Desktop WM screenshot

Desktop wm screenshoting posting _hread
Desktop _hread

post screenshots of your wm screen here
giant homescreen thread
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Here's my DE screenshot of GNOME 3 with some Netflix action




I don't understand how people can use tiling WMs. There's no freedom or flexibility.

literally no one here is tiling

no one has posted any tiling itt nerd baka



I'm technically tiling right here It just doesn't look like it.

shut up idiot

answer my question first

you didn't ask a question you made 2 statements idiot nerd baka



>There's no freedom or flexibility.
In what way user? With bspwm I can arrange my windows in any fashion I desire. That seems pretty free and flexible to me.


what's she from

posting what anime she is from is extremely offtopic

u dont want this thread to be autosaged do you

then u better hurry and answer me

bspawm is pretty nice. Why doesn't everyone use it?

because i3 is better

this is the desktop thread!! Sup Forums needs to be kept at maximum quality I would never ever ever endorse offtopic posting

Your desktop and this thread are pure fucking cancer.

Kill yourself and your immediate blood relatives to prevent this cancer from spreading genetically.


wow what tiling manager is that everything is asymmetric

I admire your courage to show off how new you are on Sup Forums


But can you draggy floaty moving and resize in i3?

What the fuck is the point in tiling window managers anyways?

I don't understand what you mean

Not him but I didn't care much for i3 but I love bspwm.


workspace management

> draggy floaty moving
I don't get it, sorry. you can drag, move and resize floating windows, for sure

but does it have animated transitions?

that's cool user

I was just kidding. I do think that bspwm, i3 and dwm are the best. with any of them you'll be fine

no lol
pretty impressive and looks good. congrats

scriptable or automatic window management
keyboard driven control
workspaces as tags

good for programmers or any one who works with a shell and some documentation on the side