Middle click a link

>middle click a link
>get a new tab with "javascript:void(0);" on the address bar

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Fucking hate that shit

One of my biggest gripes with web design.

Why does it do that anyway?

literally cancer causing

javascript:void(0) for the href and onclick="dothisshitfaggotfunction"

or it has an id and an event trigger in the script

now people use so it doesn't do that (as much.. cough)

the person who coded the website wanted to be a nigger about accessibility, so they made text that looks and behaves like a link but doesn't parse like a link. so you could code something up like

i'm a faggot

and css like

.faggot-tier:hover {

(i'm just freeballing here, this probably wouldn't work, but you get the idea)

and the effect would be that it looks and seems like a regular a element, but without any of the accessibility features that people with disabilities rely on to, you know, use the internet.

i don't have any disabilities, and i'm not an SJW in any way whatsoever, but going out of your way to make this shit harder for people who need to use a tool to identify links, parse pages, etc... is just the most niggardly thing a human can do.

welcome to the """modern""" day web development

>not having a greasemonkey script that will turn the data-href property of every into the href property on all websites
>i pity the fool

hey man your keyboard is broken it repeats the quotation marks a bunch of times.

im a grill

>press the "back" button
>page just reloads

Well, until the CSS "apperance" property becomes usable in all common browsers (never ever, because of retards keeping IE alive), it's always more comfortable for developers to use links instead of buttons.

Yes, you could do all the stupid shit to "reset" the button to a default state in every single class that uses such a styled button, but then your CSS becomes bloated. You could also have an extra class just for this, but then the stupid cascading might fuck you up.

>press back button 2000 times to go back once
>pulls you back to the site after 3 seconds

Why would it not work?

Window.location.href = "google.com";

There, you reinvented the HTMLAnchorElement.
Why? Do you seriously think the JScucks know?

You have no chance now that the history API exists. You used to be able to navigate back to the page if you were faster than the loading document which contains a or http header redirect.
Not anymore.

literally cancer

how about the fact that you can grab clipboard data on internet explorer without user interaction?

what a feature!

I just wish there was an addon or a script I could download to redirect "javascript:void(0);" links to actual links.

i just mean that i literally typed it into the comment box and i'm not sure that the syntax is all correct - i'm going from memory and didn't check that the keyword is "cursor" or the value is "pointer", for instance. but the core concept is there.

>There, you reinvented the HTMLAnchorElement
yes, that was the point of my post.

Why what? Why do people do it? probably to trip up spiders in a retarded attempt to be obscure and tricky without totally fucking up users. the same way people will display their contact info in the form of images to prevent spiders from harvesting their email address and sending them spam.

>Do you seriously think the JScucks now?
think ... what?

I fucking hate this.

> Select text
> Can't right click to copy
> Ctrl shortcuts still work

Oh my, I have the weirdest idea for a localstorage polyfill for old IE versions now.

Shit like this is from the time of the first browser wars. Microsoft and Netscape both just made up new tags, apis and even languages and some other crap only 1% of web developers ever had to deal with (be happy) so they could throw some shiny stuff on a website and then point their finger at the other browser and say "Look! It doesn't work on this piece of shit! We are better!"

I don't think the IE team ever really sat down and discussed new feature proposals. Someone probably just said "hmm, maybe someone might, under certain circumstances, want to read the content of someone's clipboard! Better implement that as a feature!" without concerning themselves with the security problems at all.
And later the IE team got some rules, and their most important rule seems to have been "Never, EVER break backwards control! Keep everything alive forever!".

>Select text on a website
>It has some retarded animation, different colors and start/end markers

>And later the IE team got some rules, and their most important rule seems to have been "Never, EVER break backwards control! Keep everything alive forever!".

that's microsoft's philosophy with everything. unfortunately they're shit at implementing it.


Yeah. So we have shit breaking in new versions all the time, but we also have all the old shit with its flaws still active.

Truly the worst of both worlds combined.

a dream come true

>not having a greasemonkey script that will turn the data-href property of every into the href property on all websites
Does this really exist? Where do I get this? Jewgle isn't helping


I googled it.. and ... it was the first link..

Call me a dunce if you must but that isn't a GM script

make it into one..

Dude I'm barely lucid enough to post right now and you want me to make web shit

shitty html
those existed even 20 years ago
nothing new desu senpai

one of the first things I experimented with when I build my first shitty site back when I was 12

>go to webpage
>twirling icon until everything has loaded

fuck this gay earth

You promised a GM script though...

that wasn't me wtf
I didn't promise shit

Add user

>spend 45 minutes filling out job application
>submit button doesn't work because of adblocker

>write a text for 20 minutes
>upload picture field looks like drag and drop
>drag and drop a picture
>picture opens in the tab and the form and everything you wrote gets disbanded
sometimes when I think trying to adapt to new shit it's a curse

Add user where?

What's the point of click n drag anyway unless for mass uploading.. even then..

You still have to navigate to the file in your file explorer anyway :S

Sometimes I already have the file explorer open and in the directory of the file, so it's nice to just drag the thing over from my 2nd monitor.

I have experienced this multiple times. Not just on job app.s, but forums and such where the submit button looks fine and untampered with but loads some new hidden object that gets blocked.