This looks cool and it looks like a nice method of increasing airflow in a case with limited fans

This looks cool and it looks like a nice method of increasing airflow in a case with limited fans.

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Found a link

EVERCOOL FOX-1 PC Computer Chassis Case Heat Sink PCI Cooler Cooling Fan Radiator Blower 2200RPM 4Pin IDE Molex Power
(from AliExpress Android)

the on in the OP pic is the fox-2

Expensive :(

Probably loud as fuck though

its 10$ on amazon you dumb idiot,160_&refRID=0AH9QRWWMFSAJN28VBPB

What are you 12? I have been running slot fans since my pentium days. This is nothing new..

Reviews disagree.

OP these are shit wtf case are you using that you run out of fans

when i had shit tier pc i bought one at local microcenter for like $15

worked pretty well

if you need this

you dont deserve to have a computer


Corsair spec 03

that's the fucking shittest meme case on the market

WTF were you thinking you cunt?

Epic "gamer" red case, bro.

Huh. Wonder if there's a mini iTX equivalent

Was A$50 on sale, pretty good for the price for something I'll stick under my desk?

It's not an intake fan you dingus it's an exhaust fan



Just leave your case open during the summer and blast the guts with compressed air every other week or so.

The fuck is wrong with people.

so Sup Forums builds rigs with cases that cant preform literally the one thing they exist for?

I'm not Sup Forums. I'm just a random person. My system exists so I can play games on it. I didn't build a machine with the sole purpose of seeing how cool I could make it.

>tfw couldn't afford case so just bought a win95 PC for $10 and gutted the case

it works pretty well desu

I don't get people who want LEDs in their fucking case. No one wants to sleep with roaring brightass computer all night.

I see that it can have at least 2 intake and 2 outtake fans. Why would you need more ?

I have 7 case fans.
I want more.

I want to achieve lift off.

Welcome to Australia you ignorant cunt

Just pay the extra dollar on aliexpress bakaka

Am I the only one who thought this was supposed to be an intake fan?

Yes, why would it be?

shut hte FUCK up NERD

its for blowing out some hot gpu air before it circulates around the case and heats shit up

you mount it above your card

the real question is why do all these pci blowers come with the intake facing the wrong direction

I'd put it behind my gpu so there's airflow on both sides.

behind? is your gpu mounted vertically or something?


I don't have any experience with those little coolers, but I doubt itll help much, I use an Optiplex 745 which is like the worst case, BTX, no exhaust fan, and it doesn't really get hot even with the CPU and GPU maxed out. I suggest investing in a better heatsink or something, then you'll see a difference.

Better airflow will make a big difference, Just like a good heatsink will.


Fuck ya, felon-kun. Even moot hates australians.

Pro-tip: Air flow doesn't matter nearly as much as you think it does


>having a tiny meme case
>lets stuff a tiny blower fan in there so it'll have run at crazy RPM just to have any effect and make it unbearably loud in the process

If this is intake: enjoy your dust
If exhaust: fan is facing wrong direction to work for a gpu

It's just meant to increase airflow. It's great for people who bought an i5 prebuilt that only takes one fan. Can use this to push air out.

Curiously enough, I'm not sure An Hiro could point out Australia on a map.

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I've seen those PNG's before, but thats the most brilliant fucking use I've ever seen. TOPKEK

>he lives in his bedroom

People leave their computers on all night?

What the fuck

Yeah, I don't get that. Even quiet fans are very annoying when I'm trying to get to sleep, and it takes 5 seconds to put the system in S3 suspend.

This is why the saying "Let sleeping dogs lie" is a thing

>thumbnail is subscribed
>expand, turns to unsubscribed
How do you do this?

Plus the power bill

No. No it is not.

Meme magic

All my expansion slots are full, can't fit that baby anywhere.

Also, you should not need that for good airflow, unless you don't know how to and where to install what kind of fans.

Shut up


My computer hasn't been off in weeks and it's dead quiet underload. What kind of jet engines do you have?

Why doesn't this fucking shit work on smartphones?

I used to have one of these for my 8800GTS. I don't remember it making a noticeable difference to any temperatures and it was incredibly loud.

maybe your phone is not smart enough

more blog news at 8

That's fucking retarded

looks like a meme