Worth upgrading i5 3470 to skylake's i5 series?
Same processor currently, I'm waiting on the 6900K.
not worth
Only if you want lower temps otherwise it's Not really much of an upgrade, why not got for an i7? I'm on a skylake core i7 & it's amazing,
No difference between i5 and i7 for gayming.
And unless you're doing CPU intensive tasks regularly, i7 is just money down the drain.
Didn't say it did the OP said nothing about gaming, besides I don't just game I do a lot of video encoding and whatnot and the extra threads do help a lot with that so better multi tasking, also where a core i5 is nearly at full load the i7 won't even be %70 utilized
it's an i7 for a reason bruh, it's just flatout better than an i5 of the same catagory/architecture so unless you know more than intel about their own processors suggest you shut the fuck up and stop telling people to buy inferior crap because 'muh gaymes'
Yes there is you fucking retard.
Next you'll say no difference between Pentium and i3 for gaming because dual core.
>upgrading from an i5 3470 to skylake
Won't that require a motherboard upgrade too? Thought skylake had a new socket?
a-a-are you a retard?
I can count the game on 1 hand that would actually benefit from an i7 over an i5 and even of those games the i5 is almost always powerful enough anyway.
I know i7 is better than an i5 in properly threaded applications, but games rarely are properly threaded, and those that are don't even use the full power of the i5, so the i7 is no better than the i5 because you wont get any more FPS, you're going to be far more GPU bound in your gaming than CPU bound, spend that extra $100 on a better GPU.
Of course when you start looking at rendering and encoding and other shit, those are all properly threaded and the i7 makes sense.
Show me some benchmarks then bruh, i'd love to see more than handful of cherry picked benchmarks, I know of a couple off the top of my head that show real benefits from an i7 over and i5, but there aren't all that many games that see any FPS gains.
better? more power and nothing better. fuck off
muh i7 I neeed it because higher number
Meanwhile i normal land. People are OCing and running sandy lake fine
i5 user detected
Not just higher power, i7 6700 has a lower TDP than a i5 6600K so your essentially getting the same power with lower power consumption and more power as well as newer games being able to utilize more and more threads so with an i7 you are more future proof.
otherwise a i7 6700K beats the i5 in all areas,
Any game can & will benefit if you want to run a few background processes while you game retard
here you go retard see for yourself
the i7 has more cache as well as faster memory management where the i5 beats the i7 there is maybe .1 of a difference but where the i7 beats the i5 it's not even close, i7 offers better performance per watt
not to mention most Z170 boards offer turbo boost and overclocking now so with a slight overclock on a i7 6700 your gonna close the gap and pull ahead.
fucking hell it's feeling more summer by the day.
Fucking retard.
now show the chart showing frame times which is almost as important as having high frame rates.
as you can see here the the i7 non-k has all of the raw power of the i5 with none of the drawbacks i7 at
An i7 offers benefits over an i5 in most gaymes. Not in terms of average framerate, but in terms of minimums and frametimes.
The gap is only going to grow. Quad cores without Hyperthreading will be viewed in the same manner as dual cores without it are viewed today inside two years.
sandy lake... kek it's sandy bridge.
oops was meant to quote this guy, sandy lake lmfao
He's an idiot. My i7 870 is still going strong till at least early 2018. I7 is much better than i5.
>I know of a couple off the top of my head that show real benefits from an i7 over and i5
A few years ago there were NO games that showed any benefit. Back when games were being optimized for the Xbox 360 with 3 cores, an i5 was more than enough. Now, they're being optimized for consoles with 8 cores, and it's increasingly making a difference.
I have an i5 which I bought 5 years ago under the knowledge that an i7 wouldn't help me in games, but these days you really would be foolish not to just spend the extra 100 bucks, considering how long CPUs last.
>3 FPS difference between top of the line i7 and standards good i5