Chairs are technolo/g/y. What chair does Sup Forums use or recommend?

Chairs are technolo/g/y. What chair does Sup Forums use or recommend?

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I recommend a chair.

I should've been specific I guess. Office chairs.

I recommend not using an office chair, unless it's the one your employer provides you at your office.

You live in a home. Buy a chair for a home. They're padded, upholstered, stable and attractive. They don't stick to your body in the heat. There are no cheap plastic surfaces, no crummy pads which wear down over time. If you have hard floors then felt pads under the legs makes them plenty easy to slide around. There is no one-in-a-million chance of a gas cylinder malfunctioning directly into your anus.

used aeron or leap

No him, but I had one that was extra comfy chair upholstered chair that I usually slept in. The bad part was that it sat too low. If it hat higher I would be fine, which is why I am sticking to office chairs. Currently hooked on one I like and might buy.

If it would be great, consider just getting the same wood the legs are made of and making it higher?

Or lower your desk, which for all but the most expensive ones is a fairly straightforward modification. Plus these are used for such things as dining. I imagine you don't have difficulty eating at your dining table, right?

both these chairs suck.

I bought an aeron because of the hype, hurts my lower back, the lumbar pad is shit. Can't sit in it anyway but with feet planted on the ground. Terrible. Only upside was mesh keeps you cool, Wish I hadn't given away my Steelcase Amia, but even that wasn't perfect.

Now I'm back to using my ikea markus where the ass cushions wore out within a year.

Kab seating acs executive

I have the chair in the OP pic. It's livable.

this one looks nice

i am also in the market for chairs right now, wondering if anyone had any good suggestions

Steelcase Cachet is lowkey GOAT with no fartpads to get fucking gross and worn out.

I have this exact chair, it's ok, but doesn't last that long. It's been 4-5 years and I'm thinking of buying a new chair.

the fuck is this tiny chair, is it made for midgets?

Dxracer is p gud.
Got it for 50 bucks off ao ot was a good deal.

Inb4 autists rage about ricer look

What? What is a regular sized chair to you?

I have this one too. I found the elbow padding wore out really quickly

u mean an actual cushion so it doesn't feel like you're sitting on a rock?

This chair is really comfy and has top notch build qaulity.

You don't necessarily need cushion for that to be the case. Like I said, that chair is the secret GOAT. We used them in the lab at school and they were so good I bought one for home.

dont buy that shit staples chair, get a la z boy - winston. Perfect amount of sturdy and cushion

I want to get this for my drafting table.

Not that one, for starters. Fixed back angle and fixed armrests are obnoxious to use.

I sat in a Lazy Boy in Sams Club. It really is nice for $200. Some of the chairs I tested in staples today just didn't feel just as good. One was an exception but that was it.

When your ripping meat, how long does the smell linger in the cushions?

this one looks nice



he has no reference point. the photographed chair is a stool, which he would have figured out if he had read the file name. the bases of stools are much larger and basically designed to support the chair (and most of the weight) being a foot or two higher than a normal chair. that's why there's a foot rest as well.

i swear to god it's like just enough of Sup Forums has learning disabilities that it causes the rest of us to stop and coddle them

Staples chairs are ass. They're not good quality and are very over priced.

I literally have the model of OPs pic.
Very comfy but just 2 days ago I had to re weld the piston bushing on the bottom of the chair because the factory weld was so tiny.
And no I'm not a fatass

Yeah, I came to that conclusion.

I'm looking for a really good office chair, but I keep hearing people with iffy opinions on the Aeron chairs. Are there a better ergonomic chair at the same price range? I want good warranty and not make it break withing 5 months. My previous chair is a shitty looking chair from Ashley's and it is literally ruining my posture and back. It is not adjustable at all and it is really stiff. I can only sit on it leg crossed. And I'm 5'4 and can't reach the floor with it.

I want pic related, but this user is making me contemplate on it.

Ikea Markus $150~
I use this professionally and it's the best bang for the price so far.

I'm not sure what he's talking about. my Aeron has a lumbar pad and I've never had pain. I don't sit with my feet planted on the floor either - I sit kind of in a bunch of different styles.

If you get the aeron, do NOT buy it new. you should be able to find it for ~300-350 on craigslist. just search the industrial/business/commercial district and you'll almost certainly find some company that's downsizing and looking to sell their business chairs for only a partial loss.

The best one at my local office supply for people my height is $350 AU.

Never spent that much on a chair but I'm thinking about it because I've never had a really good chair before.

I won't buy another chair online after the last one being uncomfortable as fuck and squeaking when it rocks even slightly.

and just to illustrate, there are tons of aerons for ~200-300 dollars apparently. i would factor in the cost of driving to pick up a built chair (if you have a small-ish car you'd need to get a zipcar or something, but the cost would probably be less than shipping normally), but these are good deals.

obviously, just don't buy from an individual who's used it at home, because who knows what that guy's done in that chair?

Also asking if the Sayl or Embody is another good chair from Herman Miller. I found an Embody for $700 is that a good price?

Herman Miller Embody

My view on budgeting for things is that you should factor in how much utility you'll get out of the thing. We sleep about 1/4th of our lives away, so spending a fair amount of money on a good bed is reasonable. Similarly, we spend a *lot* of time at the computer (assuming you work in tech), so it makes a lot of sense to spend a lot of money on the chair and other stuff in that space that you'll interact with.

All that being said, I don't think $700 is necessary for a good office chair. It's a good deal, but remember that you're not "saving" 900 dollars; you're spending 700 (or if you're debating between this and the aeron, +400 more).

if you're *willing* to spend $700+ on a chair, i'd strongly strongly encourage you to go try them all out for a bit. you'll know pretty quickly whether you can see (or feel) yourself sitting in these chairs for a long period of time.

but to go back to the original point, the aeron is a *really* high quality chair already. anything at that point or higher in quality or price is only going to be marginally better, so this goes to the question about value for you; if you spend enough time in the chair (and are discerning enough) that the difference will matter to you, then by all means invest in it. 700 may seem like a bit, but for something you'll sit in most of your conscious life for the next... let's say 5 years, that's not that crazy an investment.



Neat. How's the treble on those puppies? Or do you EQ it down?

I know that isn't. I'm stay on my chair for about 65% percent of my day. Sometimes I'm in my living room with my expensive ass sofas. And I use my bed a bit as well. But most of my day is spent on the computer either playing games, working, and browsing. I primarily work in editing on Premiere or use Photoshop for doing art/edits. I need a sturdy chair that is comfy at the same time ergonomic that it doesn't kill my back. I think $700 is a pretty good price point for the Embody, but I'm still contemplating on that or the Aeron. I'll just have to contemplate on it before they vanish. Sitting on them before hand would be a good idea though. I'll probably setup an appointment with the guy over the phone.

Dude whatever, I've read that you need to spend higher on anything that keeps you off the ground

Tires, bed, shoes...

the only chair you need

make sure you get it with full options tilt and back and lumbar support headrest is nice too

the only chair youll ever need i can sit on this for 12 hours and not be tired

>I think $700 is a pretty good price point for the Embody,
this is exactly the mentality i'm trying to warn against. yes, you're saving more than 50% versus the retail price, but that doesn't mean you're "saving" 900 dollars. advertising is all about convincing you that you're somehow losing money if you don't buy everything that's on sale.

if your options are
>buy an embody at 1600
>buy an embody at 700
then you're right, get the embody.

but keep in mind that you could get the aeron at 300 or the sayl for ~400 (apparently; i'm not that familiar with it).

i honestly think that the difference between the Aeron and the Embody isn't that the embody is more than twice as good. Better? almost certainly. but good enough that it's worth $700 for you? that's both dependent on how much you notice the difference AND how much $700 represents to you. if you barely have $700 left over every year to spend on extra things, then this is a year's worth of saving up, and that might not be the best use of your disposable income.

I already know that faggot. Though shoes are subjective. Good shoes are priced at the $150-500 range. Above that is going into trendy territory and diminishing returns. Just look at Tricky Ricky's.

I already said that I'm going to go on a test with it. I'm not 100% going to jump in and buy it right out of the spot dude.

enjoy your ban

okay, you were kind of unclear between whatever "I know that isn't" (whatever "that" was referring to) and your tangent about Premiere and Photoshop, so I figured reiterating myself was what you needed.

Agreed, Lazy boys are strong and comfortable.

Holy cow you guys beat around the bush for desk chairs...

When I go my own pad, the first thing I bought is a quality king size bed which fits 2-3 girls to sleep comfortably

That's an investment. Now you gotta figure how paying 2-3x of an aeron towards the benefit of your single butt... It's called diminishing returns, good for you if its justified

Also going to mention. I live around the northern side of Illinois and around Chicago. The prices for the Aeron is usually around $450-600 around here. And that's why I'm contemplating over that or the Embody.

I don't live around somewhere that has a cheaper Aeron unfortunately.


jesus christ calm down i just feel super passionate about herman miller aeron fully adjustable chairs

>When I go my own pad, the first thing I bought is a quality king size bed which fits 2-3 girls to sleep comfortably
not sure if you were winding up for a joke but i stopped caring enough to read when i got to this.

>meme chair
>"I'm a serious gamer. Find me on twitch"

If dreams could be realised

somehow fuse these two into a comfy beast of a setup. I could die happy.

>the I will NEVER get out of bed machine

Reminds me of a deathbed

>Holding a book while watching TV

Fuck off

not him, but 9gag puts its watermark on everything, and it gets reshared all of the place from there. don't have a fucking tantrum about such inconsequential shit.

even got the bin full of wank tissues


I have a $40 chair from office depot that looks identical to OP's pic, except it's tan.

Also, I cut a hole in the upholstery, all the way through the seat base, right in the center of the seat, and cut off the upper section of a 20oz gatorade bottle, and attached it with duct tape and epoxy.

Then I removed one of the legs from the base, in order to make room for my bucket.

Ive been stretching my asshole a lot in hopes to be able to fit the gatorade bottle inside entirely, so i'll be able to shit in the bucket while I play overwatch.

This will be what they call a studio apartment in the future.

1300€ from the uk

In this country its 2000-2500€

this is quite similar, but very expensive

Probably total crap compared to actual monitoring chairs. Also no deskspace.

Pretty pointless but looks cool.

At least go sit in one before you buy it. And try to sit in it for a while to get a feel.

We have different experiences with the chair, but seating positions are limited due to the plastic frame around the mesh of the seat. And the lumbar pad digs into my back so I used it without the pad. Either way I experience back pain after extended use ~8hrs. But I agree with buying on craigslist, no point paying retail. Maybe it'll work for him, I know it's a good chair for many.

That chair is shit, OP.
It broke down after 6 months and I'm not even fat (85kg, 2m).

all day every day