It's bullshit, time to make a new internet/mess-work
As a woman, I support removing hateful comments because I know how they feel.
>Want free speech
>Remove speech
Daily reminder that white women are degenerates hell bent on destroying society
>>Sup Forums
Just because businesses use technology doesn't make everything they do relevant to technology.
Companies could do it to keep customer base happy
Government will corrupt the law and use it to silence people they don't like.
In Europe, hate speech doesn't mean the same than in the USA. Here it means Fascism / Nazism, and your beloved racism.
Ironic that you would say that on a thread about how CORPORATIONS are pushing SJW shit.
Nice buzzword, but socialism has nothing to do with any of that librul shit. If anything, corporations are pushing it just as hard, if not even harder, than militant socialists.
This. Stormfags don't realize that their "cultural marxism" boogeyman is really cultural capitalism.
>a place for free speech, not hate speech
>`My sight is failing,' she said finally. `Even when I was young I could not have read what was written there. But it appears to me that that wall looks different. Are the Seven Commandments the same as they used to be, Benjamin?' For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL.
slippery slope. define "hate"
White women in the year of 2016 continue to lack intelligence.
why are people trying to police the internet, if you don't like what you see fuck off
>What is happening in America and Europe right now is exactly what happened in Burma in the 20s
You quoted an author trying to sound smart and ended up sounding stupid.
What qualifies as "hate speech?"
Is it death threats? Is it racial epithets like nigger? Racial epithets like porch monkey? Is it any comment that's politically incorrect like using midget instead of dwarf? Is hate speech certain vocabulary words, or is it tone as well? Can sarcasm be hate speech? Can a joke not directed at any particular individual be considered hate speech because it's offensive? Does "make America great again" count as hate speech? Does a mediocre/poor review of the Female Ghostbusters film count as hate speech? Who will decide what qualifies as hate speech? Will terms like "white trash" and "redneck" be hate speech? If I say someone's haircut is dumb is that hate speech? Will hate speech just be deleted, or will it result in bans from websites, or perhaps internet suspension? Will the first amendment be annulled? What's the point of having "free speech" if the unpopular opinions arent protected? Will the entire internet run like reddit's upvote system?
>Approves free speech
>mfw Cencors it
Hate (noun/verb): the act of __________.
Insert whatever the Big Brother doesn't like.
People who fall for this are the same kind of people that supported Hitler.
Hate speech is easily defined. Just because you are too ignorant to know the definition, doesn't mean there isn't one. What you're doing is spreading confusion, misconceptions and arguments from ignorance.
Since when is hate speech free speech? Stop spreading FUD!
Hate speech huh?
Since that's a pack of women, and i am ridden with the bad luck to always be near groups of women when they are at their finest shit-flinging contest among each other,
i can confidently assume that "hate speech" translates as "any opinion i don't like" + "any argument i can't argue against".
Also, "any man that turns my advances down, because lo and behold people have preferences and individualism, AND I CAN'T STAND THAT".
>Since when is hate speech free speech?
Neo Nazis get protection with free speech. Those who agree with them listen, those who don't ignore them.
it's not hard
Really depends on how they define a "hate speech".
Is that a case when a 10 y/o kiddo is telling you that he had a sex with your mom last night?
Or that is the case when people will be punished for criticizing government decisions?
I HIGHLY doubt that they mean the first case. Much likely they want white people to stfu on european retarded immigration policy. Those stupid bitches have no idea on what the fuck they are doing, and when they will finally get it - it will be too late for them.
ITT: reactionary misogynists
>Stormfags don't realize that their "cultural marxism" boogeyman is really cultural capitalism.
Cultural marxism was invented by German Jew Socialists, though.
There's no doubt about its origin.
>Hate speech is easily defined.
It isn't since speech by its nature is relative and subjective, and the reactions to it vary from person to person.
>free·dom of speech
>the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
>b-but hate speech is different
Kill yourself
All speech is free, but some speech is more free than others.
You dumb cunt.
Funny how you see nothing wrong on neonazis getting protection.
The only thing that shouldn't be protected in a threat. "Niggers are rapists" or "I want no muslims in Europe" should be protected as free speech, declaring you're going to kill someone or shoot up your school shouldn't be protected because saying you were just joking lol isn't going to fly here.
>Hate speech is easily defined
The meaning of hate speech is entirely based off of who is talking...
Being against hate speech is hate speech.
Those women have offended me and caused me nuisance and emotional pain.
Put them in prison.
[citation needed]
only in speech.
actions are applicable to other laws.
the only speech limitations by national US law are:
>state secrets
>anything that will directly lead to physical harm of others
In the US hate speech is not a legal category. The EU is free to pass their own laws, sure, but that doesn't mean anything for the US.
Yes. I don't know what the fuck it is but pretty much all of them are adamant about cucking white men out of existence and destroying everything we have built.
What if i'm offended by talking about being against hate speech or by seeing it in action?
Daily reminder that hate speech is free speech you fucking niggers and kikes.
>You can say whatever you want unless we don't like it
You're guilty of hate speech.
hold up, free speech doesnt include """hate speech"""?
>inb4 stop liking what i dont like
>inb4 i shot my own foot
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Hate Speech Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
May be bad depending on what they're actually removing, but they have a right to do it. Start your own censorship-free site if you don't like it.
Were you expecting something else from Sup Forums?
>they fell for the 2 centuries old piece of paper meme
>if you don't agree with this movement you're a reactionary misogynist
Be careful what you say because I'm going to report this for hate speech.
Is talking against people who are against hate speech hate speech?
explain what Neo Nazis have done to harm people using words in the US?
the age of a document does not measure it's validity.
Well, that's not exactly true. The five traditional exemptions to the first amendment are defamation, obscenity, fraud, incitement, and speech integral to criminal conduct.
Doesn't matter if you like it or not, that's how it works in the US.
Jourová is such a dirty cunt.
>Sup Forums has a form of censorship on every single board - nobody cares
>big corporations implement censorship - OMFG WHAT ARE DOIN' THE INTERNET IS DEAD NOW
>D E A D
Feminist here, please ignore people like Hate speech is protected under free speech and we believe it should stay that way.
>"cultural marxism" boogeyman is really cultural capitalism.
Just because they are corporations does not mean they are purely capitalist and without ideal. Twitter and Facebook are not making more money by censoring people.
All Speech is Free Speech irrespective of the varied people's opinions on it.
The only thing that should be persecuted and regulated is acting upon speech in a destructive manner.
To regulate speech is to embrace infantilism, and is an implication that society needs to be put into the mental equivalent of baby carriages and given baby meals since real food is uncomfortable to chew and harder to digest.
It's an admission of mental weakness, but worse than that, a decision to degenerate and devolve yourself mentally as a person and abandon any motivation for self-improvement (building a sturdy mind).
This kind of policy can only be described as a policy pushed by socially incompetent people. Since it takes social incompetence to be in any way emotionally afflicted by speech of whatever nature.
thank you for clarifying, it's been a while since I studied the details of amendment precedent and exemptions.
Poland will save us.
>IT companies are implementing censorship
>"durr it's socialism"
This is why no one takes conservatives and libertarians seriously.
It's like a magic 8-ball, except all the answers are "just kill yourself, it's not worth it."
No. You believe. Your free bleeding moon sisters who keep Dvorkin by their bedside dont believe so, and guess what? They're the ones pushing legislation. Not you.
fuckin rekt
Sup Forums isn't the government and can't make restrictions of speech on other websites. People will just move to another website if Sup Forums's censorship is intolerable.
# R E K T
>muh stormfront
fuck off white guilt faggot
Behold, "hate speech" against charlie hebdo
Behold, "hate speech" against those who criticize charlie hebdo
That fucking feminist looking cunt at 0:58 with her triggered-face. These women can never engage in a debate, they can only feign outrage and demand their feelings be taken into account.
The set Hate Speech is a subset of the set Free Speech. Can't have one without the other.
Same way people can move from google, facebook and other services which have unacceptable censorship policy. They did not took the control over the entire Internet, it's just about a bunch of normie-tier social networks.
>This. Stormfags don't realize that their "cultural marxism" boogeyman is really cultural capitalism.
There's no contradiction. Cultural marxism and globalist capitalism reinforce each other, regardless of who deluded antifas think they're fighting.
Do you think your standard OmniCorp cares about traditions, religion, family, proper gender roles, national identity, etc? Of course not. The emptiness they leave in their wake means more opportunities to sell you shit. More workers, less wages. More consumers, more shit. More immigrants, less bargaining power. Etc.
And the left is happy to provide ideological ammunition.
>He hates the Constitution
Get out of my country you flag burning fuck
1984 here we come
>What qualifies as "hate speech?"
Anything that opposes hegemonical globalism, universalism, progressivism, etc.
Or just noticing things.
>1984 here we are
Meehh... on a broader view, one person's freedom stops where another person's freedom begins. Americans never get that. If you are a minority or something you should be allowed to live without others stirring up hate against your ethnicity.
>people ITT intertwining the legitimacy of the first ammendment with their stormfront ideologies
>a bunch of normie tier social networks
>like most people know any alternatives at all
Face it, Facebook and Twatter are monumental fucking bubbles. You don't just pop them and walk it off.
>Your rights end where my feelings begin
Is that book any good? I've enjoyed reading Fahrenheit 451.
Just the west committing suicide, nothing to see here.
....or without stirring up hate against other ethnicity, like what's happening now. Racism is not what you personally want it to be so you can feel like a special victim.
Except it's all big government doing things with your money that you don't want them to, retard.
There is no way to specifically define what hate speech is. You either have free speech or you don't. Your feelings are irrelevant.
>They did not took the control over the entire Internet,
That's the keyword you fucking shill
It's a classic for a reason and it's one of my favorite books. Brave New World is also good if you're into that kind of thing
1984 is 1000x better than 451.
>If you are a minority or something you should be allowed to live without others stirring up hate against your ethnicity.
Meanwhile white men are being persecuted for being white men and everyone acts like it's not the same thing because it isn't convenient.
>corporations want hate speech removed
>"your product is garbage"
>"Thats hate speech! Review removed!"
It blows my mind that these sheep dont realize they are being used in the interest of big business.
Anybody that thinks these companies are doing this shit in the interest of the common person are morons.
Thx, I'll check both of them.
> hate speech is totally not speech guys!!!
>private companies
Meh. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
hate speech is free speech as well. Removing hate speech is censorship, which is the opposite of free speech.
Then again, I wouldn't expect a woman to understand this.
"Your intolerant view of free speech triggers me, I sexually identify as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution"
Since we mentioned 1984, i must suggest book "We" by Zamyatin. Anyways, hate speech banning is bullshit,and bannig words is bullshit. I hate x word lets ban it, i hate this type of speech so i declare it a hate speech. Threatning someone SHOULD be illegal, saying that you dislike fags,kikes or porch monkeys SHOULD NOT be illegal.
Hate Speech is Free Speech.
I might disagree with the over-the-top feminaizs who shout that 'ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS' and 'DEATH TO ALL MEN'
But I'm not going to censor them, for even though they are only uttering hate, any utterance should be protected as free speech.
If you dont like hate speech delete you twitter feed.
The EU is an authoritarian left-wing shithole there's nothing to be done about it.
Just look at how they handle Greek bailouts, they literally give elected MPs a 8,000-page law and tell them they have two days to read and vote on it. The Greeks don't actually find out what was voted until weeks later when the media and everyone else have finally read through the laws in detail.
I'm shocked the British would even consider staying, it's completely absurd.
It had to be women. Fucking women whores like merkel and the Women in the EU