Is OSX the only sane option left?
Is OSX the only sane option left?
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Piss off.
No, Gentoo is a pretty viable option i hear.
You have no privacy unless you permanently disconnect from the internet.
I think they're talking about stuff on Microsoft's services like Onedrive and Outlook
Does Linux access and disclose my private folders?
Notice it doesn't actually say that and OP is making things up
> implying apple doesn't collect your data.
Kill yourself, shill.
But it's pretty easy for an certain agency to access those private folders regardless
yes by targeting you specifically, not through mass data aggregation
There's still time.
Only if I am a target. I don't think NSA is able to breach a few non-windows users as well.
Good to know my OS does not willingly disclose my private content
What happens after that? Stop using computer?
>implying anyone even cares about 'security updates'
Who vanilla windows 7 here?
Enjoy your vulnerable OS
>But it's pretty easy for an certain agency to access those private folders regardless
I love how Sup Forums thinks the only threat out there is the NSA. They are the only ones who would want to collect your data. No one else.
Android tbqwyf
Gentoo is for:
1. Casual Linux users
2. NEETs
I literally don't care. What are you going to do about it?
>kill yourself shill
Sup Forums Technology and Internetâ„¢
> implying updates on WINDOWS fix security issues
Doesn't really specify those two services, true for everything
>sane option
wew lad
If you trust binary-based distros, maybe yes.
You can't be sure the package is built from the same source code they publish unless you build it manually and compare the object code for differences
Get tails. Two usb drives and no hard drive.
>What is checksum authentication
Get out
>what is tampering the package before signing
>What is cross checking checksums
against what?
Self generated checksum
Windows 7 isn't any better
OSX already does that.
Yeah I can bold fonts and un-bold fonts too, user.
OS X also collects your shit
Even Linux can be compromised since it has a huge code base and increasingly difficult to audit
plus big companies help develop code
>Similiar data
>Such as
>This includes
So many red flag formulations that tell you they collect a whole lot more data than they explicitly mention.
+10 for damage control.
>"stole my music" meme
The tech support person he was talking to was either an idiot or a figment of his imagination.
Some people lost music due to a bug. 99% of users did not. It was never policy nor code to do what he claims was policy/code. But some people are always wearing tin foil hats and just can't accept there are bugs.
+100 for more damage control
i run windows 10 but currently running lubuntu 16.04 persistent on a usb
it actually does, just hit expand all and search "finally"
I find OSX more usable than any OS I've ever come across. Imagine the most refined Linux Distro ever with a nice consistent theme. Also I can alt-tab to programs on other virtual desktops.
I don't get it, they will comply with police and turn over e-mails that they control.
Where does apple say they will not turn over emails on icloud or or whatever the fuck their domain is?
debian-testing with Cinnamon or KDE is better than Windows or OSX for anything except video games and other proprietary software that doesn't run well on Wine.
Pick one and only one.
>"Yes", she replied
Shameless apple merchants.
Seasoned linux users i.e. dualbooters, VM users, spare linux box users etc