batteries were good for on blackberries was doing a hard reboot when it locked up.


you'll have to, eventually. Removable batteries are becoming rarer and rarer with each new generation of phones.

That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen. And it is just someone either making shit up or literally purposefully making their life more complicated for no reason at all.

I'm aware, but for the next few years I'll be sticking with my Q10 and its removable battery. I'm not giving up such a thing until I have to.

You don't like it. Cool. I don't give a shit. Why would I willingly be tied to a charger for a few hours when I can just pop in another battery and be done with it? My phone hasn't been plugged into a charger in over six months.

you should just get a flip phone at that point.

Where is the logic in that?

You literally cannot argue in favor of your fuckretarded plan. You plug the phone in when you sleep.

Instead you are tired to carrying around a fucking battery with you. Dumb as fuck.

Same here bruh. What color? Capacity?

Also for micro SD cards, what brands are good for high sustained write speeds? I have a button of the barrel Kingston rebrand in mine now but I'm lucky to see 10MB/s for large files. Was considering the Samsung pro+ 64gb. Claims 95/90 sustained read/write.

I don't carry a battery you dumbass. If my phone doesn't have enough battery to make it till I get home I swap it before I leave, if it does, I swap it when I get home.
>bother plugging in phone every night
>three or four days pass
>battery getting low
>I don't think I'll make it through the day
>swap battery, put dead battery in charger
>when phone is close to death, pull battery from charger and put other battery in charger
Not that difficult of a concept to comprehend.

Shit I fucked up the order a bit but you get the idea, the only phone related thing I carry is my phone

>Plugging phone in at night is too much trouble

Okay kid. Whatever helps you sleep at night (literally).

You're literally telling me to make it more of a hassle than it needs to be just because I can.

Got an OPX a few days ago to replace my Galaxy S. I underestimated how significant the extra width is, I have big hands and it's a little uncomfortable one handed. Speakers suck shit compared to the S but it's not like they matter.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (Snapdragon 650).
Probably the best price/performance phone out at the moment, plus it has aa micro SD card slot and a 4Ah battery with SOT of up to 9 hours

It's called a smartphone, actually.

>being this lazy
found the underage

>making things easier on yourself means you're lazy
Sure thing kid

>plugging your phone in right before you go go sleep is hard

Where did I say it was hard?

>making things easier for me
Saying that implies it was difficult in the first place. Also, why wouldn't you want to start the day off without worrying about how much power you have?

>Saying that implies it was difficult in the first place
No it doesn't, it implies things are more difficult than they could be. Difficulty isn't a binary thing, there's more than very hard and very easy.
>why wouldn't you want to start the day off without worrying about how much power you have?
I don't anyway. Given my phone averages 4 days battery, I only check after it's been a few days. If the battery's sort of low, I pop in a new one for a full charge. Like I said earlier, you're literally telling me to make things more of a hassle than it has to be just because I can. It makes absolutely no fucking sense. Why the fuck do you care if I do this anyway? Carry on charging your phone every night, I don't care how you do it, why should you fucking care how I do it?

Why is charging your phone a hassle again? Oh wait, it isn't. Are you 15 or something? Why do you care so much about something that takes 5 seconds?

>Why is charging your phone a hassle again?
Because it's simpler to just toss in a battery.
>Why do you care so much about something that takes 5 seconds?
Because in the same amount of time it takes to set my phone up to charge I can have a fully charged phone.

I have a Galaxy s7. My moto G 3rd Gen phone worked way better though. Much faster and longer battery life. Better signal for me too. My Galaxy S7 is supposed to have a better display, but it's too dim so I don't notice it anyway unless I raise it to maximum brightness. But that kills the weak battery. Overall I hate Android and prefer my BlackBerry Z30, except that's like 4 years old now. I'm probably jumping ships when NOKIA returns.

Redmi 3. Very satisfied considered I got it for $135. 2 GB RAM, Snapdragon 616, 4100mAh battery, MicroSD slot. Unlocked the bootloader and installed the Xiaomi.eu ROM and all is well.

Xiaomi mi4. Runs cyanogenmod flawlessly. went ass cheap now.

Nexus 5. No Google Play Services, Play Store or Google apps in general. Rooted and using variants. I can comfortably push seven hours screen time and almost 20 hours on standby. I was going to give up on this phone after three hour screen times. Replaced my battery and decided to ditch the Google label completely. So far it's made the phone worthwhile, but not completely.

Complete poorfag, bought an LG K10 for 150 euros. Europe's cucked though,only region without our of the box Marshmallow.

So you've bought a Nexus 5, a phone renowned for its shitty battery life, and bend over backwards to disable everything that makes it a smartphone in order to gain mediocre battery life. How is this not autistic?

Nokia Lumia 530 master race reporting in.

>disable everything
>he thinks Google Play Services is necessary for non-Google apps


Even many Google's apps work without their services. Like translate and maps.

>swapping a battery is easier than plugging in a cable

Maps can't work without Location Access enabled on Play Services, and asks you to enable it if you don't. Translate isn't proprietary (doesn't come out of the box, stock) so it wouldn't need integration.

About as difficult, one takes hours for the whole process to complete, the other takes mere seconds. So overall, battery swap is superior. Again, why should you care how I charge my device?

Location access does not depend on gapps.

Huawei p9. A fucking marvelous device.

>plugging in a cable takes hours

Did I dun goofed?

Replacing a Passport. I finally reached the breaking point of no apps.

No you fucking retard, the phone charging does.

Go to Play Services permissions, disable Location then go to Maps. Take screens of both and show me they can work independent of each other.

You are sleeping during that time.

Son, I don't have gapps.

Then trust me when I say that's the case because it's one of the main reasons I moved away from Google apps entirely.

Not always. I'd be plugging my phone in before I go to bed, not when. And again, the question none of you faggots have even tried to answer, why do you care so much about how I charge my phone? It affects you in literally no way whatsoever.

By the way, what's your alternative to the Play Store since you don't have Play Services? Or can you use it without PS?

I no longer understand you. I don't have gapps installed but I'm using their not shit apps. As I have shown you maps don't require play services to work.
Warez sites.

>warez sites
"Not installing Google Apps makes my phone more secure guys, fuck the botnet!"

>he thinks apps which require Google Cloud Messaging work without Play Services
>he thinks the majority of apps work without Location Services

Might as well just get a dumbphone, user, with all the work you're putting in to de-botnet your phone. You still have a fucking personal tracking device. The authorities can still track your phone because of the closed source baseband.

>Not installing Google Apps makes my phone more secure guys
I never said that, I don't use them for purely practical reasons - more minimal setup and better battery life.

>he thinks it's a privacy issue
>he doesn't know it kills your battery
I still use HERE Maps, relax

What's your alternative to YT?

What's wrong with a browser?

Nothing. Just curious if you used alternatives like WebTube or NewPipe.

Huawei p9, Huawei Mate 8 or Nexus 6P? which should i get?

find me one with LTE, GPS, decent camera and a working browser and I probably will. (and not that fuckhuge samsung with android and 2 screens. There's no point)

Og YouTube. You can even still use your account.

I know the camera on the Pro version is bad, but how is it on this one in comparison?

LG G Flex 2, hoping to get another LG G4 soon as a replacement (had one but ended up selling it for reasons).

Flex 2 is a fine device overall, rooted it, installed custom thermal profiles, using GhostPepper as the governor, gets Antutu scores in the mid-80K range, no overheating issues, it works for me.

Volcano Red Sprint variant working on T-Mobile with no issues whatsoever, typical 80Mbps+ LTE speed tests so I'm happy with it.

Is Huawei P8 Lite any good?

nokia 130

Iphone 6 on a Verizon contract. Waiting to either get out of it or renew and upgrade to the 7.

>Turn phone off
>remove back
>take out battery
>put in new battery
>put back on
>reboot phone
>Plug in cable

which of those is simpler?
Also speaking of hours for charging...my iPhone 6S takes like 2 hours to fully charge, maybe 3 if its completely flat. Thats with standard USB charging. You can use an iPod charger and it will charge a bit faster(Officially apple supported). If you had an Android phone with some form of quick charge its WAY faster than that.

For those that have any type of concern or worry about microUSB port wear, I offer this as an alternative:


I got 4 of those recently for my devices (2 smartphones, 1 tablet, 1 other device) and they are fucking AWESOME to have. Wear and tear on a microUSB has become completely irrelevant to me entirely now and I'm thinking about ordering a few more just for future purposes.

The microUSB "tip" plugs into the microUSB port on the device, and it remains in place - the cable has a magnetic end on it ala the Apple MagSafe connectors and the chances of there being any potential ripping or yanking damage are nullified.

No I ain't a shill but I damned sure wish I had like a few dozen of these to sell for profit at the moment because whenever I show people these things on my devices they're like "OMFG THAT"S AWESOME (and it is) WHERE CAN I BUY ONE?!?!?!"

I really should buy a fuckload of these things while I can and make some quick turnaround cash.

But no, I'm being nice and passing along the info to you Sup Forums freaks, weirdos, and goobers just because I'm a nice guy (even in spite of me despising pretty much every last one of you fucks).

Merry Fucking Christmas

(note: ordering these from eBay's seller means you could be looking at up to 4 weeks for delivery, took mine 23 days to get here but god dammit they were worth every second of the wait)

They finally unlocked it?!
Is there info on XDA about it?

I need some help too, my friend had a OnePlus one and lost it and has to use a shitty s3 mini that they hate. What's a good upgrade to the OnePlus one? Something with a decent battery life. My friend wants to upgrade as opposed to get a new OnePlus one

Huawei master race

>which of those is simpler?
Swapping the battery
And AGAIN, why should you care how I charge my phone?

The OnePlus X is a nice upgrade from the original, not a super massive powerful device but still a nice piece of hardware if he/she wants to stick with that company.

You can find the OPO 64GB models used for like $200-250 USD these days, if even that much.

No she doesn't want to stick with the company but rather feel less bad about losing the phone by buying an upgrade as opposed to a replacement. Bigger battery is a must though

no, since you have to shut down your phone and then boot it back up again

Then the sky's the limit I suppose, she'll have to figure out what she wants in a smartphone and perhaps then you can help her narrow the choices down to something she finds appealing on those aspects.

Still simpler. And for the sixth time, why the fuck do you care?