
flying tonight, has Sup Forums got any tech tips for when flying?

Crash that plane

Scan your and repair now. You don't want to have during the flight.

Bring your cell phone charger with you through security. Lots of free areas to charge up around the gates.

remember to call Ittin

Download a GPS map and app. Fun as fuck to watch the speed and altitude etc

Double check how many people are on the flight plan.

install gentoo

with or without any survivors

Make a custom conky with big red timer in the middle of the screen, open 4 terminal windows a tile them to the corners so that they would be surrounding your conky. Adjust teminals to be green text on back background. Make a fizzbuzz or ping script and run on each terminal. Sit so that people could easily see your screen, try to look as suspicious as possible, additional bonus if your are somewhat looking like a muslim.

With no survivors

don't be a fucking weeb

>watching a GPS for fun
true autism


Don't watch video unless you intend to share with your neighbors. However if your neighbor is cute and you want to share, a 3.5mm splitter goes a long way toward joining the mile-high club.

I also do this I'm not autistic am I?

idk, do you do anything else that someone would consider autistic?

This OP, you might accidentally


Lots of newer planes have this built into the headrest displays and make it the default view. It's in fact what most people are going to be doing when they tire of the in-flight entertainment.

Those personal displays are pretty awesome though. Lots of simple games, TV shows and movies all for free. I always find them with the seat-to-seat competition modes disabled though.

I don't know, could you list some things

It's fun to have it in your gps logs
>highest speed: 556mph

well alright then, I guess that's fun then

See Or just run apt-get on all of them or emerge or whatever the fuck you kids use nowadays
>terminated in the terminal for using a terminal

I'm not op


bring your laptop and watch chinese cartoons.

>Exposing your power level in public
Those that lack self-awareness in public are truly the worst

>not hiding your power level

Go back to Sup Forums with your manchild cartoons

Bully trip

carry a steel buttplug through security (in your butt of course)