Guts Thread - not even trying edition

Post your guts. Also for all you insanely clean guts people. How long does it take to clean your case to the point where it looks so picture perfect? I can't bring myself to wipe down every dust filled crevice, just the important bits.

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Paintbrushes, canned air

a good case does wonders for cable management aswel

my old case for reference


Piss cooling?

Canned air is for bitches. Get yourself an air compressor and a small spray nozzle. You can get a decent one for like $100. It's overkill for dusting out a computer, but it's a one time purchase. You will never buy a can of air again. Plus, after you have a compressor, you can get air tools to hook up to it for whatever other projects you wind up taking on.

Didnt clean it in ages but it wasnt that dirty. Was it worth it unplugging all of my cables? no


taking a daylight photo instead of using flash hides a lot of dust.

To the user I keep missing:
The pump isn't "mounted," really. It's wedge between the case floor and GPU. It's a tight fit. Also, to reduce vibration noise, I've placed acoustic/sound dampening foam on the bottom of the pump (foam side up, touching the pump) and between the pump top and GPU. (Foam side down, touching the top of the pump.) Between that, and the tubes being relatively strong and short, it doesn't really allow the pump much movement. I should check one of these days to see if it's causing the pump to run extra hot, as the HDD does get a bit warm. But, both objects are directly under the GPU with no direct ventilation, and some reviews on NewEgg say the HDD runs around 55C anyways so. It could just be the HDD causing the thermal issue on it's own.

It doesn't take long, just some dusting and clean wire management. Not using flash helps, too.

Never noticed until now that the motherboard tray is grilled like that. Is it sturdy? It looks cool.


R u Australia?

Nifty. A custom loop would be a lot cooler though. What CPU's do you have under there?

Always good to see.

>Never noticed until now that the motherboard tray is grilled like that. Is it sturdy? It looks cool.

Not at all. I have no idea why Zalman punched holes into it, it is just pointless. It does nothing and makes the tray weak as fuck.

They justify it by saying it helps cool the motherboard

That's a pretty big kek.
You might want to consider a new case, friend.

Yeah, I might get a Mini ITX MoBo when I get an i5 soon and wait for a bit until I can get a normal case



Love it.

this. you're fucking retarded if you buy canned air

I really need to replace the thermal paste on the GPU cooler or just get an Arctic Accelero cooler.

Hurray for mediocrity.

Oh hey nice new card, what is it, 970 or 980?

It's a Titan Black I got for cheap. I'm using it for MATLAB and eventually neural network development.
Benchmarks on new drivers vs old drivers from the CUDA dev kit show a decrease in compute performance with each update, albeit a very small decrease.

old build in new case

Open it once a year with a small vacuum cleaner.

I haven't posted in a guts thread in a while.
I kind of regret getting this case(cm silencio 352), absolutely no space for cable management behind the mobo, other than that it is pretty decent, I miss my TJ08 but I needed a change. Going to get a 1070 soon and will upgrade mobo and cpu soon after that.
Also, bad pic is bad.

My first pc build ever

>pls no bully

Vidya friend sent me a picture of his...

This is what my parents desktop looks like except worse kek

My guts are coming Sup Forums. Soon...

He got his friends to build it (in poland). They absolutely botched it.
Didn't even Work properly as they botched OS install, wiring, fan placement, you name it.
I gave him tech support over the phone to get it to start but couldn't help with the wires. He got local computer shop to fix that shit up as 120km is a bit of a trek for me desu.

Waiting for Vega or 1080ti with waterblock before fixing this space heater

It gonna be shit, calling it now

I dont care about ur guts u fucking faggot nexk ursrlg u FUCKING JEWBOY EAY T MY ADD CUNDT FUCKING

This is all I got. waiting for my Mobo/CPU bundle from Micro center.

not too bad

I like to install the block on the cpu cooler before mounting the radiator.

What's the rainbow thing, gayboy

Gtx 570
R9 290

Mines so dusty I'm considering just building a new computer.

I was trying to do what I could in the order of parts I had. Stupid microcenter being 4 hours away. I use to live 15 minutes away from one. ill see how it goes, but there is plenty of room for everything with my fx6300.

selling my 290 and grabbing a 1080 with evga releases their aftermarket coolers.


> i5 4460
> R9 380
> 8gb hyperX

I'm pretty happy with it especially since i got for about 600 dollars I max out 95% of games including stuff like far cry 4, witcher 3 (at 30 fps) fallout 4, and Metro Last Light

first guts thread btw


They're already out. There's the ACX version which has a custom cooler on the reference PCB (my personal choice, because water block compatibility, based EVGA warranty, and cheaper than Founder's Edition) or the FTW version which has a custom cooler on a custom PCB.

I just checked the site and it doesn't seem they're on sale yet.

I remember reading somewhere that june 9th was the release date, not sure if that's true or not.

I could be mistaken, but my local retailer already has them listed. They're listed as out of stock/backorder, but so is every other 1080.

Am i evil for being excited about the RX 480?

Nah, you're entitled to your opinion. I've been burned by AMD's big promises so often that I just can't be excited for them anymore. If they manage to come out with something legitimately better than the competition, I'll buy their products (CPU or GPU) again, but the for years they've been playing second fiddle. The only argument they've had to fall back on is "It's better value!" I don't really care about which one is a better value, I just care about which one is better.

If you couldnt tell by my PC
I don't really have a big budget and was dissapointed when nvidia didn't manufacture a 1060 or similarly priced GPU I feel like AMD is going to destroy that price range

Thanks for sticking up for me. I expected such.

>nvidia didn't manufacture a 1060 YET
fix'd. New architectures always launch from the top down. Wait a little while.

Fucking this

well previous generation 380 is better than 960 imo
and with nvidia saying the 1080 was better than it actually was of course AMD could be lying as well im just basing this on the past generation
sorry if i dont make sense im tired as hell right now

basically the 380 was better than the 960 so im predicting the 480 will be better than the 1060 that cpu cooler rotated 90 degrees?

Not much has changed in a few years except that gpu

I like the PSU cables doesnt really match the LEDs though

>that card holding thingy

so whats the benefit of dual cpu?
do they actually work together or is it some dual lc in one thing?


>What's the benefit of quad core versus dual core?
That's literally the same question you just asked.

Fresh new loop, off the assembly line, coming through. AIO plebs move aside.
Has aurora in there, but its only easily seen when light is shining into the tubes. Might have to get an LED strip or two to enhance it because the purple doesn't show great normally.

And its a Fury X, by the way.

If you're open to suggestions, rotate the fans on the front radiator. Turn them so that the corner with the cable coming out of it is on the side facing the back panel. The cables will be much easier to hide that way.

Yeah, its really bugging me that I hadn't considered this when I was building it.
My only problem with that is I'd have to undo the whole radiator and hope I can get the right angle with the slack I've got to be able to do that.
I probably will end up doing it, but I've just spent the last two nights building it all, doing the cleaning, flushing it out five times and then filling it up properly. Still haven't tidied up my flat from all the crap strewn about everywhere from where I was getting this out and that out of stuff.

So yeah, advice noted and I definitely agree. Its just a matter of when, not if, really.

>I'd have to undo the whole radiator
Not really. Going on your work in progress stuff the other day and looking at that zip tie around the tilted res, your pump and res still aren't hard mounted down. If you cut the zip tie off, you'll have slack to move it away from the radiator and get access to the screws holding the fans down. Even if you had a case panel between your fans and your rad like I do on my top rad, all you'd have to do is undo one fan at a time, rotate it, put it back in, and go to the next one.

this picture is from /bst/ so oh well

I don't even get a noticeable amount of dust in my computers because I upgrade or replace them so often they dont sit around to collect dust

>being so poor your computer gets dusty
really guys?

It's not that which is the issue, its the other radiator. The top right screw for the uppermost fan is directly facing the fitting for the other rad.
It's going to be a very tight fit if I can remove that screw while its in place.

G500 finally died after 4 years (left click started to choke 1 year ago but was able to fix it by adjusting the spring, then last week the middle click just died from time to time).
Replaced with G502, if only they stayed with how the G500 looked instead of this edgy design. Other than that 9/10 mouse. Once you get used to the soft scrolling feature you can't live without it.

Here are my guts.

No,I don't have the means to upgrade right now,need a good AM2 board and a new GPU (current one is some "zombie" 8500GT that had artefacts which I brought back from the dead and underclocked) and then,I might paint the case blue as originally intended.

>New architecture
>top down

How many lbs of im-trying-to-make-sense-but-im-actually-retarded do you pull out of your ass daily?


Are you kidding me?
You placed stickers on the heatsinks of several thouands worth of hardware!


my nigga, is that front plate made of marble?

Granite i guess, i dont know for sure.

2 seconds.
Open frame

How much did you pay for dis pvc watercooling system?

12mm tubing is almost as cheap as PVC.

And not sure, let me see...
EK Supermacy CPU - 125
GTX 980 Block - 125
Backplate - 90
480 Rad - 120
Res - 100
Pump + Top - 125
Tubing - 80
Fittings - 300

So ~1,000-1,100

I am planning to keep this build for several more years with only upgrading the gpu later this year.. Should I get 16gb ddr3 kit to hold it over? Some on clearance nearby. Comp is for games.

Woah, i hope it paid off.

Built my first desktop yesterday, still not Sure about moving away from laptop, as i visit my friends so often. Got a gtx 980Ti used only for a week for aproximatly 400 dollars, with is fairy good here in norway where the 1080 sells at aproximatly 900 dollars


This'll take me to my Winter bonus, and then I'm blowing 3k on an all new rig.

Maybe I should... rearrange the cables.

or just clean shit up or smth

>Windows 10




Side panel off.

Pls no haterino.

Full case shot.

those cable ties holding the fans in place..

golden.. fucking golden...

never change Sup Forums

well i had to since the mobo "shouldnt" support 220w cpu and the vrms are getting hot
also i thought the 120mm liquid cooling would fit under the psu but it didnt so.... cable ties it is
now i dont have dvd writer but whatev, its obsolate anyways

I got a chuckle out of it and i commend your ingenuity.

Where is your GPU block? This is literally retarded.

Or are you waiting for the new generation?

>GPU block

what the fuck is that, don't you mean water block?

just a few days until the 1070 comes

looks so much better then the new nvidia reference designs fucking hell what was nvidia thinking with so much edge.
