Put out 16.5.3 Crimson Software

>put out 16.5.3 Crimson Software
>completely fuck over 380/390 builds
>roll back drivers
>still getting crashes left and right
>GPU is literally unusable for gaming right now

10/10, Company of the Year!

Other urls found in this thread:

support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 10 - 64

And your proof is...

5 seconds in google, you mongoloid.

Theres Nothing here

Updated to that version yesterday afternoon for my dual r9 390 build. Last night, had to force shutdown due to something eating through 16gbs for system memory(system hanged).


I have an R9 380 and I get system crashes playing MTGO and Hearthstone. Let alone fucking Overwatch

Proof? Besides "google it", since it obviously yields nothing.

Dont matter right now, still waiting on my RX PooXLoo

>unreleased, not even beta release drivers are unstable

Where did you get the 16.5.3 driver from?

support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 10 - 64

this is like few weeks ago

i'm still use 15.12 driver though because it just werks.

>buy a 380x
>install drivers expecting CCC
>Get this instead with no option to change anything screen related, video colors, or pretty much everything except muh vidya gaems
>advanced settings just crashed the interface
>FPS jumped up by 15 in Total Warhammer though so I don't wanna roll back

ive been reading if you up your power limit setting in the crimson software it helps.

im currently testing.

My 390 works fine with 16.5.3 OP. You're just shit

Weird for me it runs smoother.


They though.
They're just really, really shit

das racis

I've never had a problem with a single AMD driver and I rarely have driver problems of any kind and have fixed thousands of computers. You're probably completely retarded.

Don't worry. nvidia cars run really hot and make their owners sweat alot

390 owner here running overmeme atm

0 fucking problems whatsoever

7970 ghz edition here.

Works for me.



JUST POSTS THE FAK....the benchmarks.

You dont want the goyim to notice this shill attempt right?

>tfw you're a beta tester and the new drivers are great

>people who update their drivers on the first day they're available
is this your first day...at life?

You know, when I saw the price for that rx 480 I was tempted to upgrade my 280x to that

But fuck me man I'm really not going to bet on the wrong horse over and over and over. I just want something better than this for that price.

CCC is included, Radeon Software is just another GUI. You can even make CCC default.

That cpu, that memory...HDD?!" must be really cucking your system, poor 390

>ssd for gaymen
>16gb ram meme
>i7 for gaymen

Maybe I'll buy a 128 for the system tho

>put out 16.5.3 Crimson Software
>runs on my machine ;-)

Downgraded to 16.5.1 right now, it was fucking up bad time, it's because all those optimizations for Doom, but as they said on Reddit, they will fix it in the coming days, be ready for a freaky new driver.

Werks on my machineā„¢

I do have a after-market (raijintek morpheus) cooled r9 290 tho, so cooling or voltages might have been altered slightly in the driver.

Try forcing a bit more voltage via crimson or afterburner just, sounds like a similar instability that one gets due to unstable overclock so that could solve the problem , 10-15mv should do the trick if that's all.

if rolling back the driver didn't work for you, then you should do a windows system restore to fix your system.

maybe you should elevate your budget if you are unsatisfied

Are you somewhat me?

do you even have a 1440 or 4k display?

Out team in Mumbai are working hard please wait


I am rmaing my 390 literally as I type this im packaging it for mailing

Is this card manufacturer specific? My MSI 390 runs fine with the new driver, and the other "Werks on my machineā„¢" posters seem have MSI cards as well...

Open Radeon Software settings, open preferences and then Additional Radeon Settings.

Got no problems on my Sapphire 380x here.

I have no problems whatsoever and i play A LOT. OP is probably nvidia shill. They never give source on their claims and just tell people to google things for them.


>advanced settings just crashed the interface

Sitting here with my 380. Why the hell it says I'm already up to date?

>beta game says my graphics drivers are out of date
>using 390, go update them
>game works
>now mpc-hc refuses to play my animes

yeah I downgraded for animes

other than that I had no issues

Are you using madvr? There was a patch for madvr. And you should be using mpv anyway.

yep, tried using the latest beta nightly or whatever and it didn't work

unless the patch was yesterday

Fix is here bugs.madshi.net/view.php?id=402

And that is why I only buy Nvidia.

>he fell for the rebrand meme
16.5.3 everything runs fine on my 290x.

Literally says it's beta. Jesus christ OP.

>complaining on a beta

This is Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen.

That's weird, it's been working fine for me and my 390X and everyone else's 300 series card I know of.

I think maybe the problem is on your end OP. AMD has been putting out quality drivers for some time now.

>the average idiot consumer is starting to realize AMD makes products as good as Nvidia
>paid Nvidia shills suddenly freak the fuck out and start pushing all sorts of memes in a damage control attempt.

have fun. you realize Nvidia and Samsung are the only two confirmed companies with paid shills posting on tech related sites. it's not even a meme.

Lisa Su has her bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from M.I.T. She knows exactly how their products work.

Jen-Hsun Huang is a businessman/entrepreneur and it shows. He's more interested in making money and using fancy Apple graphs and marketing buzzwords.

Because that's the stable driver. OP is using beta drivers, AMD releases those monthly.

>oy vey a card I certainly own doesn't work because beta drivers AMD IS FINISHED
>I'm not going to post any proof supporting my previous claim
quads confirm

>Engineers make good CEOs meme
No pajeet, that's why they make good CTOs. CEOs are busy making more important decisions.