>premium quality
>premium brand
>premium quality
>premium brand
Other urls found in this thread:
>premium quality
>premium brand
Oh look it's this thread again
>premium quality
>premium brand
>premium quality
>premium brand
Is this a ylyl thread? Because I just lost.
>Apple in charge of a functional design
Oy vey!
When putting thinness and "style" over a solidly built phone goes wrong.
Still sold like hotcakes. Thanks, Murica.
you want to see something truly fucking bad
I sent them an email ... guess what ... no reply
.. this could easily have given me a bad shock
.. worst case death
not worth a reply
fuck you apple
da fuq? is this even legal in yurop land?
I cringed
>premium quality
>premium brand
>premium quality
>premium brand
Oh shit. If that's your photo, quick, sue Apple and get rich! And come share your winnings with us!
Looks like there's bad news for Microsoft in the offing.
Whenever this happens there are tons of these anti-Apple threads, not only here but in prestige sites like Ars Technica and Slashdot.
Well done, you unpaid reputation managers, you.
it probably doesn't need a fuse if thats what you are thinking.
because it falls under single socket international adaptor rules.
fuses are really protection for corded appliances
still this is shit
it literally came apart in my hands
have sent it to my ee guy
They couldn't have it bend 90 degrees because that would make it incompatible with cases necessitated by the tablet's low impact tolerance. And a joint for optional bending would increase manufacturing costs too much. Do they at least sell a cable for it?
Almost as long as my girlfriends nipples when she's aroused and erect.
>premium quality
>premium brand
Europeans have more freedoms to endanger themselves in some ways, at least in Spain and France. You can get one of these in anywhere there:
and their gaseous fuels are not odorized and white flour not enriched.
user, you don't have a girlfriend.
>Designed by Apple in California
yeah actually I kind of want one of those now :)
Is anyone else disappointed the new MacBook is a 16:9 resolution with the sides cut off instead of a standard 16:10? I'd much rather they left the sides on. 2560 x 1600 is better than 2560 x 1440, but 2304 ×1440 is just shit.
>premium quality
>premium brand
Does Apple make a matte laptop with a less gaudy appearance?
I do. If you want proof check out
How is aluminum considered gaudy?
>aluminum chassis to help dissipate heat
>still throttles to 800mhz
>less gaudy
go to bed anthony
Looking at the new MacBook, the logo isn't illuminated?
If that's not a 3rd party piece of shit knockoff, or an add-on, you can probably sue them.
i love this guy's channel
still works
Fuck people like that. I'm going to buy my kids some $150 piece of shit and they're going to appreciate it. No replacement if they smash it.
I am speechless.
>being unprepared
nope full on provided with very expensive laptop 100 genuinely shit
what does one do to sue?
If you raise them right, they'll also appreciate getting a new flagship phone 2-3 times a decade. But why have kids when you can mentor young adults and also have sex with them?
Do you have a monitor on the floor on carpet on your desk ? either one is stupid.
100% agreed.
I'm going to fuck my son when he's old enough.
I am a minimalist user. No desk, no chair.
Can I lick your butthole?
was meant for Depends on how I'm feeling.
Is minimalism as inconvenient and expensive as it looks? You have to hire tradesmen for every little thing? Or do you buy the needed stuff and then get rid of it when that happens to cheaper? Are you allowed to own a blender? Or do you need to go buy a smoothie every time you want one?
Or is it just poorfriend rationalization?
it just works :^)
That's not an iPhone 6?
Lightning cables are $0.50 for 6' at wholesale price. Stop buying from retail stores unless you work at one if you want to buy cables, you will get ripped off.
What the hell even is it
I started my minimalist lifestyle about a year and a half ago and I've saved about 26k since then. You can own anything that you want but I try to keep it under 100 items including clothes and toiletries. A good rule of thumb is "Don't own anything that you don't find useful or exceptionally beautiful". I am not a poorfag, I just prefer an uncluttered life. For a long time I let my desire for bullshit I didn't need fuel how I lived and it's a great feeling to be free of that.
I'm honestly jealous.
My room is a mess because of my nostalgic hoarding.
You don't have to be jealous, if you want this kind of lifestyle it's easy to achieve. The day before I made the decision to become a minimalist I owned nearly 2000 physical video games, no joke. I sold them all in a lot to a local game store the next day and it blew my mind how much space it freed up and also how much money I made off them. They were all things I bought because of "muh nostalgia" but I still have all of those games on a HDD that takes up no space at all (I count my computer as 1 item) and I'm a few thousand dollars richer. If you want to do it user, just do it. Best decision I've made. The added bonus is that it's easy as fuck to keep everything pristinely clean.
I have thousands of items I make regular use of. You must not do much.
I would hate myself so much if I throw this shit out though.
I've kept my first cpu, first smartphone, my first high end gpu(8800 ultra).
Minimalising your lifestyle goes hand in hand with reducing the shit you own. Not to be rude but if you honestly believe that a person who owns less, does less than perhaps the things you own instead own you.
There's two kinds of people:
Person A owns a lot of shit. He uses a lot of it and cannot stay productive unless if he has a lot of options.
Person B doesn't own a lot, he likes it this way because there is less to distract him and he can stay focused with what he's used to.
Letting go of things is difficult but you'll always have the memories, even without the physical item. As I get deeper into my late 20s I've started to realize how nostalgia can be like cancer if you're not careful with it.
Filtered :')
>that webm
holy shit that was amazing
Person B is a poor person and can't buy nice things
Not necessarily, what if person B buys REALLY expensive things but just not a whole lot of them?
Made ya think!
Wrong. Person B can own much higher quality things than Person A because he owns less.
Like he has a collection of cars instead of crapple products?
2 poos have been deposited in your loo Pajeet.
Just a lot of smart purchases but less options, you know?
Stop lying to yourselves, Person B is poor.
The amount of 12 year olds on Sup Forums these days is amazing.
But I'm a person A, I like having organized clutter.
I'm just putting myself in B's shoes here.
At this point, Sup Forums should just implement a useragent filter and instaban iOS and OSX.
Person A: 29 Honda Civics
Person B: 1 Lamborghini Aventador
It can actually cost more to not own things. Poor people who can manage to think long-term own a lot of useful shit.
Hell, ban all mobile posters desu
29 honda civics can carry 145 people, the lambo can carry 2.
Checkmate person b.
>Person C owns a lot of shit. He uses little of it because he picks up and drops too many hobbies
It's way better to keep your money quiet, unless you're so thoroughly repulsive you can only hope to have fake friends.
We don't talk about person C.
I am person C unfortunately
It's summer already on US?
Learn english before posting on the internet. Thank you.
Ets sunmer all ready in united estates
Ansewer my
Top kek
ask google user
find lawyer and make lots of demands with a pouty face
Lel, this happen to my brother... when he leaned his glorious 100+ kg over it.
90°c master race. Won't break so easily!
I've gotten some shit cables from apple, but how the fuck do you do that to both ends?
depends how poor desu
>retreating and strafing
>not charging and meeting your enemies head on
>being a pussy
Isn't e knife?
I hate him already.
when did europe turn into china?