Speccy thread?

speccy thread?
speccy thread.

post your shit, familia

2 gigs ram? u noob my phone has that much ram

white grownup males dont need more, unless youre a gayming virgin

w/ no respekt



>white grownup males dont need more, unless youre a gayming virgin
Just idling in windows I can use ~8GB of RAM. Just because your OS can run with 2GB doesn't mean it wants to, it's just using your HDD/SSD for caching far more often.


get the fuck out of here pajeet

not really satan, Ive disabled pagefile to limit emmc nand writes :^)

Windows 10 is a fucking meme. It is unstable af, and it is generally a piece of shit.

Responded to myself >_

fucking retard

You mad Pajeet? Plese don't shoot me up I won't steal your code.

Stop sucking Microsoft's cock

Post wallpaper plox

fucking retard

>1080 coming tomorrow

Can't wait to update this pic

Will be getting a RX 480 very soon to replace my good ol' R9 270.

Have a new Crucial mSata in the post. Will soon have a free SSD.
Plan on keep the 1TB harddrive and dual booting linux distros from 2.5 SSD and booting windows from mSata.

>tfw your system+office+programs takes only 6GB of storage space
step up cucks


too fucking hot

I hate this time of year




great job user, how can i do it?

>he upgraded to 10



downgraded, more like, but you 8shit is not any better, parjeet

Why would I not use 8 on a tablet
Also why do you call random people shills

why the fuck are you shilling windows 10 this hard?

I did not cal you a shill.

When did I shill for winblows 10?

>I did not cal you a shill

>saying 8 is as bad as 10

compactos, disable hiberfile and pagefile, shrink winsxs, purge unused builtin apps, cleanup softwaredistribution dir, etc.

>saying 8 is as bad as 10
They are equally shit overall. Same parjeets worked on them.

Built on December 2014

You call people who use w7/8 pajeet

How much did you pay for that back then?

No, I call you a parjeet, parjeet.

i5 at 4.4GHz. I've been pretty satisfied tho the M-ATX mobo is too tightly packed and it can't stand anymore components.

how would you compare XFX vs Sapphire?

1200+150€ for the monitor
