Okay Sup Forums I'm getting a Gtx 980 for just 150 bucks, should I wait for the new 480? That would be stupid right? Considering that the 480 would cost me 100 bucks more for same/less power?
Okay Sup Forums I'm getting a Gtx 980 for just 150 bucks, should I wait for the new 480? That would be stupid right...
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Only pick up the 480 if you plan on getting a second one soon.
>Because everyone is running their shit at 4k, right?
>Considering that the 480 would cost me 100 bucks more for same/less power?
A 480 with 4GB would cost only 50 bucks more. And it offers more power than a 980.
Also consider that the 980 will be cucked in future releases.
The GTX 980 slightly outperforms the 480. The 480 is meant to be in crossfire setups, where it would truly shine. 2x 480 ($400) would outperform a GTX 1080 ($700).
Read the original post and the linked comment.
>The GTX 980 slightly outperforms the 480
Which benchmark shows that?
>GTX 980 brand new is almost $500
sure, go for it retard.
Serious question: 5 years ago I put a 560 Ti in my machine. This has been able to play everything on maximum on 1080p, including Crysis, Farcry 3, and Skyrim, etc
This card can now be bought new for under $100
Why the fuck would anyone buy one of these new cards, let alone spend hundreds on one or 2? I'm so confused
So these cards are for running games on 4k? Or some VR bullshit?
Its not even 1080, and is barely at 41 fps.
Here's dark souls 3. 560ti would sit around R7 370. Barely sustaining 35 fps.
Total War: Warhammer
Around 30 fps
So your claim that the games can be run max 1080 is bogus.
>waiting for amd anything
980. AMD is third world trash.
You're full of shit.
A single RX 480 outperforms a GTX 980 and matches a Fury in the benchmark that has been leaked.
With proper drivers and slightly higher clocks an RX 480 would match a Fury-X or 980TI even.
>and matches a Fury in the benchmark that has been leaked.
>3D Mark shit
Fuck off, and wait for relevant benches of games.
480x new or 390x oc used will stomp over it trust me i have a 390x its a very powerful card despite being 'old' its almost 980ti level fast in some games and with a big aftermarket cooler it runs very cool 30-65 degrees celcius at full load
its also future proof unlike the fucking 980 which cant handle DX12 or vulkan very well
>Crysis, Farcry 3, and Skyrim,
OP here, I cant dual my setup is Mini itx so I can only have one card at the time.
(btw my brother is buying the 1080 so he is selling me the 980, almost new cuz he has no time for playing games, but he falls for the meme so it's ok)
Pic related benchmarks
Oh don't you worry, when those come around it's just gonna be the age old "b-but nvidia! b-but i-intel!" damage control drivel when it fails to deliver the hype, you know, like every single amd product for the last decade.
Just grab the 980. 150 bucks for a fucking 980? It'd be insane not to pick it up.
the 1080 memecard will be outdated by the time the Ti and Vega 490x comes out next year so just get a new card then.
Yeah that what I was thinking, I mean it's cheaper than the 480 and we still don't know if the 480 it's better than the 980Wat? I I don't care, I'm not buying the 1080, I'm buying the 980 for 150 bucks or wait for the 480 and pay 100 more bucks, also I can sell the 980 for even 200 bucks when the 480x came out and buy it I think.
980 obviously
980 oc = 980 ti
Also you won't get cucked by Gameworks if you use nvidia.
anyone here who used crossfire in the last gen?
how many games actually work with it?
Just buy it since it's your brother. Even if a single 480X is slightly better, it won't be worth the extra 100$.
I want to upgrade from my old 450 gts to rx 480. Is it worth just buying one? I can't offord to get two of them and the Nvidia counterparts are too expensive
Are you claiming that current gen games graphics are *that* much better than last gen games? If so you're delusional
prob not worth
Hey out of the blue. Is there gonna be a nano version of the 480x?
Are rly too poor for a 480? You could max out all games with zero stutter.
Probably an aftermarket one
He didnt say, they run at 60fps
He just said his pc isnt crashing
1 is good enough
relevant like nvidia did benching bf3 or crysis?
>tfw waiting for a worthy successor to my 7950
Life is suffering.
>I'm getting a Gtx 980 for just 150 bucks
If it's new, then go for it.
I'd wait until 480 benchmarks however. Some say it will be close to 390 performance, but others say that it will be between 980 and Fury. Of course, we know shit. Specula doesn't work out that well with these things. Remember how core count and perf/watt numbers pointed to a Fury X beating the Titan X with no problems? We can't know for sure until it releases.
I have a 390x and I heartily disagree. Maybe on par with 980 in most titles but no way 980ti performance.
The 480 is a budget card. The relevant specs put it in line with the 390x and I guarantee the benchmarks will too.
Look up a bunch of compatibility lists on the internet.
When it works it can work well but most of the time you will get micro stutter, poor scaling, poor performance or graphical oddities. Keep in mind you are at the mercy of either the game developer or the driver writers to make the game work in CF/SLI and sometimes you may never get a proper working game in dual gpu mode making the money you spend on a second card wasted.
Dual GPU is never worth it unless you have the money to blow on top of the line single cards so when you come across a title that doesn't work you aren't crippled by one slow card.
DX12 games out right now (especially the windows store games) support dual GPU at all, so theres that.
Always by the fastest single card you can afford and never CF/SLI cheap/midrange cards because you will be throwing you money down the drain.
I also have a 560ti, it can barely run Dark Souls 3 at 720p at 30 fps with drops.
dude, nearly every game goes for 1080p. on steam only 3.42% of steam users user a resolution higher than 1080p.
god damn, that is looking sexy.
My dick. A double fan open aired solution would be great.
What driver are you using? I'm playing in 1080p low settings and I'm in the 30-35 fps range.
They actually are, from a technical point of view. Have you seen Uncharted 4? And that's not even in a PC!
41 fps? That's like 5 fps!
Do you guys think they'll release a compact, nano-sized version? I want to throw this thing in a really tiny HTPC.
I'm still using a GTX 460 and I can run WoW at a silky smooth 21 FPS. Why would anyone buy these overpriced meme cards?
So, i'm looking to upgrade my gpu (previous was a gtx 460)
Which geforce currently has the best price to perfomance ratio?
980 > 480
Really makes you think huh
Vega soon, my love.
Synthetic DX12 benchmarks peddled by the first party (AMD) that haven't been verified with independant agencies because of an embargo that lasts until June 29th.
i fucking hate this "it makes you think" maymay.
fucking hate it. as much as the "they have a point". pretty sure they originated by the same fucker.
>tfw not waiting for them to restock and went with the 670
It hurts. I'm going Vega next upgrade.
>$100 more
What? the 480 is $200.
>same/less power
It will likely outperform the 980. Also, Maxwell be gimped soon, as expected from Nvidia.
Buying used cards is also fishy. What happens if the card dies? Artifacting? You're SOL.
Honestly, with the announcement of the 480, $150 isn't even a good deal for a used 980, I would consider that the expected market value. So I wouldn't consider it a bad deal, but not a great one either.
He's got a point.
I would get it just so I could flip it on ebay for $300.
No, 41 is about 8 times as good as 5 fps.
God, why would anyone want a nice car or a sexy wife when this goat I fuck is just fine??
>480 would cost me 100 bucks more
RX480 is only $200, or $230 if you want the 8 GB model.
It's not going to be all that more powerful, but you'll get stuff like DP 1.3/1.4 and h.265 transcoding in addition to the lower (~130W vs. 165W) power consumption.
>4k? Or some VR bullshit?
more VR than 4k.
1440p is the new not-complet-poorfag resolution, which is what the 480 is really targeting.
> 3440x1440 ultrashort is the new tryhard meme resolution
> 3840x2160 is what you probably want if you can afford it
> 5120x2880 ("5k") if you're a professional shooper and don't mind paying $2k+ for toaster or $3k+ for an external display that needs multiple DP cables to hit 60 Hz
> $150 for a used GTX 980
tell your kike brother you'll give him $120 and no more, and that your offer's likely to drop further since you know the RX480 will crush its market value.
Have you actually seen Skyrim graphics.
If you have you'd know they are garbage even for the time.
Why? A single one is still just as fast, but more efficient than a 980.
>Synthetic benchmarks
Wait for the 480, the 980 has terrible dx12 performance.
>Initial release date: November 11, 2011
I don't see how anyone could've liked FO3 if they weren't Autistic.
It has fury performance so it is better and more efficient than a 980, besides it wont get gimped.
this is fake
480 is gonna be alot better than 980, check out this youtube.com
No Nvidia card supports async compute, which that game uses. The 390x is even better than those fucking cards
1070 confirmed dead on arrival
Then buy it. If you're just gaymen you're pretty solid for just about anything in the near future, and practically everything in the past.
If you can flip it on Craigslist or some shit for the same price you got it for when the other comes out, if you're really trying to get on the AMD ship, then go for it.
For $150 you're not going to beat that $/Frame on a 980.
480 performs about equal with the 980 and Fury according to the WSJ and benchmarks, stop pulling numbers out of thin air
For everyone ITT, wait for benchmarks. We know shit about the 480's performance. If it's in the range of 980 and Fury, then it's fantastic and a win for all of us. If it turns out that it's between the 390 and 390x, then it'll be disappointing, but still ok.
>only 3.42% of steam users us a resolution higher than 1080p
mfw I AM the 3.42%
560ti is an ancient beast, it can run pretty much everything before GTA V
buy the 980 from your brother, resell it for 350$ and buy weed and a 480.
>plan to upgrade from 7870 to 480 or RX480
>tfw don't care about benchmarks since no matter what it's gonna be a huge improvement
These games are all old and busted. Good luck running newer games like DOOM on that at max settings.
I have a 670 and I also regret.
I'm getting a 480 and then I'll upgrade to Vega when it comes out.
For $150, that 980 is a steal.
OP here, this idea is great
Just wait until the 9080Ti comes out, it will destroy all current cards trust me.
Would it be a decent jump to upgrade my 770 to a 480
nope, but programmers are getting lazier and not optimizing because of the hardware wars
>jerking off two air dicks while watching a progress bar
oh she works at my office too
Just look at how light settings got better with the new doom.
Eh, I'd get the 8GB 480.
gr8 b8 m8
This, except "offers more power than 980" is speculation at best
Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. If you need the power a single card is still better than multigpu.
>you won't get cucked by Gameworks if you use nvidia.
Not exactly true. Gameworks is basically open source, and the new AMD cards are supposed to be able to tessellate better, so you'll probably be able to run Fallout4 and Witcher3 with Gameworks on and acceptable performance. However, who knows what "Goyworks" performance crippling effects NVIDIA has up its sleeves
1070, eventually 1060/1050
Tfw i have a HD6870 with a phenom 2 955 and plan to do it for both zen and poolaris aswell
Goddamnit being right feels good