Turn on computer

>turn on computer
>get cursed by an ancient spirit

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Requesting "you want pray game?" picture

there are fates worse than death in this world

Emperor GUI demands cycles


And I can do all of them


I want to see this on a moving track
>wireless everything just so the train can run in circles
>external PSU provides 12V rail literally on the rails
>internally step down 12V to 5V and 3.3V

It could have train cars with USB ports for external drives as well

You could definately do that pretty easily too... Most of the power is through the 12v, so you would only need a few amps of switching voltage regulator for the 3.3 and 5v, and a few hundred milliamps for the weird ones like -12v.

the engine part already has everything you need to make it run, you could do a circle track with some long cords and a desk in the middle

The cords would get badly twisted after an hour or less.

>who /hangin from the ceiling/ here ?

>literal 12v rail
user you're a fucking genius

I'm pretty sure there was a limited edition model that moved and emitted steam or vapor or something. It had a straight track and could move back and forth on it

Like living my life

put the computer on a lazy susan

add a railroad on the ceiling for the cords



>mfw i just came from watching X men Apocalypse

The timing couldn't be any better

Quick post it to r/Sup Forums. You will get so much karma dude! Epic.
