How do you store and manage your passwords? do you use lastpass,keepass, or something else?
How do you store and manage your passwords? do you use lastpass,keepass, or something else?
Other urls found in this thread:
1Password f@m
I use 1Password on iOS. Having a fingerprint scanner coupled with a password storage software is really top-notch.
I use my brain.
Paper, pen, fire, pseudorandom generator, google calendar
OSX Keychain
I use KeepAss, but it's shitty on mobile.
Website/device name+ my password
I store all of my passwords in a password protected excel document on dropbox. In addition, most of my passwords are the same or a slight variation on the same. My email passwords are the same as my passwords for website accounts in many cases.
Been doing this for four years.
GPG encrypted text file, with a bash script to grab a password for individual accounts
Post-it note stuck on my monitor.
I've got a small notebook I bought while on vacation and code all my passwords on there
I usually write the purpose of the password, the location of where i can find the code (also in code), and usually a phrase that's needed to be uncoded or to uncode
Excel spreadsheet encrypted with 7zip aes 256 .
What do you think
I hide it all in a jpeg
Sticky notes on computer and have 1 memorized password for almost everything
Spooky ans sync the files with git.
Just let chrome store them. Use a couple of varying strengths, you'll be fine. All thse retards using password 123 and then giving their password123 pass out to scammers
I have an algorithm that I use to generate a unique password for every site I use. All I have to do is remember the algorithm and I can come up with any password no matter how long it's been since I've used it.
For example (this isn't the algorithm I use):
Take the word cock.
Put the site name in the middle.
Add up the total number of characters and append to the end.
So my Sup Forums password would be co4chanck8.
just hide my password into various mp3s stored in a folder called music.
steganography is the right way.
co4chanck9 actually. Whoops.
Sounds fun. I might do this.
I use my brain. Hasn't failed me yet.
be honest, at least once you've had to use the "i forgot my password" button
So much this.
I'm currently using it at work, it's excellent.
If you actually know your passwords you're doing it wrong.
eeNahZeeSie1wooG3OoQueifu5oN2o for instance is much better than variants of ISuckDick123.
but I'm tempted to start using a manager and long-ass random generated passwords for everything
>tfw I can remember my passwords (but just not which one goes where all the time)
>one of the sites I use locks you out after 3 attempts and makes you reset it
>the actual password was probably the fourth one I was going to try
>password protected excel document
>on Dropbox
this just seems like a bad idea
Password Safe. On a shitton of platforms and you can share the database between them.
I just use the same password for everything on all sites.
It just works.
some chick got Sup Forums'ed because some Sup Forumstard found her thumb drive with all of her pass words in a word doc.
who the fuck does this?
I just have them all written in unitologist, in a little piece of paper i keep hidden inside a floppy kept inside the floppy-drive of a 20yo tower i keep as my bookstand
The problem with using algorithms means that once the algorithm is compromised, every password is automatically compromised too. Especially if algorithm is easily reversible like the example you brought up.
windows - keepass 2
android - keepass2android
i use the same password for literally everything