Google logs all voice searches

Goto voice.
A record of every voice search you've made plus audio.

Is Google too big?

No. It's just that you blindly agreed to their terms of use after signing up.

Yeah, that's impressive amounts of electricity and storage wasted.

you can turn that off

how can you care about it if you apparently never cared about simpy disabling that shit...?

it still seems to have saved all web-activities for the few days i've tried a chromium os distro

There's nothing in my history

Oh NO, I'm SO surprized right now, how can a company actually keep all these data!
What a surprize!

You're lucky, I'm sure google decided not to keep your data!

I turn off location and history. Only an idiot would use Gmail and other services as their main communication tools. Most ISP's provide you a free email account with the service, if not just use Yahoo mail. Despite the low popularity, Yahoo still offers better services and landing page with content that Google.

Yahoo is nearly bankrupt, imao.

Which is sad, they were less evil than Google. Their finance and entertainment pages are very useful for me.

>dumbass doesn't know he could've turned that off when he first got his phone
Should've gotten a 6p brah

>actually using voice search
why the fuck

There are a few things for which voice commands are faster. Alarms, calendar and navigation come to mind. Voice sample recording needs to be enabled for those to work with "OK Google" outside of the awake/home state though.

>every voice search
>using voice search

what if I have nothing to hide?

google has faster loading speeds all around the globe, your arguments are invalid, sorry.


>location history
accidentally turned it on at some point

>can't hide

Thanks! Snowden went to a lot of trouble for nothing. Google actually protects the user's information from the state. They are the definition of cool! It always gets to me how unique they are when I see a bicycle or scooter zipping through their hallways.

LOL ! :oD XoD 8oD ! LOL


It means you aren't speaking loud enough.

>twf you fuck off