Why do you hate this based man so much?
Why do you hate this based man so much?
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steve jobs was the walt disney of computers
I never hated him just his customers, and I still do.
>oh shit, I have cancer and I'm a billionaire
>instead of stealing some kid's kidney like I did before, I'll just squirt coffee up my ass and hope it goes away
>oh shit, time to go to the doctor, these coffee enemas aren't helping
>too late I guess, oh wow, oh wow, oh wow
Gee, I wonder why everyone thinks he was retarded.
I don't hate anyone.
He was a good businessman, and properly a good person, but I didn't know him and neither did anyone else here.
I didn't know Hitler and neither did anyone else here. Therefore, Hitler was a saint.
Because he was a clinical psychopath
Jobs thread? Jobs thread.
He was a good businessman but not really a good person.
>good person
He was a cartoon evil boss character. Seriously. He would fire people in the elevator for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This doesn't even make any sense. It would be like if condors were smarter than humans, but computers made humans smarter than condors.
according to a lot of people that have met him he was kind of an asshole
then there's the whole "apple was taking advantage of poor chinese workers so hard while he was CEO, that they were literally committing mass suicide inside their factories"
still, I don't hate him because I never knew him, to me he's just another random stranger, I just like to shit in apple threads cause that company is treating technology as jewelry and halting its progress
I don't like him because he didn't give Seth Rogen the credit he was due.
> ywn be as based as Steve
"ur a faget"
Because they're jelly of his success.
People seem to be divided into either hating him or deifying him. In reality I think it is more nuanced.
He was kind of an asshole - he fired a shitton of people, acted like an ass, didn't provide support for his daughter...
But he did manage to normalize the GUI from being a Xerox project to being a part of the standard home computer and there is something admirable about his desire for user friendliness.
He is like Thomas Edison, stole some ideas, some hate him but he was able to turn the ideas into something quite great.
the Sup Forums hivemind hates jobs because he's practically their bogeyman
>studied at a liberal arts college instead of in a glorious STEM "master race" program
>great at marketing and appealing to "normies", along with other people Sup Forums considers themselves light years above because they saved $200 on a gaming shitbox off the falcon guide
>"Exploited" his friend; the poor, poor millionaire Steve Wozniak, the technological savant the average Sup Forums consumerist considers themselves to be because they fix obscure edge-case bugs in free software projects in their spare time for fun
>gave more attention than the average manufacturer to the big picture of aesthetics and design rather than obtaining the biggest numbers in trendy synthetic benchmarks for the smallest price possible
>built something more successful than they ever will
i see. is that why -you- hate him?
But wait there's more.
I don't hate him at all, he did the same shit everyone else was doing in that cutthroat industry, the difference is that he succeeded and was famous for it.
Sup Forums on suicide watch