Would you hire someone who doesn't know Haskell?
Would you hire someone who doesn't know Haskell?
Naw yo Haskell my boy, you want some of this bling you better have the right hookups na mean
Seriously though I'm not one of those venture capital kiddies who thinks that "full-stack" is a viable department staffing method.
Who the hell is Haskell? There was Eddie Haskell on Leave it to Beaver. But you probably are not talking about him.
If they have no exposure to paradigms other than procedural/OOP, I probably wouldn't.
Why would you hire someone who doesn't know at least one Lisp dialect?
I got hired at Google without knowing Haskell, so yes
I still don't get why Haskell is so good. Or any functional language for that matter. Every time I ask, someone says "Google it le :^) face"
Is Sup Forums memeing me?
Literally what?
yes because it's a meme language with no practical application in 99% of job postings
that includes you too OP, you NEET
Haskelltards' jobs are taken by Indians because they can't even quicksort.
>be in irl
>faked my way through job interview
>landed a good job
>don't ever need to know half the shit they asked about
>my programmer co-workers write sorting algorithms from memory
>I just copy and paste paste things like that from stackoverflow, verify that it works as it should and isn't bogged by retarded space utilization
>mfw working smart is better than working hard
Algorithmfags HATE him, click here to find out why
>I can't do 5 minutes of research and need to be spoon-fed
how about you fuck off lad
there was guy on Sup Forums doing haskell daily thread, but redditors bullied him
>I don't get why writing unmaintainable compact code is so good
job security
Did you just got hired recently?
That's not how it works.
>I'll claim a language is so good at any opportunity
>I won't take any time to back up said claim
wew lad
Of course. It's not like Haskell has any real world application.
Would you hire someone autist enough to know Haskell?
>getting new perspectives on things is useless
he said "real world application"
>providing new perspectives on things
Haskellfags are delusional.
There's no "new perspective" that Haskell provides that Lisp and lambda calculus didn't already provide in the fucking 60s and 70s.
>what are monads
>what is a good type system
>what is lazy evaluation
If I wanted a new perspective on things I would learn Swift.
>lisp doesn't have monads
>lisp doesn't have lazy evaluation
How about you actually try a Lisp (i.e. Racket) before spouting that shit.
>inb hurr durr they're not language built-ins
Who the fuck cares? If you you never program with modules/packages/imports/includes/libraries you're essentially just making glorified fizzbuzzes.
So would you hire someone who doesn't know either Haskell or some Lisp or some other functional language?
>you're essentially just making glorified fizzbuzzes.
thats the point of haskell retard
so the linux kernel is a glorified fizzbuzz?
Lisp > Haskell
But knowing a functional language is good for a programmer. Makes your brain function in the right way when writing code.
absolutely haram, the concept is so shittly explained that even after reading a shitload of stuff on what actually a monad is, I can surely say that I can say monad whenever I talk about programming to express how to solve any problem. It's just like explaining patterns with entropy, you never explain shit, but the word sounds nice.
>a good type system
I'd need a proof on that, but if haskell is statically typed and doesn't dwell into basic and complex types + some dynamic typing shit, then it's ok.
>lazy evaluation
I cannot come to conclusion why it's considered a haskell thing, AFAIK this can be done in pretty much any other programing language?
Everything is a glorified Fizzbuzz. You're using a glorified Fizzbuzz to post on a glorified Fizzbuzz about glorified Fizzbuzz. The human psyche is basically just a glorified Fizzbuzz.
its not made in a neet meme autistic language like hasklel so no
I wouldn't hire someone who perpetuates language wars. I wouldn't care what languages someone knows. As long as they're willing to learn what ever they need to to do the work I'd be hiring them for.
> he doesn't have kell
The Linux kernel uses plenty of libraries, wtf are you on about? It's not everything crammed into one large source file.
I would hire someone who didn't know that but proved that he was knowledgeable about it.
I would NEVER hire anyone who said "OOP is shit, I only do FP and refuse to do OOP" or "FP is shit, I only do OOP and refuse to do FP"
Sorry, didn't mean to quote
its ok~
Linux has includes but doesn't use any external libraries
Do lazy evaluation in Python
>inb4 generators
that's not lazy evaluation
So what do we consider glorious autistic lazy evaluation for the extension of our epenises?
>external libraries
It has over 300k devs and is one of the largest software projects that has ever been. I'm fairly sure you can understand the difference between 300k people collaborating, writing each others libraries etc. and a NEET neckbeard refusing to use Haskell's import statement because it is "impure"
Things are evaluated when they are needed i.e. lazily. A Python generator calls __next__() to get the next element. For instance, you can't add [1, 2, ...] elementwise by itself to get a list of all even numbers and get the n:th even number that way (impractical, but illustrates the idea). It can't delay calling the next function until you need to request a specific value, so it will zipWith over all positive integers (and never finish).
Ok, so Python implementation sucks at being lazy, and programmers don't do lazy eval in python, am I wright?
Python can't do lazy evaluation. Generators can emulate that behavior to some extent, but it is much less flexible.