Oracle or SQL
Building a database for my real estate agency, which is best.
Oracle or SQL
Building a database for my real estate agency, which is best.
Suicide is your best option.
Document based Nosql
Sql is obsolete
Oracle if >>>/pajeet/
PostgreSQL or MariaDB/MySQL
If you actually needed oracle you would know why.
meme kids actually believe this
Don't go Oracle unless you have a few hundred thousands to spend at will.
MySQL will do the job just fine. Stick to the simple shit, don't try to be funny.
>If you actually needed oracle you would know why.
this. also daily reminder to sanitize your input.
No, do not sanitize input. Why would you want to do that? You aren't building queries with string concatenation, are you??
Do escape output, of course, if it's about to be presented as HTML.
just put everything in a giant csv file, that's what I do
PostgreSQL for SQL or get the fuck off my Sup Forums
NoSQL if you don't care about your data accuracy or don't work on real applications.
What does Postgre offer over MySQL? Not OP but I also need to choose a database and it's basically between those two.
>or sql
just use postgresql faggot
Different user here, proper Relational database, as powerful as Oracle if not more powerful than Oracle.
Extensions for all kinds of applications, I make maps for a living and the GIS extension helps a lot.
PostGreSQL is for data warehousing, NoSQL has too large of a scope for probably some small as realtor.
MS SQLServer or mysql
Oracle without a doubt because you can scream at someone over the phone when shit breaks.
Oracle is built on java, and is a mess.
Oracle's licensing will break your neck in the long term.
I always just used sqlite for shit, but postgre is pretty hot these days I hear
also supports BSON for NoSQL retard shit too.
Easy mode: MSSQL. Plenty of fucking support options out there, easy as dirt to setup and interface with.
Hard Mode: Oracle without a support plan. Costs way more, and unless you're building a state-wide, massive real estate DB, you're not likely to see any major benefits from it vs traditional SQL in internal usage.
BSON? i thought pgsql was jsonb?
If you learn is posgres basically interchangeable with mysql? The books i have all teach mysql so that's what i've been learning. Will it be hard to apply my mysql knowledge to postgres?
>any kind of SQL
Fucking kill yourself.
All you need is bash and plain text files or you may as well fuck off off back to M$ WinBLOWS.
Oracle are about to release a free cloud environment with APEX installed (like but supported) to get people onto cloud to tempt them when they need a bugger license.
If you are a small company you could build on oracle XE then migrate to this cloud instance.
APEX is really good for RAD and is getting better and better each year.
Unemployed I presume?
SQLite is really impressive stuff for a) Local data stores b) Web apps intended to be used by one person or a small number of people. Its author advocates for its use as an application file format, and I have to say I agree.
As long as it isn't being misused for huge client-server webapps with thousands of users, there's nothing much bad I can say about it.
my bad, you're right but it's essentially the same.