By the way, Pajeet is not the alpha male of the IT industry he is the slave. HR likes him because he's a token diversity employee, and Finance likes him because he works for half of what a real, competent, native-born programmer would work for.
tl;dr: Shitskins driving down wages and product quality as usual.
Chase Diaz
>thousands of dollars in learning equipment >can't even compete ...and nothing of value was lost.
Robert Miller
op could have bought a 50 bucks pentium4 for "learning to program".
Owen Anderson
>Thousands of dollars in learning equipment Wat.
Just take an old ass PC, install Debian, apt-get install your compilers, interpreters, libraries, etc... and have at it. If you don't have an old ass PC sitting around in your basement, go to craigslist, and look for someone who wants you to get rid of their junk.
Eli Myers
This. How exactly did you spend that kind of money on "learning equipment"? Obviously you have a computer and most OSs support some kind of compiler or interpreter. And I'm sure you can find a free text editor. As far as hobbies go, programming is among the least expensive given that even the poorest family can afford a decent computer these days.
Caleb Perez
>old ass pc >He doesn't play the latest state of the art games while he programs
Jackson Moore
Stop replying, this is a board sliding attempt.
Do you seriously feel the need to respond to every fucking thread just so people will remember your name?
Ryan Reyes
I'm self taught
I went to college but I didn't finish my degree
I earn over $100,000 per year
Camden Rogers
I earn twice that and I'm only 21
Evan Rogers
Guys take it easy on OP. He / she probably had no clue and thought that programming involved some special hardware or something. I'm sure he / she realizes now how wrong they were.
Adam Lee
but you do need shit to make something worthwhile especially if you're working on mobile or gamedev.
Julian Collins
A 10 year old C2D machine will support at least opengl 2.1, which is plenty.
Jason Jackson
You need either a degree or previous freelance work to show to an interviewer, otherwise its pretty hard, its the thing of the moment, too much competition.
I gave up and now I work as a gigoló :]
Christopher Mitchell
oh yeah well my penis is 13" long and i make an infinity dollarydoos
Noah Lewis
You must suck, I hire self learners for 80k+ all the time.
Aiden Perry
i'll work for free. sponsor me a h1b visa
Parker Lewis
This website is not an internet "safe place" and will never be.
Lucas Sullivan
What are the options for a good programmer in Europe - to work for an US company from his country.
Robert Hughes
I actually took an user's advice on Sup Forums to show companies my programming portfolio. I had never imagined my crappy Flappy-Bird-tier apps would be able to impress my interviewers enough to get me hired.
Nolan Roberts
How about you start your own business? Given you spent a lot of money on equipment.
Jace Gonzalez
Samuel Rivera
if you want to make money programming mobile >macbook +1000$ needs to be replaced every 4 years so another +1000$ >latest iphone $600 also needs to be replaced every 1-2 years >android phone >apple developer 99$ a year >android developer 20$ >microsoft developer 20$ >programming related books 100$ and no i dont pirate >vps if you're doing providing a web service :200$~300$ a month + domain name 20$ >latest gaming pc to deal with the stress of programming 1000$ it all adds up
Jeremiah Lee
Four years run down >rMPB 1200 >iPhone 1200 (600*2) >Android 1200 (600*2; Assuming top of line phone) > Apple license 400 (rounding up to 100 p/year) >Google license 80 >Books 800 (Assuming buying books twice a year) >domain name 80 (I leave VPS out because you might either not use it or get something cheaper, I pay 20USD p/month for mine) This gives around 5k over 4 years, which means 1250 a year + bills (electricity & internet; maybe water) to run the operation. Doesn't seem to be that great of a deal. Obviously the initial investment is kinda high (around 2150) but still seems quite manageable. Add another 3k for contingencies and still brings it to around 2k over 3 years.
Carter Jackson
> >if you want to make money programming mobile >>macbook +1000$ needs to be replaced every 4 years so another +1000$ What is a VM >>latest iphone $600 also needs to be replaced every 1-2 years What is an emulator >>android phone What is an emulator >>apple developer $100 a year You don't need this >>android developer 20$ You don't need this >>microsoft developer 20$ You don't need this >>programming related books 100$ and no i dont pirate What is google >>vps if you're doing providing a web service :200$~300$ a month + domain name 20$ Domain name is less than $10 a year, VPS is under $50 a month >>latest gaming pc to deal with the stress of programming 1000$ You don't need this
Matthew Garcia
are you suggesting a botnet or scam apps?
Jose Wright
what, someone else is supposed to teach you? this isn't like training to be a neurosurgeon. no one gives a single shit where you studied. just get the info into your head.
Brody Mitchell
>>domain name 80 (I leave VPS out because you might either not use it or get something cheaper, I pay 20USD p/month for mine) Domain name is still $10 a year. Somehow your VPS went from your initial $200-300 a month to $20 a month, more realistic >This gives around 5k over 4 years, which means 1250 a year + bills (electricity & internet; maybe water) to run the operation. This gives around $500 a year depending on what you're using, if you're not retarded. Which you clearly are. You're approaching this like a business, but you're not actually doing anything to try to save money. It's like a kid deciding they can't throw a party because the Ferrari doesn't fit in the budget. Kill yourself
Evan Roberts
>You're approaching this like a business, but you're not actually doing anything to try to save money. So you release products without testing them in actual hardware? Do tell me more about you QA process
>It's like a kid deciding they can't throw a party because the Ferrari doesn't fit in the budget. Kill yourself Sure thing Pajeet, sure thing.
Aaron Cox
This is so fucking stupid. You really mean to say that you didn't have a phone or computer before trying to self learn app development?
Why don't you throw in the cost of your internet service and electricity then, pajeet?
No running water tho, you don't need that anyway.
Jordan Richardson
>thinking that learning to develop == releasing products Don't be so salty Pajeet. You're already looking pretty fucking amateur.
Jordan Russell
>Why can't I make money without starting capital????
Everything costs Pajeet, just because you're living with your mom, she feeds you and gives you Internet doesn't mean it doesn't have a cost.
Evan Lopez
I wish there was a "retard alert" tag on some IPs.
Emulation, pirating, etc. is absolutely fine to get started. You don't need high end anything, never mind a gaming computer. Maybe a computer with a strong CPU and lots of ram for compilation and vms.
Just buy all the licenses as soon as you're about to start making money off your work, if that is even required. Work within your means until your means expands.
Mason Sullivan
>macbook +1000$ needs to be replaced every 4 years so another +1000$
You could just get a refurbished MacMini or whatever. For only Android development, even a low-end modern PC/laptop would suffice.
>android phone You can get cheap one for < $50.
>programming related books 100$ and no i dont pirate
There are plenty of tutorials online. You don't need any books.
>vps if you're doing providing a web service :200$~300$ a month + domain name 20$
Not necessary depending on the type of app your making.
Daniel Cook
I mean, if you're serious about making money with this, then sure, approach it as an investment. If you'll make a profit, spend the money. If not, then why make the investment?
Also, there's plenty of other things you can develop that don't cost much or anything. Case in point, I'm developing a SaaS solution for sales teams. Already have several established startups who want to buy it. My costs so far: $20 for a domain name, basic hosting for the company site, and a few email accounts. Once I get a VPS, I'll be spending$30 a month on that. That's it. I'm looking at several hundred per client per month. Protip: mobile and game dev are a meme. Don't waste your time.
Mason Barnes
I fell for it too. Now I write C all day for embedded systems.
Fucking memes, man.
Adrian Harris
>Didn't fall for the programing meme >TFW Sysadmin >TFW They'll never be able to outsource me
Hudson Green
>learning equipment You fucked up nigger i taught myself to code on a used x220 thinkpad with ips screen and i7 cpu that i bought off craiglist for $150. Op is a retarded faggot nigger hahahha jesus fucking christ. The reason you can't get a job is because you are legally retarded.
Jaxon Thompson
Yeah I fell for the "self taught meme", mostly because of my own interest in the field It cost me 10$ to buy an 8052 dev board to learn embedded C and 8052 assembly, and another 10$ to buy an avr based dev board and learn avr assembly Aside from that I learned C and worked a bit with VB.
Tl;dr you're doing it wrong OP, it doesn't take much money to learn, if you have the will that is
Daniel Miller
Why on Earth would you do that?
Unless you live in Eastern Europe
Alexander Scott
Raspbbery pi = 20$
All you need faggot
Jacob Cook
Don't be mobile developer, its way easier to be a webdev.
HTML/CSS - easy (not programming languages, but markup is a good intro to programming) Javascript + JQuery- medium SQL - easy/medium PHP/Python/Ruby - medium/hard Framework (Flask/Rails) - medium/hard
It's way easier to be a freelance webdev than to try and make money off of mobile. The mobile market is saturated and dominated by bigger dev studios.
Leo Morales
You can't buy employability
Dylan Morgan
You tell us to take it easy on him and then proceed to tell us why we should NOT go easy on him
Julian Bennett
>You could just get a refurbished MacMini or whatever. For only Android development, even a low-end modern PC/laptop would suffice no it wouldn't have you ever tried compiling an Android app or running a VM on an Intel celery?
Jayden Roberts
>shitty last gen PC >emulate all that shit >free online resources
Liam Hughes
>it cost me thousands of dollars in learning equipment
Uhm.. wat? You can literally take a notebook with internet access and become outstanding with online sources alone.
>5 years of work which amounted to nothing, could not even make a single penny
You are either lazy or retarded? In 5 years you could learn a couple diffent langauges and get very proficient with at least 3 of them.
>I dont even want to programmer anymore
>and can't even compete ever since pajeet became the new alpha male of tech industry.
Is that what Sup Forums told you? Oh boy..
Jose Murphy
The hell is OP's pic?
Blake Thompson
Did you get a job programming embedded C?
Ayden Foster
It's a hobby I work as an finance analyst at a tech firm
Anthony Baker
>mfw the US is now classed as a "low cost labor market" by IBM.
Robert Myers
So I'm thinking of learning python, and does this seem reasonable?
>$100,000/year access to a supercomputer >$60,000 Mercedes to drive around in >$200 in books to learn from >$2,000 gaming pc for sshing into the supercomputer
Michael Campbell
>he fell for the apple meme
Jeremiah Sullivan
re: "self taught" where is the programming skill from? you will not find any programmers teaching
Ryder Turner
you get i7s, laptops for very small money now robust, say a dell latitude - pc is robust an i7 with linux on it , small ssd network = raspberry pi / attached hard disk never look back -- monitor on rasberry pi, you have HD video then, live streaming etc. x2x to integrate mouse/keyboard from laptop to desktop.
Jaxson Walker
xubuntu / ubuntu mate the OS Is not an issue all tools already installed,even ... python
Jacob Perry
>what is virtualization and emulation >not hosting your own server in a $40 raspi >not pirating ishiggidy
To quote a Finnish proverb >Of a stupid head the whole body has to suffer
Mason Long
you have your volume/nfs export -- rapsberry pi is nfs server
server = sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-server
^ run & your mouse then drifts across to desktop on the pi, laptop keyboard will type on it
on laptop .bashrc file (home directory) has line export PATH=$PATH:/home/mountpoint
^ enables the scripts on the pi to be visible (runnable), from laptop. These are simple 1 line setups nothing complex (as windows, even)
just describing ideal devel setup -- cheap i7 dell latitude, small ssd here -- i7 = £150 ssd = small $s -- pi3s. Always on. is beautiful.
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
away you go, learn to program -- forget "IDEs"
starting out, you do not need anything but gedit/nano (IMO)
Oliver Lewis
>mobile or gamedev. >implying you'll make any money in gamedev >implying you'll make any money developing apps
Brayden Peterson
>forget "IDEs" >forget preparing for an actual job FTFY
The only people programming anything significant w/o an IDE have been academics who have had zero experience in the real world.
Aiden Evans
.bashrc is like AUTOEXEC.BAT (m$)
nothing at all complicated, -- more reliable, doesn't change every coupla years
as stated, the OS is not an issue (certainly not, with ubuntu mate, on raspberry pi3) ..
m$ haven't even got a desktop on the pi3
and for useage? the pi3 is extremely fast, when you have been running old pcs, xubuntu -- runs anything -- the problem as stated everywhere, = browser (issues), run browser on pc
but for media/film -- on the pi3 you have omxplayer, (HD video overlay, resizeable windows, on desktop) .. livestreamer (stream from youtube into omxplayer HD video playback), from youtube, news etc
pi3s are $33 or were $33 .. 4 core, integrated wireless, robust, wireless on pi3 works in tin box.
Julian Thompson
because browsers are massive kludges, cause problems on any systems, resource hog
pi3 likes well written software. its not PC -- its ARM -- a new realm. the pi3 is the pc killer, finally
Brayden Sanders
>TFW when i've migrated people's onsite apps to AWS so they could fire their lazy sysadmins
Julian Russell
& they only suck up 1.5 watts they're just invisible .. so cool.
cool? they don't even require fans --- can clock them too .. bucks for copper stick on heatsinks ..
4 core matchbox mill with HD output/integrated wireless / bluetooth
/me calls his herbie & sam
Hunter Fisher
Why did you write "m$" instead of "MS"?
Eli Carter
>what is a meme
Robert Fisher
why not? why do you write MS
Jaxson Stewart
in starting out -- people will spend weeks trying to get an IDE working -- when starting out programming you do not need an IDE, IDEs obscure issues -- thats all
Nolan Morris
Get a degree you faggot. You still have to teach yourself but at least I won't throw your CV in the bin.
John Robinson
>it cost me thousands of dollars in learning equipment Jesus Christ OP you're retarded. I learnt programming on my father's Apple 2 plus because it was the only machine available at the time. Learnt BASIC, pascal and 6502 asm. The knowledge has stuck with me and now I contribute to free software projects
Xavier Mitchell
I got a decent software dev job, being self taught, now 3 years later I'm looking for a better paying one. I'm getting discriminated against hard for not having a bachelor's/master's.
Ryan Ortiz
Im self taught but the difference between me and you is i dont have any desire to do it for a living.
I cant honestly think of anything more mundane than working on someone elses projects all day.
Hey I'm actually working into this, any websites like behance to promote your job, how do you get your clients? Since I live in 3rd world being able to get paid in burger dollar will be nice
being forced to use a horrible framework, is the complaint
program with a set of "standards" which mean that everything you do is surrounded by crummy boilerplate, design of the system fixed early in it's development, framework concrete
& shit.
microsoft anyone?
Jose Scott
will take you two solid weeks to release anything -- why? -- you have to go through a zillion procedures, built around the system, to ensure that no inventive programming ever gets out
Robert Lewis
>thousands of dollars >5 years In any European country you'd have a degree. But you were too autistic to get out of your basement and/or too murrican to have decent uni education, right? Or maybe too dumb to even complete a three-year degree
And sadly there will always be gullible goons believing this shit
Christopher Wood
microsoft programmers chatting
Nathan Edwards
but I know over 10 languages, and learning material includes pretty much anything I planned to use in the real world, you can't make money with just a notebook, you need a webserver for a website and advertising, and buy a bunch of licenses depending on what library you use in your program. In my case I bought compilers because I had a preference using a certain language. If you plan to make geimu you also need a gaming computer which I upgraded a few times. After 5 years it all adds up to a couple of thousand $.
What I expected: get hired instantly because you can program create software and sell it work at home making 150 000 k a year
what I got: pajeet
Aiden Scott
Not all of us work in Yuropooristan.
Dominic Young
Dude, learn one then google everything else you need.
Eli Powell
I did. Never spent more than 100$ on learning equipment and resources (actually only 4 or 5 books, none of them huge "bibles"), used mostly what's available for free (references and documentation) and learned Object Pascal, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Python and some more languages in a minor scale. Currently work from home half-time for a company and freelancing some projects along with it, earning 3x minimum wage for literally no effort in a crisis-suffering country.
Alexander Morgan
where's that?
Samuel Reyes
will take you 4 or 5 sites to get the gist of any new concept -- sites have "x didn't really explain this" .. "can someone go through it" .. then you meet someone having described the problem with good data/layout, slowly
the manual is GOOGLE
Cooper Martinez
This. Go to tumblr if you want an Internet safe place, fucking triglypuff
Eric Steven Raymond (born December 4, 1957), often referred to as ESR, is an American software developer, author of the widely cited[2] 1997 essay and 1999 book The Cathedral and the Bazaar and other works, and open-source software advocate. He wrote a guidebook for the Roguelike game NetHack.[3] In the 1990s, he edited and updated the Jargon File, currently in print as the The New Hacker's Dictionary.
William Russell
Hunter Martin
What is ansible for $1000, Alex.
David Ward
All you need is a computer, internet and a good starter book. Doesn't have to cost more than 1k
Asher Rivera
Brazil Hu3
Adam Nelson
>it cost me thousands of dollars in learning equipment Top ayy Why even spend a fucking penny if it's not on a computer which you probably already had?