This triggers me so much

This triggers me so much.



This triggers me so much

I'd like to see you make an X icon that doesn't need antialiasing.



antialiasfags btfo

newfags can't triforce





Clearly a case of reinventing the wheel leading to a square one.



>close button doesnt close
>maximize button doesnt maximize
>minimize button doesnt minimize

>i am a retard and i need everyone to know about it

Who said those buttons do what they do in windows?

Who are you citing? Yourself?

Who said anything about Windows?

>Who said the pedals in our car must work like in every other car?

This is some hardcore autismo right her

hehe classic computer illiterate (aka windows users)

Apple is basically an automatic car, it works different. But it works better.

>it works different.
Only for the sake of being different. Which is always a retarded reason to do something.
>But it works better.
It doesn't.

Its not, its a better, simpler way. Also automatic cars are the future now, only "enthusiasts" care for manual cars

looks better than microsoft's shitty ui

True perfection.

xp UI was hideous.

It was trendy as fuck at the time.

at least the button placements and functions were consistent throughout the os and any app created for it

w10 just has too much fragmentation in the design and usability like "it doesnt matter where you put the save button, or button for replying to an email, or formatting text, as long as it's flat and minimalist they will eat it"



but only manchildren can't drive manual

this triggers me so much

But its sluggiah and pointless to have manual when automatic exsists

Scan your and repair now.

It shouldn't, it should only tick you off a little bit.


>Not understand a joke.

What is the second brake pedal for?


>Not having legacy captcha enabled

lmaoing at your life, famalam

>I'm done with this shit, don't need this window anymore
>It can wait, I'll come back to it
>All my focus is on that window

How basic do you have to be to remember that?
It's just different, not worse then Windows.

>I use all kinds of OS'es and UI's daily, I don't take a side btw.

They are literary the faggots who tune their cars, they always know how to drive manual

you clearly have never driven manual

Manual has a level of control that automatic can never replace, but manual is useless if you live in the city, only drive two miles to work and to the shop and never use your car for anything else.

>manually controlling your transmission when automatic transmissions have existed for decades

Kek, I bet you also hand wash your dishes too.


it's supposed to be three rectangles (hover over them), each with one icon centered inside them. As I recall the icons are centered AND in an even distance from each other, if you check them that way.

>not just buying a pass

This. Macs are infuriating to use, because in Windows and Linux the buttons actually do what they are supposed to, even though I use Linux with a WM with no titlebars. But even the most basic DEs have logical buttons. I think even awesome has logically set buttons for windows if you enable them.

engine brake

Manual is also useless with electric motors.

This too. Unless you live in a shitty climate where you have muddy and snowy roads, when you get stick with automatic, you're fucked, manual can help you get out of those places.

stuck* not stick
Kek, still makes sense tho.

The most frustrating thing about MS is that it clearly can do consistent and intuitive UI if it tries - Windows Phone was a testament to that. For all the complaints with the platform, UI consistency and polish wasn't among them.

Seems like they fired all the designers before starting Win10.

Microsoft will never design UIs with this level of consistency again.

never used a mac. what do they actually do?

I wish there was a way to get rid of those buttons and the title bar easily on every window that didnt involve going full autism and using a twm. I cant remember the last time I pressed the close or minimize button

Red: Close the window instead of the whole program
Yellow: Minimizes to the dock (don't get that complaint)
Green: Makes the app fullscreen or if you hold alt it switches between two sizes you can change

>I cant remember the last time I pressed the close or minimize button
you also alt+space x/c/n/?

What's wrong with hand washing dished man, I get all the spots and my dishes are cleaner than if I make an 800 dollar machine do it.

It's not fucking complicated.

I just don't get why you'd have, effectively, two minimize buttons.

The way red works is pretty fucking pointless now that every damn program is single-window. OS X's default window switching is even set to work better with single window applications,

You don't.

applications recognize which one does which

if you press Cmd-H in firefox it'll just hide the application window without a little extra window visualization in the dock
if you click the red button, firefox will ask you if you want to save tabs as if you used Cmd-q
Yellow and cmd-m do the stupid genie/scale effect and create a tiny window in the dock

>two minimize buttons
Close, minimise, and fullscreen.

There is only one minimise button.

>I'd like to see you make an X icon that doesn't need antialiasing.

Sup-pixel rendering, bitch

>having window decorations
babbies, babbies everywhere

i just use the keyboard shortcuts tbdesu fampai.

>I need to prove that I have an IQ score over 90 by making it so I only have one way to manage windows

Enjoy using your computer one handed without getting RSI

>inb4 modal window manager


>close a window, but keep the app open

the ad model is more cuckold-y

>Pay for a site feature
>You pay, you get it, only two parties involved in the fucking
>rely on retards clicking ads to pay for the site
>You stand by and watch someone else get fucked
>ad clickers = the bull
>you = the beta
>Sup Forums = not your bitch, whitey

Forgot to mention option click, which leaves a 5px gap on whatever side of the screen you have the hidden dock on (even though it'll trigger just fucking fine if you have window in that area)

maybe apple didn't mention it because they know it's broken

Works for me

To apply the brakes on the other side of the car.

why so many people on this board are saying "app" instead of "program"?

Middle break

In a cosmic sort of way you aren't really wrong for a RWD car. 80 something % of braking is with the front brakes and pushing the clutch in stops the rear wheels from applying power... which makes the car slow down.

Because both Microsoft and Apple have dropped use of the word "program" so only Linux users still use the word.

only the bigbois can drink

>it doesn't work the exact same as Windows which is the only OS I know how to use and I'm way to fucking stupid to ever learn anything new!

>subpixel rendering

that's fucking anti-aliasing you absolute tool

Also works the same as on most common linux window managers

OS X is the odd one out here

Check again, user. Why don't you Google "subpixel rendering" real quick?


From Wikipedia:

>It takes advantage of the fact that each pixel on a colour LCD is actually composed of individual red, green, and blue or other color subpixels to anti-alias text with greater detail or to increase the resolution of all image types on layouts which are specifically designed to be compatible with subpixel rendering.


did he sell any?


what's wrong with it?

master race reporting in

my man


Another nice looking one




