Wtf is botnet?

Wtf is botnet?


everything Sup Forums doesn't like

Windows 10 computers

More specifically "a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge"

This holds true for windows 10 computers.

Am i being spied rite now


If your computer's bandwidth (incoming/outgoing traffic) is being used without your consent and/or knowledge, to the benefit of an individual or a group of individuals,
and you are one among many such individuals in such a scheme,
you are part of a botnet.


Anything that spies on you, or anything that you cannot prove that it is not spying on you.

All software where the source code is unavailable is automatically botnet because the operation of the software is hidden from the user, so you cannot prove that it is not spying on you.

Anything popular


Qualification: This is not what a botnet actually is, but this is what Sup Forums means when they call things botnet, more or less.

>computer's bandwidth = incoming/outgoing traffic

In the case of Windows 10, yep.

When your computer works for someone besides you. Think of any service running on your computer you didnt pay for. They are getting money from somewhere.

TeamViewer confirmed for botnet.

probably your computer.


Now that its been used by hackers yes. Before that it was borderline they were fucking with non paying people by trying and giving up on that 5 min timer.

its when youre free to leave when you want and can take any files you want

Sup Forums


a piece of software you dont like

Sup Forums is not botnet.
Sup Forums is our friend.

Botnet is defined as anything that fits two or more of the following criteria.

Its popular.
Its functional.
It was made by non communists.
It isn't open source.

You now understand what this board considers botnet
