>Chris Pirillo will go bankrupt in your lifetime
He used to get $5,500 per month, hoooly shit. He's finished.
Chris Pirillo will go bankrupt in your lifetime
Literally who? Why should I care?
$2k/month is still reasonably good. unless he's living in a built up city and paying rent, he should be able to get by on that.
this is also assuming he's saved up nothing; if he was making 5500/month and had set aside nothing in all that time, then he'd be about as stupid as a Sup Forums user.
also, i'm pretty sure he could get work at some shitty tech site or something. he's pretty well-known, if a retarded old man at this point.
hey man your keyboard is broken, it keeps repeating quotation marks.
or if you're trying to be sarcastic, you should know that one set of quotation marks is enough. this isn't really an outlet for you to be hyperbolic.
His house is gigantic, and he's in Seattle. High cost of living. He regularly goes on Twitter tirades now about how people don't pay for his content :)
> he used to be on techtv
Oh how the mighty have fallen
I never thought I'd use this seriously, but...
Literally who?
lmao damn
you go broke quick in the tech world
an annoying faggot that was somewhat famous at one point
Any particular reason why he is losing patreon money ?
>Any particular reason why he is losing patreon money ?
He badmouthed a famous woman in tech. I forget who, it wasn't even like an ignorant "durr women r dum" comment, it was a just a sincere constructive criticism of her actions. Totally ridiculous.
he's been active for more than 10 years. seattle isn't that expensive compared to other tech cities. if he's been careful with his expenses and savvy about buying a home early, he might be fine.
and, again, he could always go get a job that doesn't involve him begging for donations. he started doing conventional tv/journalism work, and he could probably go back to it. he hasn't totally burned any bridges or anything. he's not an editor at gawker or something.
This guy fucks hot bitches and gets paid to record himself talking all day (sometimes about technology).
Meanwhile, I'm sitting at home posting on Sup Forums on a Saturday night.
>He's finished.
I don't care. Or maybe I do care because I'm salty as fuck.
>this is also assuming he's saved up nothing
You also assume the only thing you can do with excess income is squirrel it away.
As someone who has never heard of Chris Prillo until this thread, is he still worth checking out? And is it worth looking at his old stuff?
Fuck you
Fuck you? Fuck me!
If you think Linus is annoying then you will also hate Pirillo
>You also assume the only thing you can do with excess income is squirrel it away.
what? no. i'm pointing out that there's an equally possible extreme to the assumption the OP and you seem to have made that pirillo is living month to month. it's very likely that he was somewhere along the spectrum (both in autism and in terms of saving money), but the point is that it's doubtful that he's *still* at a point where if he came up short one month he wouldn't be able to shore up his expenses with money made in the past.
i mean it's entirely possible he's made no long term plans whatsoever; his work was totally weird and new when he started doing it, so maybe he had no clue what he was doing and didn't invest or save any of it properly. still, i doubt he's as fucked as you all seem giddy to believe.
but i'm not really a fan of his; i remember spending 20 minutes watching his livestream and freaking out because it was like watching an angry short jewish dude take over a porno livestream and ruin it with narrating his boring as fuck life.
basically: no, don't bother. longer explanation following.
back in 2001ish chris pirillo was the host of a show titled "call for help". this was a time when good online forums with rapid turnover didn't really exist and someone who could generally answer questions about tech shit was an interesting enough show. it was a really weird time, but people called in with questions and it was entertaining enough that a channel devoted to technology stuff - TechTV - would run it.
I pretty vividly remember it being worth watching back then. I don't go back and re-watch episodes because I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hold up to my nostalgia, and I know from recent experience that the livestream isn't any good.
this is one of those things that probably wouldn't entertain you unless you lived through that era and were in the right age range that it was relevant to you and stuff. i don't think it stands the test of time.
yes, you completely ignored investments and other appreciating assets.
David Di Franco makes more than him.
Why isn't Sup Forums a self employed content creator?
He's been divorced twice and married for the third time. I don't think he had a prenup for those two previous marriages?
Sup Forums is salty as fuck.
His wife is pic related.
His child is named Jedi Pirillo.
that was exactly what i called attention to as a thing that he might have done.
i don't know if i have it in me to repeat myself for retarded people more than this. if you have more questions, please re-read my post at least 2 or 3 times in full to make sure i haven't addressed it already.
that's only 66k a year in the good times, you might save a few months living expenses at best
He was the big guy in tech videos way back when Linus was just starting out. He then became an apple-cuck and there was a mass exodus of subscribers.
Girl on the left is qt
>His child is named Jedi Pirillo.
>Jedi Pirillo.
Fucking LOL
I never liked that cock gobbler or his admins.
You know how this guy got famous?
Back in like 06 or 07 he had a youtube video about upgrading an old imac. That's literally it.
Getting women into tech is more important than pissing on them for getting a minor thing wrong. He deserved everything he got.
This better be ironic shitposting
It costs a lot to keep his gold-digger wife down, if she hasn't already left him. I haven't seen one of his videos in about 4 years.
>famous woman in tech
those exist? or was it 'I work tech support at best buy and have a twitter'
kek he's still around? I used to watch him back in like 07-08
guys, he was on fucking techTV before youtube shit like linus was even a thing.
he was a douchebag back then and he's still one now.
First, no idea who that is.
Second, do you think 5k a month is a lot of money? Jesus. I make 4 times that and I don't feel rich
t. basement dweller