Password Manager

Which should I use and why?

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Just post them to your facebook feed.

I use keepass but turn updates off against mitm


your brain

LastPass, works just fine, it's free

the fuck happened to remembering your shit?


i'm too pleb to memorize something like tU#.}\OW.fZ>U

Why not use just the same password for everything? It just werks.

Asking this question shows that you really shouldn't be on this board. Virtually any password that a human can memorize can be easily brute forced and cracked by a non-shit computer now-a-days.

cause if one site gets hacked then your others accounts will instantly be compromised

>Nobody has mentioned KeepassX yet

Sure is summer in here.

Keepass, but I'm thinking about just being done with it and going full-on botnet with Google and letting it store all my passwords.

Yeah, there's PRISM, but I don't care about that, I'm not trying to hide from the government, I'm not a pedo or terrorist or drug dealer. And Google isn't gonna go into all my other accounts and delete shit and steal my money etc. What I am concerned about is trolls and thieves.

No, but theres a good chance its in someone's library.

what about Android then?

Passera seems interesting. Still requires you to use different passwords that ideally shouldn't shouldn't be vulnerable to a dictionary attack, but that shouldn't pose much of an issue, since there's no need to heavily differentiate them.

Not having to rely on a third party service or export anything when moving to new installs and devices is what's most attractive to me.

Password gorilla

Its based on keepassX but is minimalistic.

too soon

can you cucks really not remember your own passwords?

I use lastpass and a piece of paper


The only acceptable answer is KeepassX.
>native interface
>no mitm

KeePassX has browser autocomplete, a safer database, no dependency on .NET, and can be used in android with KeePassDroid and in che terminal with kpcli. And of course, GPL.

pass, also everyone ITT so far is a summerfag

>che terminal
*the terminal ;^)

pass is an alternative to KeePassX, but nigga, I practically live here ;_;

If you don't exercise your brain, then why do you even bother living?

Its botnet-free and portable. What more could you want?

>tfw I use lastpass but am too lazy to switch everything over to keepass

Even if my passwords are something like

What's wrong with letting Firefox handle my passwords?

It doesn't generate strong randomized passwords for you. It also doesn't require a master password by default.

>not having separate accounts for your working life
>believing you can beat 25 length passwords made with high entropy
>relying on Firefox known insecure database for your passwords
>believing in "the cloud" by using LastPass
>using .NET dependent managers like KeePass

Anything less than KeePassX is lame.

>your computer gets backdoored
>firefox profile information stolen
>"Sweet, now I have all of his passwords and I can ruin his life!"

leading off of this

sudo dnf -y install keepassx

the only password manager I use is a little notebook and a fountain pen

Keepass, because your passwords should only belong on your device.