Just installed GNOME3 on my Gentoo GNU/Linux machine, now removing it because it sucks

Just installed GNOME3 on my Gentoo GNU/Linux machine, now removing it because it sucks.

Xfce masterrace.

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sorry mate
i3 masterrace
also, gentoo is really not bad

i3 is babies first twm

ratpoison is the patrician's choice

i dont use the tiling much to be honest
i have triple monitors and just want everything to be fullscreen
it is easy to just alt+2 and put a window on the second screen

I used ratpoison once, but then I realised it was a shittiter xmonad.

xmonad /w dmenu & xmobar masterrace

He fell for the GNOME3 meme.

Indeed >>> Unmerging (208 of 208)
I feel so much better now without GNOME3.

>built for millennials and touchscreens

>not spectrwm
Enjoy your wasted screenspace faggot

>not bspwm
you reek of shit taste

>208 packages
I always forget how bloated gnome is.
Fucking hell who needs all that garbage.

>bspwm doesn't handle any keyboard or pointer inputs: a third party program (e.g. sxhkd) is needed in order to translate keyboard and pointer events to bspc invocations.

>not doing one thing right and one thing only
it's called good software design.
not surprised you haven't heard of it.

>install gentoo


>install gnome

For gosh sake, OP!

you forget that gentoo is a permanent build environment for all software
the binaries might not need all of those packages installed if it is staticly compiled

Sure but most libs/bdeps will not be removed if he has already installed his next DE/WM, because many of them will still be needed. The thing that makes GNOME massive is all the software they bundle.

I use Gentoo and my wm is one package. Here's a screenshot of depclean.

>not spectrwm

eix-sync && emerge -aDjNtuv @world && dispatch-conf && emerge -a --depclean

Is a better way

>not using awesomewm

You're all faggots.

>theme engine
>program launcher
>program launcher context menu
>have to write (or find) shitty widgets instead of bash for modifications
>syntax changes every two releases
>written in moonspeak lua

it really isn't awesome, friend
it's as bloated as gnome


i see, i have noticed the extra stuffs when installing eye-of-gnome and file-roller (i am still weaning myself off ubuntu)

i still think that they were mostly normal build tools

You only say this cause you've never used it. Once you use it you fall in love with it. Fact.

I used it for three years actually. Since it was memeing and everyone used it. I used it and forced myself to get used to it (it was my first tiling wm). I really didn't like it for the reasons I listed.

su remove gnome

That is disgusting and you should take a step back and really think about what you have done.

not really


No what, dipshit?

>not using tiling for gentoo

You're a faggot OP

seriously who wants to compile a DE for 17 years

personally i dont see a problem with his taste there
care to point out anything specific?

only took me 3 days to get everything setup
this is even my first gentoo install (outside a VM)

It'd probably take half without gnome though

>3 days

>needed to move all my stuff over
>kept finding small utilities that i like to have and needed
>did the main install in a chroot from a stripped ubuntu in roughly 3 hours
>X working with most stuff about 5 hours later
>firefox .............................. took awhile

well... if you are happy im happy.

you have a problem with this? i put top priority on not stopping my video player. Remarkable how much you can build a new system while maintaining the minimum to play videos.

6/10 learning experience
gentoo feels nicer than ubuntu anyways, might just be that i know the filesystem better anyways

i think you'll find that if you keep learning how and why everything works you'll enjoy your time on gnu/linux much more than you would with ubuntu.

i have been
The latest mystery, when enviroment variables are applied
i dislike adding lines to the global bashrc in /etc but it works

you can put them anywhere that'll be executed.
I have some in ~/.zshrc (I use zsh but bash should work the same). Some people use /.profile but there are others too. The trick is knowing exactly what you want to apply. Some of those files are sourced only by login shells, other are sourced by every shell, et cetera.

that is what i am refering too
the /etc/basrrc file is used by every sheel on the system and the ~/.bashrc is only for my user shell
i am not sure if there is a specific place i should put my extra variables or if /etc/bashrc is the right place
i am trying to add some programs to PATH for dmenu but it doest source from the ~

Anyone who disagrees is obviously a faggot

I'd check the manpage for dmenu to see if there's a published order it checks in or if there's an option you can pass it
but if all else fails, you can put them in /etc sure.
The only reason you wouldn't want to do that is if for some reason you didn't want some users to have those particular folders in $PATH (or security). Otherwise it's up to you.

what is the desktop env?

>wi-fi still doesn't work on gentoo
I can't believe networkmanager is the only thing that can handle laptop wifi properly

it has network manager
i installed that before my reboot
works fantasticly (once you get the atheros driver compiled)
nmtui is great also


I know it does, but any other tool that it offers doesn't fucking work, not to mention it doesn't even recognize my network adapter.
So I'm basically forced to fuck with it in some other livecd while chrooting



the gentoo live cd sucks IMO
also, if it is an atheros card and using genkernel, you need to enable the driver
also, wpa_supplicant is a dedicated wifi utility


Packages are a creation of distributions, they say nothing about the actual software you're installing. You can split one piece of software into many packages if you want, you can make it depend on every other package in the distribution when there's no hard need to, or you can bundle a giant glob of software in one package. Maybe that would make you feel better.

For example, TeX Live is split into thousands of packages on Fedora.

nah it's a tp-link ralink adapter, gets automatically detected on literally everything I've tried so far, even worked with wpa_supplicant when I tried it on void.
Kernel should've been fine, I checked, but still it wouldn't even acknowledge it with ifconfig or anything else, only lspci


except gnome3 is objectively shit

It's objectively good.

You are both wrong.

ahh, that
idk what happened to mine but that happened too
it just started working and i havent touched it since

wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd works just fine

ifconfig won't list it if its down.

ifconfig -a will, and that's what I meant

didn't even list the interfaces as though they were down
the pci card had the driver loaded but it wasn't acknowledged that it existed, up or down

ifconfig is deprecated

ip link list

hmm, will have to get used to it

ip in general is very great. easy access to lots of things that were hard to get to with ifconfig

i'm surprised dwm, the one true fine-wine of the twm world, was not mentioned in a thread about the best gnu distro on 4chinz.

>dwm in 2016

It's subjectively good shit

can i subscribe to your blog?

>needing >2000 lines of C code for your wm in $CURRENT_YEAR

Openbox is really good in combination with xfce4-panel, I would suggest that as it's faster


go back to /r/me_irl you literal retard