Sup Forums has to admit this is a good product

Sup Forums has to admit this is a good product.

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that's roughly the opposite of a good product


Well, I refuse to admit anything, so your ``complete Sup Forums admission'' will never happen.


I have one. It's shit.


he nailed it

What's it for?

Wireless router with a built-in hard drive and compatibility with OS X's bundled backup utility

Holy shit I hate these so much. I have to configure enterprise equipment to accommodate all their horseshit special snowflake network protocols. Everyone who buys them is a douche about it and acts like AirPrint and iCloud are hot shit that Apple invented, and it's my fault when nothing works with them.

It is also a very outdated router. I wish I never bought my AirPort Extreme. I am due for a proper upgrade.

here. Only the Airport Time Capsule has a built-in hard drive for backup. The OP's pic (Airport Extreme) does not have a hard drive. However, it has a USB port, and if you plug in a hard drive, you can use it for backup.

What's outdated about it?

Performance is ok, but don't like how you must use airport utility to configure the thing. The orientation of those ports makes it harder to remove cables sometimes, due to the location of the retention clip.

Currently planning on replacing my old 2008 airport extreme with a new PC Engines APU2. I don't need wifi that much, and I can configure it however I want. Will probably just set it up with a plain old GNU/Linux distribution or Open/FreeBSD.

I burst into laughter the first time I saw the thing.
I couldn't help but think of pic related.
I'm a fucking macfag and I think this is ridiculous.

Do they have a fetish for trash cans ?

>What's outdated about it?

On Sup Forums you don't have to argue against apple products at all. You just state the same old outdated/expensive/hipster lines hoping for approval.

What's not outdated?

It uses USB 2.0
AC 1300
Released 2013

That's just off the top of my head. The price is not justified.

hmm i wonder if this is a shop

And paper weights as I would understand it, you can spend thousands on these "macbook air" editions of paper weights and it's mystifying. Why would I want my paper weight to be LIGHT weight? Clearly it's not going to do anything else I need it to.

Tangential question, unrelated to Apple discussion: what are speeds for 802.11ac like in the real world?

Well duh, that's the point. Current apple shit is on par with eight year old jokes.


its bad performance wise and not manageable

Sup Forums will never admit that.
Sup Forums is like the tea party reacting to democrats.

totally not advertising


No, it's not. Because you can't even access it via the fucking web browser. You need to install a fucking program on your god damn computer just to be able to change the settings on it.

Fuck Apple's routers and fuck the faggot ass OP.

I like Apple but nah.

>It uses USB 2.0
Fair, I suppose.
>AC 1300
???? 802.11ac is the latest and 1300mbit is fake shit anyway.
>Released 2013
So what?

>get a sub-lease
>ask my new roommate about the wi-fi
>"yeah i have a router but you might need to install an app first"
>think it's a cheap cisco/lynksis and he does everything with the setup CD
>find out it's an airport express
>no web interface
>admin program routinely crashes
>signal fuzzes or drops out regularly even though i'm in the room right next to it
>move out 3 months later

*-WRT is the only way to roll for small routers

I have an asus ac5300

Wireless AD is rolling out


The most expensive router you can get

Have you seen any articles on if 60ghz band can even penetrate a wall? AD is probably going to be line of sight.

lol. kill yourself

>meh performance
>no real security features
>utter cunt to setup
>wireless range is shite
>no advanced config features
>not expandable
>can't even fucking wall-mount it or rack-mount it

It's the biggest piece of shit router on the market. Literally a same-price Belkin/Linksys/Netgear/Etc is better. Because nearly everyone else offers far easier ways to configure their routers, mount them on a wall/in a rack, and/or allow for/have the ability to take good 3rd party firmwares for advanced features.

These need to die.

The Airport Express at least is small, and works well for a mesh network for consumer usage, and is reasonably cheap for a in-store available item that looks unoffensive and does a decent job. The Extreme, though, can die. I don't need a router that runs the same OS as a fucking mars rover.

It's good as a wireless access point since it is one of the fastest, if not the fastest.
but the software for it is trash, so it's best to only use it as an AP


That pile of shit is just that, a pile of shit.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how good it is, but the price doesn't justify it. Especially when you consider that the HDD interface is proprietary.

Ac 1300
>One of the fastest
Maybe 3 years ago.

it's faster than most ac 1750 routers, including the enterprise ones.

>faster than technical limitations of the spec
2 rupees have been deposited in your shit eating hands Rajeesh.

>not even looking at actual benchmarks
>going off of speeds alone.



Can you do anything but spam shit memes?

UniFi ap's are better

I've got an Airport Extreme at work, one of the older ones without the hard drive. It's a steaming pile of shit. It's slow, stops working randomly, won't play nice with the cameras or firewall, and you have to install an app to change it's settings

>It's more secure than a web interface

It would probably be okay in an applel ecosystem, but all the computers are running windows or linux

Can you do anything but spam meme products?

I've done no such thing.

Poo in the fucking loo Rajeesh.
