>Guy Nvidia
>Get cucked every time a new arch is released
>buy AMD
>Get cucked by nvidia
What can we do?
I'm buying AMD because if I'm going to get cucked, I might as well support the company not cuckolding my pc.
>Guy Nvidia
>Get cucked every time a new arch is released
>buy AMD
>Get cucked by nvidia
What can we do?
I'm buying AMD because if I'm going to get cucked, I might as well support the company not cuckolding my pc.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Project Cars
You could grow the fuck up you pathetic manchild.
>buy AMD
>see your GPU become increasingly powerful due to DX12 implementation + non botched design, see your 290x that was made to compete against a 780 go neck and neck with a 980
I wonder how long it'll take for the 290x to trade blows with the 1080 desu
A single year, from this day in 2017.
>it only happened once
literally patched the next day
Lol nope.
What you can do is be rich and give zero fucks
>the next generation of cards performs (sometimes significantly) better than the last
>this is somehow bad
It is when an inferior card is in the lead.
960 vs 780?
780 ti vs 970?
Guys the 480 beats the 390, AMD is gimping cards now!
Clearly it's not inferior.
How is that bad? They advertised it as such.
>2 times performance per watt
Just like how 1080 beating titan x is fine because it's a more powerful card and costs more, plus it was advertised as having that performance.
A 960 should never beat a 780, and a 970 shouldn't beat a 780 ti. They're not "powerful" enough. It's clearly with software.
You don't become rich by ignoring the value of your own money, and if you by any chance are rich while ignoring the value of money, you won't be rich for very long.
>>Guy Nvidia
Lol yup.
>GTX 1070 performance
Where's keppler?
Performing so badly they excluded it completely? Niiice.
>spending 700 dollaridoos on a garden blower
It just werks
No. There was not enough space so i deleted it. Here you go.
>970 above 780 ti even after "patch"
>960 still above 780 even after "patch"
And that proves me wrong how?
I just meant that i removed them. Thats it. Im not arguing with you m8.
If RX 480 will have 980 performance 1070 is fucked.
Fair enough. Sorry if I came off as aggressive, I thought you were arguing.
My wording also could be better :)
>powere eg tflops = card potential
no. the 970 beats the 780 ti with lower floating point and computational performance just like the 980 ti beats the fury x or the 980 beats the 390x with lower floating point and computational performance. cards that are much less "powerful" are winning all the time. you're just deluded.
It's funny how you neglect to mention shit like a gtx 650 barely outperforming a gtx 260 because it doesn't fit your argument.
never buying nvidia again after getting fucked by kepler's shitty longevity
>not getting cucked
Sup Forums is for high IQ posters
First of all you're the one who mentioned the 970 and 780 ti so I expanded upon the point so stop moving the goal posts
Second of all I currently own both amd and nvidia and in no way has anything I've said been a fanboy related comment so I don't know why you've suddenly got over defensive when I'm just stating a factual point.
You seem a bit daft and I think you should go back to r/amd.
>What can we do?
Stop using the word cuck
Keep telling yourself that cuck
lol these benchmarks confirm why i should buy nvidia this gen
im buying a 1070 and this post will trigger some neckbeard amdrone
This is what AMD users actually believe.
Fuck off
>resorted to using synthetics to defend a losing argument
Welp, you people can not be helped. Too thick in the head.
Synthetics don't get gimped.
You do realise that each gpu company has to optimize for each update of 3dmark, right? So yes in actual fact they do get gimped if the gpu company doesn't bother optimize for their older cards as well as their newer cards. Hence why the amd 5000 series is considerably worse on 3d mark today than it was 3 years ago.
>Synthetics don't get gimped.
what are you like 12? synthetics get gimped all the fucking time. theyre literally the worst proof anyone can show when talking about real world performance.
Do your own research. I don't spoon feed people who get their sources from adored tv or WCCFtech.
At least one person knows his shit
>no source
Meant for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>PROJECT CARS
>synthetics don't get gimped
there's a massive history of synthetics being gimped and manipulated by all companies. this is just one example.
Why nigga?
holy shit. This form is funny as fuck.
>buy a card
>if you need to upgrade, do it
>if not stop bitching
Get a room already.
Amd patched their cards, nvidia got no driver's for anything older than a year.
I remember when they didn't gimp cards.
Went from a gtx 260 to a 670, my next card will definitely be red team though. 670 was great but now it's not even competition for the 7950.
rip Kepler ;_;7
W10 drivers are so fucking bad.