Whats a good alternative to black player because holy fuck

Whats a good alternative to black player because holy fuck

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Poweramp pro

you should be asking what a good alternative to samshit is

I mean one i dont need to pay for

you do not have to :^)

Aimp, shuttle+ and best is jetaudio plus.

One i dont have to pirate either

foobar, as minimalist as it gets, no nonsense just efficiency

I like foobar desktop as well but android app is made by Satan himself.Interface is like dragging dick through broken glass and sault.Unacceptable flaws in 2016 when there so much more functional and better designed players.

The cyanogenmod stock music app

MXPlayer. Works good and has everything you need.

Eleven Music Player


What did he mean with this?
Apollo I hope

Timber. It's super customizable, lightweight, doesn't drain your battery like other players, it's FOSS, etc. It's available on F-droid.

Use the stock one.

I used to use black player, switched to photograph yesterday. No regrets.

Is there something else than VLC that reads OPUS on Kit-Kat?

Vanilla Music Player

I mean under a GNU public liscense

Pulsar is the only option, lightweight, has all the features you could want, and clean and simple interface.

Phonograph best


Vanilla music
It looks really similar to bp now, also has replay gain, and is foss.

An actual MP3 player.