Some fucking genius dropped their iPhone on a school shuttle bench. Siri is a dumb unhelpful bitch and won't tell me who this phone belongs to or what their number is. I don't own an iPhone charger. How do I get in contact with the owner of this phone so I can give it back?
Some fucking genius dropped their iPhone on a school shuttle bench...
You take it to an Apple Store. They've got all the information.
Shit,i didn't want to walk to the nearest one. It's within spitting distance but I'm a lazy fuck. Oh well. They really will return it?
>They really will return it?
Uh no... thats NOT apples job. They dont get involved with that.
When will you people learn? They dont track people down and give them back phones.
They cannot get access to the phone either and it will just be recycled. You might as well sell it on eBay for parts.
Scrawl on it "lost phone, return to apple store" and drop it into a mailbox.
It's not a sanctioned method, but it'll be in a safe place, and maybe someone at the post office will be assed to do it.
The AppleID account associated with the phone's IMEI will be e-mailed.
What the fuck??????????????????????????
did I just read.....
Idiots. My brother works at an Apple store and they just hold the device for some long period of time and after awhile they will just "recycle" the phone. You literally are just lining Apples pockets.
You might as well sell it on eBay for PARTS.
Hey sperglord, relax and go bother another thread. We heard you the first time and evidently didn't give a shit.
No, it wont. where do you people get this shit from?
Then go ahead and throw away an iPhone for no apparent reason. Rather than line apples pockets maybe you could sell it.
But hey, I dont give a fuck. An Apple employee will just sell it if you dont.
you should have gave it to the bus driver.
take it to the police, jamal, and turn yourself in before its too late.
>take it to the police, jamal
This.... finally. Jesus, someone who actually knows how this works.
Crack the iCloud Jamal
Give it back Tyrone
Who the fuck is Tyrone?
Bring it to an apple store, they will usually unlock it and contact the owner via their email or contact a notable contact on their list such as "Dad" or their spouse, etc.
They can come pick up the phone, or pay to have it mailed to them.
Source: apple store backroom employee in Chicago
Another alternative is to bring it to the bus driver and put up a sign. Or you can put up signs at the bus stop with your contact information to get them to call you to come collect the phone. Make sure they are able to unlock the phone to verify it is theres.
You can get an iphone charger for like 6$ at most gas stations or pharmacies.
I'm an Apple Genius. Do not give the phone to us. Take it to your nearest Verizon or T Mobile store and tell them it's for the returns department. They will jailbreak the phone and backtrace it from the most recent cell tower.
Generic meme name for black people.
how do you know they aren't going to do anything? what makes you so sure?
>You can get an iphone charger for like 6$ at most gas stations or pharmacies.
He would need a lightning cord not a damn charger since the charger is just a USB port...
Senpai, the name field.
I'll try this.
I dont know that they wont but listen, is ISNT their job to track down iPhone owners. There is no "policy" saying they must do so.
can you go back to sucking cock please and stay away from your keyboard
Comedy gold
You can get it to call people using Siri on the lock screen.
Try "Call home" or "Call mom/dad"
Did you try to take that SIM out, put in your phone and check if there are any contacts stored on that SIM if it's not locked?
Call dad worked. The owner will probably pick it up tomorrow maybe. Thanks.
nice job jamal
You do realize that iOS is considered the safest OS in existence due to the Apple account requirement right?
Other than returning it there's literally nothing you can do with that phone, it's as good as a rock.
doesnt android require an account? I treid to not make one and it just wouldnt move past that screen.
It doesn't, also you could build your own shit with AOSP. Even if you got a lost android phone, you can still perform a factory reset or flash it, but with Apple stuff you're fucked.
>there's literally nothing you can do with that phone
Are you autistic I SAID MULTIPLE TIMES that it could be sold FOR PARTS.
the autist is at it again
maybe leave it at schools office
Nothing I said was wrong. Your point?
There's no black market for shitty Apple proprietary hardware because nobody mods Apple hardware to begin with. Maybe if we were talking about phones built with normal parts you could argue that some dude somewhere might be interested, but you're literally retarded.
>Nothing I said was wrong
Read my reply dumbass.
I lost an ipod years ago before icloud let you track it.. can I still lock it down and track it now?
but teenage girls break their screens all the time, and the vapor-fedora squad are willing to fix them of r nudes.
For parts? What? There's no fucking market for that. Nobody wants used parts for anything, especially because all parts with the exception of the logic board (which is not transferrable anyway) are available, cheap and good enough.
Hahahah holy fuck dude.
People repair iPhones all the time! Guarantee if you search eBay youll see plenty of sold listings for iPhones sold as parts....
Jesus.... fucking dunce.
If you hold the phone on its edge and tap it with a ball peen hammer or something like that it should pop open and have a serial number that the Apple store will look and and contact the owner with.
Don't be afraid to tap a little harder than you feel you should, it's a robust device and will be fine.
An easy $50 bare minimum.
>give it back
Good job Jamal.
LOL that's what you guys are talking about? You might as well beg for money at some traffic light and you would make that much in four or five hours. Stop being such poorfags, I bet you pic coins you find on the floor.
What makes you so sure they will? Since you're the one making the claim the onus is on you to prove they will not everyone else to prove they won't.
>tfw jamal saves the day
Uh, id take $50 over giving it to an Apple store since they dont have a policy other than "take it to the police" .
Not sure about the rest of your post, this is a one time thing for OP.... wtf not like hes making a job out of it.
hang up signs for "found phone"
when someone comes to claim it, request the password as to make sure its the rightful owner. then give it back.
find an iphone charger, charge it up, FMiPhone should be one so they can track it
>You do realize that iOS is considered the safest OS in existence
Poo in the fucking loo Rajeesh.
>You literally are just lining Apples pockets.
So you have thread, a needle and some cloth and you are literally, that's right, literally making pocket lining for Apple.
When will people stop using words they don't understand as filler words to sound smart?
When will Pajeets go back to Indian and stop pretending to understand English and English idioms?
Give it back jamal
I did, now KyS faggggg
Holy shit you Apple heads not only don't know how technology works but you also seem to think that Apple is comprised solely of social paragons who designed a system to do only the "right" thing.
There is no reason they would get it to the person and there is no system in place to do so.
try to keep it alive until somebody calls the phone, and tell them you found their phones
>"Siri, call home"
take it to the nearest police station
>Scrawl on it "lost phone, return to apple store" and drop it into a mailbox.
Cool. Good job jamal.
Plug it into your computer and launch iTunes. It may tell you who to contact if reported lost