Desktop WM screenshot

Desktop posting in this _hread
post your Desktop screenshots here
its the linux customization thread

wm thread

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Desktops for your soul


reported for what????

\/\/ ○ \/\/

when you're ready come and get it, na na na

you get banned for saying you've reported someone u dip

where has the desktop thread community moved to? i miss you guys

What icons are these?

come and post on /w/, there is also the irc #/w/-desktops on rizon that is good

windows 3.1 icons you can find here:

Aren't these threads banned?
Thought we got rid of all you retarded ricers

don't actually go on irc it's lame


spotted the one who can't into rice



>who can't into rice

when were you born? yesterday?


Sup Forums css please

Good morning Desktop WM screenshot thread.

How comfy am i ?

Not much.

Really ? :c

the 'powered by redhat' part makes me happy, but it could be way better

i made the wallpp myself so if you have some advise i would apply them

Bad black/white contrast in your wallpaper (you should never use #000000 and #ffffff in the first place, let alone together). Also the rest ist pretty much a stock DE. All the programs you use are probably stock too, because you didn't show them in the first place.

so what can i use for the contrast ? ( and its not an black #fffff its some grey )
well fedora is just an beta-redhat so



it's just low quality wallpaper, it's hard to give specific advice other than make it better

I like the idea though


Use something that's more subtle, maybe try out some colors (or rather different shades of the same color). Even though you used a silhouette as wallpaper, which is minimalistic be definition, out still looks busy because of the contrast. Also try to go for consistency with your other desktop elements.

>I take desktop minimalism VERY seriously

lol desu

consistency ? like what ?

I'm , so that's a given :^)
Also he asked for advice, I'm just delivering.

Change your bar, icons and everything else to fit together better.

taskbar icons, unify them

so my solution is to change all to numix ?

That'd be the reddit-way of doing things. Maybe give ACYL a try though.

Make your own icons.

acyl is banned in current desktop thread

Why, though? If you have a good color-scheme they're bretty gud.

I hereby unban ACYL under moderation

sorry I don't write the rules just follow them

I don't think you have authority, you haven't been posting long enough for that kind of thing

I hereby ban ACYL again. No takebacks!

I'll have you know I've been here for over five years

have you tried this instant rice yet?

fuck offffffff

That doesn't give you any authority. I'll have you know I have gotten two repeating numbers in this thread.

Everyone loved it when uushi did it


who the hell is that?

As much as I hate your reddit tier desktop, that color extraction algorithm is just superb.

Reddit actually uses it?

I guess you weren't here long enough to remember them

it's not his, he only made a gui for it

Yeah, it's like Sup Forums making a logo.

she was a great ricer

I didn't say "your color extraction algorithm" I said "that color extraction algorithm".



what file manager is this and how can i make it look like this if im only using awesome

> she


she posted pictures of herself all the time

>people ITT are mixing up ushi and ushibro

lol @ ur brain
did u seriously never work out they were the same person?


Shh, I'm trying to confuse the newfriends.
Also ushibro was still here before most of us went to /w/, just didn't post much.

Anyone here have mpd functioning for Cygwin? Mine simply won't bind to any address I give it.

~ bind_to_address "any"
Jun 02 02:46 : socket: Failed to bind to 'unknown': Failed to create socket: No such file or directory

~ bind_to_address ""
Jun 02 02:47 : resolver: Failed to listen on (line 12): Failed to look up '': Unknown error

I would look it up for you if I were home, I had the same problem. Unfortunately I'm home 11 hours from now.

That file manager/window manager and music player you are using?

Drat. If you remember to investigate later, I'll probably wind up seeing it.

Windows Explorer and foobar2000.

it's thunar and to make yours look like it make a gtk and use icons

thanks user

You live with this shit?...


no u

t. guy with unusable os