No, it doesn't.
Why are you not using Ubuntu LTS 16.04 yet, Sup Forums?
No, it doesn't.
Why are you not using Ubuntu LTS 16.04 yet, Sup Forums?
I'm using Debian Jessie instead.
I'm actually considering switching from Arch to it. All it needs is a nice flat theme and icons, default Ubuntu theme is outdated as shit
Because Jessie Is better.
Attached Photograph related.
Why do people always keep the default Ubuntu wallpaper?
I put it on so you know it's Ubuntu, not just Unity. I agree that it sucks, but they have other great default ones to choose from if you're too lazy to find one yourself.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Because i'm a poorfag and i only have a 2GB USB
Because I use Debian.
Ubuntu is the retarded cousin of Debian.
This is what the retarded brother always thinks
Then use the mini installer, You can download it that way.
IIRC the mini iso is like 500 MB.
Oh i didn't knew
Thank you Sup Forumsreat man
I have ubuntu 15.10 with the best of both worlds: Unity and i3
Comfiness is subjective, and your OS is objectively shit.
>not xfce masterrace
lmao @ your lfie
Why not LXDE?
because I'm using Qubes instead.
because the available open source gpu drivers are shit and the proprietary one isn't supported (gpu).
Ah! Stop this shit about comparing the distros! It's all good and it's all bad.
How stable and supported is it compared to 14.04?
Because it's literally dead. And even if that was not the case there is very little reason to use LXDE unless you are insanely poor to the point that you use Pentium 4 in 2016.
brackets were meant to say "amd"
They only keep it installed for like a week
it's not literally dead, just almost. and still works perfectly fine like it probably always did.
>tried 16.04
>gvfsd-smb-browse caused high cpu use all the fucking time.
>returned to 15.10
well, this is my version of the story
I am, but I'm becoming less and less impressed with it. It's the only distro that has that noticeable old Windows trait: it gets slower over time.
No, seriously. Am I missing something? I have everything I need for daily stuff installed, so what else could be causing it? Week to week everything takes longer, longer boot, longer login, longer loading of everything. I'm not trying to piss on Ubuntu's shoes here but it really is the only distro that has ever given me this shit.
I miss ubuntu 10.10 and his stupid fast boot.
It doesnt get more dead than XFCE mate. Even though LXDE is still getting a lot of bugfixes.
Pic related.
Because I don't have a pentium III.
Did you seriously just make a side-by-side comparison image to help make your point on this Ugandan topiary forum?
You're a strange person.
Me too, man.
Let's be honest. XFCE is fine as it is at the moment. Nothing that needs to be changed. It's just a simple flexible DE.
Looks pretty decent, works pretty decent. Has plenty of features you -might- look into if you want something modern. Has better performance than Gnome 3 under the same hardware.
Maybe the issue is, it is really not that customizable. Most of the content out there for this is just a bunch of flat themes.
However there's something I will always love, which is consistency. Most programs look similar, like in OSX. Like they're integrated. This is not just Unity, I know. But when I have to deal with something like Windows 10, it really brings me to tears.
They need GTK3 and thunar looks like shit.
I am on 16.04 LTS with XFCE right now.
Unity is shit.
I can't stop laughing.
Nothing can compete with locally integrated menus when it comes to saving screen space.
this must be bait
>Taskbar on the left
>taskbar at all
gets me everytime
> switching from Arch to Ubuntu
You will regret it, don't say I didn't warn you.
Why do you think I said dropped? Fucking moron.
because you were implying you're some special snowflake that doesn't need a window picker
If that wasn't what you were implying communicate more effectively next time
illiterate scum
Because I like videogames.
>yet I'm somehow reading your posts and composing my own replies in text
Yeah, I'M the dumb one.
Fucking dipshit.
>can't provide counter arguments
>assumes it's bait
Because even a month after release, my laptop still won't sleep on 16.04. Black screen if death.
The latest 16.04 Ubuntu core has fucked up wireless and audio on my laptop. It works fine on Arch and Manjaro. For some fucking reason, every flavor of Ubuntu does not recognize my devices, a problem I have never faced before.
>i can string letters together, that makes me literate r-r-right guys?
amazing. don't you have remedial English classes to be attending this summer, nigger?
Nah, I've been out of school for years. You excited for your first year of high school? Only a few months to go.
My monitor resolution is just fine, friend. (For a lappy anyway)
Tbh valve has been pushing linux really hard with all the steamos stuff and loads of games have linux support and the numbers are increasing seems to be in a good path.
>somehow reading that post and thinking it gives you reason to believe I'm in high school
quod erat demonstrandum
Because Ubuntu doesn't require you to know jack about computers to use
screenshot? I'm curious of the prospect. I really don't like the way unity does workspaces and window switching or keybindings for that matter. Or I guess I don't need a screenshot if you tell me you hid the unity sidebar
God why do arch losers always have to bring up their hobbyist distro.
arch users are better than manjaro and antergos users
It's the only thing they have in life, they have to brag about it to fill their ego.
It is a simple distinction, one distro works, one does not. Where is the elitism in that?
That's not a reason to not use it.
Unity is available on a lot of distributions not only ubuntu. Now stop shit-posting
> emacs
> items on desktop
> autistic anime shit
God help you
Still waiting for the 16.04.1
I am, but not Unity. Openbox.
Yeah but that bar at the bottom kills 15% of your precious vertical space. Gnome is giving you those enormous title bars on top of it, it looks like a content-less hell to use. I'm already upset about unity at 1600x900 and somtimes consider using i3 (with unity daemons running)
>a lot
Outside of Ubuntu, other Linux distributors have tried to pick up Ayatana
Arch Linux offers many Ayatana components, including Unity and Unity 2D, via an unofficial repository or through AUR.[27]
Fedora does not offer Unity.. Newer Fedora and Unity versions are not supported.[30]
Frugalware... project is no longer maintained.[31]
openSUSE... Newer openSUSE and Unity versions are not supported.[30]
I'm not sure that's the right word to use regarding both accuracy and grammar
>Gaming tied to esports games.
As soon as blizzard supports linux, ill be the first one to dump windows
I'm so fucking sorry.
What happened to all the desktop threads? were they finally removed from Sup Forums?
I have 16.04 on my laptop and 14.04 on my desktop. Not much of an appreciable difference between the two. I'd upgrade my desktop but fglrx is not supported.
Because AMD deprecated fglrx before 16.04 landed and radeonsi has terrible performance on my card. So I can either upgrade and get shit performance or stick with 14.04.
Oh but it gets comfier OP.
Not only more comfy but better at everything except being server = windows
hurr durr bot-net that you can disable with 1 click
Shit, loving that window decoration.
They also have bigger dicks and more girlfriends.
>nerds arguing about who's dick is bigger based on their Linux distro of choice which they ultimately rice up to autism weeb levels
>Why are you not using Ubuntu LTS 16.04 yet, Sup Forums?
because 14.04LTS w/Gnome Flashback is much more comfy.
Much win,place toolbars everywhere=linux
>Ubuntu incarceration edition
Honestly, I use both. Arch is great for systems that you want tuned exactly to your specifications, while Ubuntu works well as a general use OS.
>Retarded cousin
Ubuntu is literally Debian unstable with more shit, and better repos.
yes, because the alternative is...
Because I use Scientific Linux (Red Hat) co-developed by Fermilab. I love them since they employ me.
OSX master race
enjoy your shitty app and drivers support poorfag
Does GTA V work with Windblows?
but i do, user.
as a fellow macfag due are driver support SUCKS!!!!
I mean fucking hell where is displayport 1.3 support for daisy chaining via Multi-Stream Transport what about external GPU support? there are bunch of shit that apple is lagged behind on driver wise because they control shit so analy sometimes.
changed to flataboulus now, because muh comfiness
>be self absorbed child looking to improve image
>buy a PC instead of a mac because muh associations
>also drive a miata because it's a sports car for cool rich guys right?
>still a virgin