If my college uses Java, is it automatically code monkey tier?

If my college uses Java, is it automatically code monkey tier?

All cs programs at any college/university is code monkey tier, unless you have portfolio to show you understand how to develop thing, then it's always going to be code monkey tier

Unless you deploy something, you will always be a code monkey

But using Java does come pretty close to code monkey tier

Yes, in fact you shouldn't even go to college for CS.

Friendly reminder that Java powers the overwhelming majority of Poogle, Twitter, and Facebook.
meme languages are a meme

As far as I'm aware, pretty much all colleges and universities use Java(or other shit tier language like javascript) to teach the basics.

No but a lot of code monkeys do write in java.

learn to build something, not just write things like "gorilla.eatBanana()" and "monkey.flingShitAt(otherMonkey)"

POO stands for Proper Object Orientation which is what java is good for calling it poo is not an insult.

Java is literally the most popular language and literally the largest software projects are coded in Java. Get a grip on yourself.

Netflix and Amazon too
it's literally impossible to build relevant internet platforms without Java or C#

Good ones use Haskell

It took me like two weeks to realize that all of my professors were retarded. I just looked for a job and went to take the final exams, but failed because I didn't get the gayass bonus points just for showing up for classes, which make up like 30% of the notes. Not to mention the bullshit tier questions on the PROGRAMMING exam, where I had to summarize books on fucking java, or write tests for the shit excuse of code that the prof wrote.

as opposed to anyone in the real world

So basically you're an idiot.

why do people hate it?

Really now? I see there's absolutely no mention of Haskell in any of their Computer Science department course syllabi. There is Java. They probably just don't update the website, little school like that. :^)

Because hating it is a meme propagated by college students and HN-reading dilettantes who like jumping on bandwagons.
It's basically a rite of passage for Silicon Valley companies to start off with a meme language like Ruby then scramble to rewrite everything in Java once they realize that their shit language doesn't scale.

Java is simply the best language to get the job done. A lot of Pajeets have Java jobs in America, because it pays well and Americans are being cucked out of the best paying jobs by all kinds of brown people. It's really hard to find an Indian in Europe, let alone with a programming job

>reverse image searching that poo logo returns java results

Kotlin beats Java

@NotNull, CompletableFuture, and the Streams API have nullified (no pun intended) most of Kotlin's advantages

>not C

this thread ifs full of misinformation
Get a job you bunch of worthless neets I can smell you from here

Sounds like you're a dipshit

Meanwhile im making 200k writing VB6, kids and your stupid language wars

Are you retarded?

I'm making 120k on Java and I'm only 3 years experienced in field. Your point besides shitposting is?


No matter what the college, the programming taught to you will be bottom-of-the-barrel tier.
Unless you make the effort to learn something by yourself and create something good, you are worthless to the industry.

>shitty half-assed features hacked on to a language is as good as first-class support for them
also Java is still way more verbose