This is why I use Apple

This is why I use Apple

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me on the left

because you're a minority?


Because you're a brain dead sheep that can be lured to buy inferior products with a fancy store?



dji is the apple of drones, so that is actually fitting.

I don't get it


OP is showing us how amazing apple is with all the clean floors, and square edges on everything. What the idiot doesn't realise is every fucking tech store looks the same, and has done for ages.

OP is a faget.

what is this autism?

uhm.. not sure what OP is talking about

Plebs cant see it.

Why exactly?
What should the Image tell me?
All I see is ugly, probably tech illiterate normies in a big white empty room with some wooden tables.


The dynamic range looks horrible. What potato did u use to snap this?

Thanks for the wallpaper user. I will clean that spec out in the corner.

Minimalism is for normalshits and autists. OP is probably both. If you can see the wallpaper of your room you are doing something wrong.

It looks like a cafeteria for adult children.

Its the lines faggot


top pleb

Microsoft has been doing the same shit for a while. Within my own org they are considering using a "Genius Bar" type format for desk side... Fml

Really nice attention to detail here. Too bad Apple stopped caring about the little details like this right after Jobs died. Nowadays they just make mediocre, lazily designed shit.

does mommy still put you to bed?

I'm just a bystander here. The guy who was holding his phone jumped from this roof. He's in coma now, ambulance is on the way.

Because you know you can trust apple to not spare any money to satisfy my OCD

This is why I use Apple

I'm guessing an iPhone, the resolution is right for 12MP.

fat ugly mexicans? idgi

This is why I use Apple


This is why I use Apple


Why this little fuckboy look more shaggable than 90% of the bitches I went to school with?

Testosterone was a mistake.

Shaggable? I think you mean shädable.

Do they just go there to unplug the display units so they can charge there own device?

This is why I use Apple

Look at the woman in the back, women now have even more competition kek.

This is why I use Apple

>What the idiot doesn't realise is every fucking tech store looks the same, and has done for ages.
Yeah, since Apple came up with their stores and everybody copied it.


There sure is a lot of standing around going on for a smash and grab.

This is why I use Apple

They just can't find anything worth stealing.

This is why I use Apple

This is why I use Apple

>Normalfags actually update iOS

This is why I use Apple

MAC is also a cosmetics company.

Keep going, I already see "INSTAL"

MACUP u retard

>is also

I don't get it.

pure OCD autism
you people belong in a fire

This is why I use Apple

>autism's one hell of a drug

I'm all for kids being happy but it is disturbing just how happy SEEING an Apple store makes this kid.

im dying squirtle

This is why I use Apple



Is that the same kid?

This is why I use Apple

holy fuck


don't know but i want to put my penis in it

It's an Apple genie, stupid

This is why I use Apple

>tech store

Why would you buy tech in a store?

>Please not Florida, please not Florida, please not Florida, please not Florida, please not Florida, please not Florida
>Bradenton, FL

a monkey duh

This is why I use Apple


This is why I use Apple