How do I stop Firefox from gradually trashing most of my RAM after a few hours of use...

How do I stop Firefox from gradually trashing most of my RAM after a few hours of use? Having to restart it daily is getting annoying. Having limited amounts of tabs and bartab aren't being helpful

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Stop spreading your lies.

Stop thinking I'm some chrome shill. I realize there's probably something fucked up in my config and I'd like to rule out some of the more obvious causes

Uninstall chrome and your problems should go away.
If not, install Gentoo.

I don't have chrome my dear meme friend

Post your addons



>idle RAM is good
>used RAM is bad

It's less about having free RAM and more about firecucks not chugging like crazy with each new loaded page

Switch to SeaMonkey

Same issue senpaitachi

You kidding? SeaMonkey is basically Firefox + Thunderbird without Firefox's RAM issues. Fuck, my laptop has 5GB and I have to try to use 10% of the RAM, that's not just by SeaMonkey, that's including the OS.

Please lernicat your minz

Could you try that again in English?

I was lowering my self to your education level, seeing how you think using only 10% of your ram, has a positive effect on your system. There is no such thing as wasted ram. If your processes aren't using memory, you're system is impoperly configured.

>you think using only 10% of your ram, has a positive effect on your system
Where the fuck did I say that?
>If your processes aren't using memory, you're system is impoperly configured.
Blatantly false.

>blatently false
Why do you use personally use ram then?

Check out how disk caching works faggot.
You clearly are falling for the ubuntu mentality.

>Why do you use personally use ram then?
For applications that consume it. It's not necessarily bad that an application uses RAM, but there is such a thing as using too much RAM. For example a browser with one tab open should not need 400MB RAM, that's just unnecessary. What it sounds like you're saying is that Firefox should use 5GB of RAM simply because my system has 5GB, which makes absolutely no sense.

Step 1: Download Chromium/Google Chrome
Step 2: Install Chrome
Step 3: Import user profile data
Step 4: Remove Firefox
Step 5: Sit back, tip fedora, enjoy faster browsing experience

>his solution for Firefox's RAM usage is to use a browser that wastes even more RAM

1, it shouldn't be.
2, if it is you have an add-on with a memory leak
3, you can use the memory restart add-on to automatically restart your browser when it crosses a certain threshold of RAM.

>10 tabs
>2 GB of RAM

What the fuck i thought 300 mb was too much

I only ever see up to 4GB of RAM being used up after marathoning a 50-episode show.

>What's wrong with using 100% of your RAM at all times?

If firefox wants to cache 5gb of ram,because it is doing things, then it should.
You can use all your ram,and not OOM even without swap.Because the kernel will flush parts of the memory to make room. based on the scheduler you're using. You should learn what cpu schedulers do in addition to your systems swappiness.
Its called disk cache, as you can clearly see with the orginal image i posted.

If it was actually doing something that required 5GB RAM, you'd have a point. But it should not use all the memory just because it can, that's plain silly.

Id rather use my ram, as thats why i got it, instead of waiting around and thrashing having tabs lockup/crash, hard crash.

You highly doubt Linus' work on the kernel, he knows what he is doing.

Set browser.cache.memory.enable to false and it won't cache items in memory.

Linus's work is irrelevant, I don't use Linux.

Upgrade passed 4gb of ram.

That seems to be the overall factor to youre mental retardation, and inability to learn to another person.

>making assumptions
>calling others retarded
Good job user

>wrong "your"
>comma splice
>fucked up grammar
>calling someone else retarded
Is this post supposed to be ironic?

this. you'd be surprised by how much ram addons can take.

Boys I've heard https everywhere uses a fuckton of ram

Is it true and if so is the addon really that important?

Failfox is known for menory leaks.

You should probably disable flash

Does anyone even have Flash installed anymore?

Is there a way I can make Firefox USE MORE RAM? I have a fucking shitton of memory in my computer.

use the 64-bit version

I have.

And I have Java too :^)

You'd be surprised

How else am I supposed to play newgrounds games?

using mpc+hc

firefox --safe-mode

download more ram, seriously

updating unnecessary pages of RAM consumes energy. Nobody wants to waste energy on laptops

I have, but it's disabled

op I had the same issue. for years actually. i stuck it out because I loved firebug. about 2 months ago I switched to chrome because I couldnt take it anymore. no regrets.

>not falling for 16 GiB RAM meme

lol at people worrying about their precious 512 MB RAM machines

RAM is cheap dudes.

Switch to a custom build like tete.

By switching to developer edition, which e10s on by default.

Just go full 16 GiB son.

Not enough for power users today, won't be enough for normies (post-facebook tier) in a year, won't be enough for full-on normies in 2 years


Top kek

Unfortunately it's all my motherboard supports - it's enough for me for now though.

Correct if I'm wrong, but that's a video player.

stop using firefox

Is there any way to view the memory usage of tabs and addons in Firefox? I know that Chrome offers this. It'd be very convenient for diagnosing these problems.

honestly mate... I have been struggling with this for a while. your best bet is to close tabs that have rich media in them. if I leave a facebook tab open, for instance, ff will eventually use up 80% of my RAM

none of this ram usage is necessary and it slows my computer tf down (still working with 4GB here.) this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about, there is no reason to allocate a 3+GB heap for 5 tabs, even if the OS will cache some of it


add-ons are almost never your problem - I have about a dozen add-ons and they tack on an extra 12MB of RAM usage. it's almost always fucking flash or fucking ajax web 20XX.0 bullshit

click the red X

>Chrome shill
>Retard with one bazillion add-ons
Pick one or both

Not him, but on my W10 tablet (yeah, I know, don't start) Firefox with like four tabs slows the system down enough to make typing impossible and push it to like 92% total RAM usage or more (of 2GB). I downloaded Chrome, I've got like a dozen or more tabs open now, everything is still really fast and smooth, and total RAM usage is sitting at like 67%.

It's anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt, but Chrome performs better for more on this specific device than Firefox (or Edge) does.

I'm willing to go out on a limb and try something new at this point. Is there a version of Chrome that isn't apart of the Google botnet?

I've only used Firefox since around version 1.5 over a decade ago when it was cool to move over to Firefox from Internet Explorer and all this time through all the ups and downs I've been perfectly content with Firefox, but I've been having a lot of issues as of late that have been bothering me and I don't know if it's just Sup Forums issues or not.

These are all Sup Forums issues by the way:

1.) Sometimes big 2MB+ images won't fucking load. They'll load partially, then stop and won't load the whole image until I refresh the image

2.) In webm threads, webms will stop loading properly after I've viewed a couple of them. They will not load until I refresh the thread.

3.) In general, I'm becoming dissatisfied with how slowly pages load. Big /vg/ threads with 700 posts sometimes take several seconds to load in. Again, I don't know if this is a Sup Forums issue or not, but fuck you I have a 6MB/s download speed using an SSD and have a gaming machine, it should be fucking instantaneous.

So yeah, I want to try a different browser just to see if any of this is different.

I use FF as my porn browser. Meaning I'll have a good 200+ tabs open at any time, and circle through all of them on a given fapsession. There are a lot of pictures, webms and videos, but it still isn't hogging memory for me.

I have 16 GB but FF doesn't use more than 2 GB.
1. Chrome 47.16%
2. Safari 13.02%
3. UC Browser 9%
4. Firefox 8.25%
1. IE 53.13%
2. Chrome 27.82%
3. Firefox 12.03%