/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:



Would fedora be good?

just try it

Fedora has a very interesting stance on free software and the distro is usable as a new user. i think it is not bad. but there are not a lot of users of it that you could ask about distro-specific problems. I'd say give it a try.

ugly package manager in fedora.
the best for beginner is getoo, it's not kidding
gentoo has very good handbook and it helps to understand linux system

What's the command the makes sudo insulting your when you typed a wrong password?


>windows xp in the background
what universe is this


I think yum/dnf looks better than apt or pacman. It is definitely slower though.
Fedora is the best!

What does /g suggest for AUR management.

The reason i'm asking is that i am getting kernal loading moduel errors for virtualbox-guest-utils. I am running vm so i do need that package right?

I have the error:
virtualbox no kernel 4.5.4-1ARCH headers. you must install them to use DKMS

and found this on arch

for the moment I have uninstalled virtualbox-guest-utils and am running with no errors

So this is now a 2 part question, which AUR manager do you suggest and will the linux-ck help me for virtualbox error, or do I even need vb guest utils?

I used Yaourt when I had Arch installed. It seemed to get the job done.

Where can I find reading material to help with i3 ricing?


Use apacman if you just want basic functionality
Pacaur if you want to manage abs/local builds

Just installed gnome



Go treat yourself to some gnome shell extensions, that'll make it comfier.



nah, extensions just ruin the Gnome Workflow(c) the way the developers intended(tm).
Better to learn the shortcuts and forget you're even using Gnome. I usually just use super+first letters of program I want to start, and super+left/right/up/down for tiling.
No need to ruin the minimalism with a dock or another menu in the top bar.
Although I can understand people who change the GTK theme, it's just not for everyone

while i agree mostly, this thing just feels so nice to use.

>not learning shortcuts AND using extensions like dropdown terminal, caffeine, and others
Ok, your loss


>using so many aur packages that you have to use a "helper"

Let me guess, you install literally everything from the AUR and then complain when it "breaks".

if I want a dropdown terminal I'll play quake, thank you very much :P
can confirm that searx.me is a great replacement for google.
The best thing is, it doesn't do this thing that google does, which is to guess what you meant. If you search for an unclear term it doesn't attempt to correct your mistake (try searching "turtle kid" on searx and google for an example).
This forces you to actually use it as a search engine and not a personal assistant/AI brain extension.

>thank you very much :P

Sup gentoo.
I know its card for you tpo fathom but, some people have lives and can wait 5 hours to update 2 programs.

Why burden your self checking websites for new versions,getting the new source(alot dont have git repos,so you manually have to download) and having to reconfigure the congi your self.Instead of having one program manage it all
Why would you use emerge then?

it dosent work in adding it as a search engine

only works with firefox, it seems

I have 2 machines of which one is open to the internet
How can I make it so that it redirects all unused ports to the other machine?
without doing a netstat | cut | iptables or something in a for loop

>his distribution doesn't have a pastebin service

iptables is your ownly option

Linus Torvalds: The mind behind Linux | TED Talk

WOoHOo another Arch-Xfce system running:x!

I started to use git and mkpkg, then thought let me try the pacman virtualbox again and then noticed an option for arch, so used that one and seems to work.

No I did not install anything from the aur minimal at moment. what I thought I needed was linux-ck to make virtual box utils run, as I was getting errors. But, corrected them with the right virtual box application for arch. I am sorry I confused you I was just asking what AUR package manager is good to work with AUR's for a noob.

Are there any post install stuff I should do to test:
-install stability
-basic packages

>apacman next

tyvm btw

As a native Spanish speaker, it is both cute and weird to listen to Stallman singing in spanish

His mention of "Empire" just makes me think of edgy communist college kids though

Fedora is very nice. It's my favorite, personally.

The main thing will be to fix font rendering which is very easy to do with google. If you need mp3 you will need to get that working too. Other than that it just works. Dnf is a very nice package manager, in my opinion. It handles dependencies much better than apt.

when I said "netstat | cut | iptables or something in a for loop" I meant something like a for loop to forward all unused ports (and I just now realised how bad of an idea that is)
how do I do this in only iptables and without loops?
there has to be something like a last resort rule or a last layer
google isn't really helping or I just don't know what to search

>recommends Fedora
Oh boy

Set up iptables to be a router, and send the traffic to your other machine

Google is kind of it's own verb now.

I actually use startpage.

I suggest to download porn allday 24/7. Not even to watch it, it just feels nice to know that porn is flying through the room over wlan, filling the house with your personal feng shui.


Moron here.

I have done yaourt unix-runescape-client and built the package.

how the hell do I actually run runescape from here? I'm new to AUR.

beat me to it.
>Please avoid using the term “google” as a verb, meaning to search for something on the internet. “Google” is just the name of one particular search engine among others. We suggest to use the term “search the web” or (in some contexts) just “search”.

That whole page is gold.

Brace yourself, really retarded question incoming.
Feel free to bash me.
If, for example, get banned on Sup Forums, is there a way to reset my IP, without needing to turn off my modem for 10 minutes, using Linux? If yes, how?

try 'runscape', or ush completion to find it.
Or read the pkgbuild

>off your modem
No. Your modem needs to new lease from your ISP's dhcp pool.
Also clear your cookies



I agree with him and I myself lean towards "open source" advocacy rather than "free software" advocacy.

Using brands as verbs is blind consumerism, which I deeply despise

Does anyone here have used Kali Linux or it's just a meme distro?

it takes a lot of effort to rid yourself of the habit to say "google it", but it will be worth it when my grandchildren don't roll their eyes how I could make fun of "bing it" and take "google it" seriously

kali linux is a distro you're supposed to run from a livecd, not install on your machine.

Hey guys, what's the difference between netctl and Networkmanger?

It's useful (in a VM or USB stick) if you want to learn about pentesting, but as daily driver - nah.

man netctl
man Networkmanger

runscape worked.

I guess I kept doing runescape instead because brains autocomplete everything. Thanks, user. Time to slack of at work.

No idea on what you're trying to say..

>I myself lean towards "open source" advocacy rather than "free software" advocacy.
Are there any particular (popular maybe?) licensed that fit the definition of "open source" but not free software?

Or is it just something a company releasing a product just makes up on the run?

man man

Oh okay, got it now.
Is it any useful for "pen testing and ethical hacking" or it's just a meme from a tv series?

Oh! That makes so much sense now!
Someone, please clarify

netctl is arch linux's own minimal network manager. Networkmanager is the mainline network manager included in most systemd based gnu/linux distros.

This is not the proper way to display Akari. Please refrain from displaying her in a condesending manner

It's basically just convenience, all programs Kali comes with work on other distros too.

This might be in sqt, but i cant find an answer to my question.

I added a HDD to my debian server, installed on sata port 1 (boot is on 0) and power, i can see it as just sdb when using lsblk and it wont show up in either fdisk or cfdisk.

It's brand new out of box, 4 TB.

Why the applications listed at "autostart" have @ before them?
How do I remove a repository?

Sorry Oniifam, I didn't know. I never even watched this anime.

What is a proper replacement for Nautilus that works well in GNOME 3?

I heard pcmanfm, but I was wondering if there were others also

thunar, gentoo, the fucking terminal

Are you running them as root?

I'm using Arch and not Gentoo myself. Keeping a directory with your own PKGBUILDs and just occasionally running "makepkg" in them is simple enough.

It's useful for sure. It exists as a separate distro because some pentesting software has unnecessary complex ways of updating.

So kali devs just throw it all together on a stable and working base system (debian iirc) and release updated ISOs.

You burn a new ISO (and by that upgrade the whole system) once the old becomes so outdated you can't comfortably use it.

Kali Linux has a stigma of being a distro of choice of various skids.
I'd say the edgy dragon logo contributed to it a lot.

If you want distro with similar purpose that's sounds a lot less edgy, there's always the "security labs" spinoff of Fedora.
But even then it's devs advice to use it from a LiveUSB and not as a regular installation.

Make sure you have a GPT partition table


But how can I get it to only redirect the traffic that can't be accepted on the current machine?
it should only redirect traffic to ports that can't be accepted

>simple enough
They arent updated,unless you manually update them your self, grabbing the entire updated source to then build, unless its a git/svn/bzr.This is the whole point of AUR.

Sure make a git pull script that loops for every dir and pkgbuild them to a seperate folder then then just update from that folder.


>proper replacement for Nautilus
Nautilus handles a lot of the functionalities of Gnome.

NetworkManager has a qter CLI.

>cant be accepted
Tell your program to uses ports manually,and then if it dosent use those ports redirect it to the second host.
Read the iptables wiki.

yeah with sudo,

seems like i were retared, lsblk -p shoed /dev/sdb, i did a partition and set it up as ext4.

Nemo is Nautilus with more features.

Thanks for your deep answer user, I appreciate it.
I just wanted to use it to test if my home network is safe and to get more info about security.

When will you people grow out of graphical file managers?

When i dont feel like typing 50 commanes with 20 switches each, to duplicate 2 clicks of a mouse

Our just add kali repos to debian. :^)

using phresh Fedora 23 install on an old vista machine I had, no complaints so far.

It was this or Ubuntu Gnome and I hadn't tried Fedora until now, it just werks.

the mark of a Sup Forumsedditor

Which one is easier to use?

I use both. I used to use a minimal system with just a window manager and no file manager, and it was fine. But now I just use default Fedora instead. Depends on what I want to do. For most things I use the terminal, but if I want to move a bunch of folders at once nautilus is the better choice. Just drag and drop.

What is a good, secure browser to use? I've been using chromium for a while, and it just seems a little too willing to give up information to jewgle.

I've been thinking about either iceweasel or brave, are they any good or are there better choices out there?

Firefox is fairly privacy oriented. Luakit and uzbl would probably fit what you want if you don't mind keyboard only operation, and having to write all extensions yourself.

Been trying to solve this for a week.
I've gone down 10 pages searching for this shit.

Running 'ufw enable' as sudo and root, errors out with the below.
I have not changed any config files, at all. This is ran directly after installing.
ERROR: problem running ufw-init
iptables-restore: line 4 failed
iptables-restore: line 77 failed
iptables-restore: line 30 failed
iptables-restore: line 45 failed

Problem running '/etc/ufw/before.rules'
Problem running '/etc/ufw/after.rules'
Problem running '/etc/ufw/user.rules'

GNU Icecat.

Lol I just broke sudo


I'll check those out, thanks. I always though firefox based browsers weren't as reliable as others, I guess that's not the case tho

Explain LaTeX to me, /fglt/. Do you need the core program and an editor to use it? If so, could you recommend one?
