Why the FLYBOARD AIR is fake

short video regarding doubts about the Flyboard Air. youtube.com/watch?v=234RvWrSSuw

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of course it is, anyone who's taken a decent physics course can see why


No it's real but the claims are not.

care to expand on that? What laws of physics is it stretching or breaking?

the power requirements in the formfactor pictured to achieve the claims they showed. it might only be possible by irradiating the user via ground based microwave power.

Thanks for posting your video, I made sure to dislike it


yeah - 10,000ft is clearly not true, unless it was unmanned, (and real) then i think it would be possible

>I have no idea what jet engines are
Thats cute.

looks like that thing is dangling by wire from a helicopter just out of shot. Maybe. Looks a little suspect.

show me where the turbines are.

if could be a very short flight unit and the user is basically straddling the turbine housing. even so, controlling it would be very hard

there is 4 mini turbines, very similar to those used by The Dubia Jet Men, located just below his feet.

Reminder that this unit weighs less than 25lbs and can send a grown man flying like a motherfucker. Just last year somebody flew around the statue of liberty using a jetpack powered by this.

Small jets aren't unheard of, and they certainly don't violate any laws of physics like chucklefuck in this thread thinks.

The body of the unit is literally just a frame holding four small jets.

reviewed the test flight video, it could work, but might have a very short flight time. also not sure how easy it is to fly. where's the fuel go, some kind of weird shaped molded tank in the body?

yes, i think theoretically, with 4 jets like these it is certainly possible to achieve flight. But the difference between a jetpack and this flyboard is the centre of gravity. Here is is way above where the thrust originates.

10000 feet though? or is that just the takeoff altitude capability?

One of these on each side as well.

>b-b-b-ut its impossible
>anyone could tell its fake if they know physics
>hurrrff durrf if you don't think its fake then you don't know physics
>look how smart I am by being an edgy contrarian autistic fuck

These things are definitely possible.

The US military dabbled with flying platforms in the 50s.

The main problems are:
-fuel capacity
-backup systems for the pilot (if there's only one engine and that fails, the pilot is completely fucked)

>might have a very short flight time
it does

multi engine units have issues too, related to center of thrust relative to center of mass

the fuel is claimed to be stored in his backpack in a bladder. It should easily be able to carry 20 or so litres of fuel by the looks of it.