>Says he believes in "equal rights for men and women"
>Admits to voting for liberals
How does it feel like knowing your idol is a literal cuck, loonixfags?
Says he believes in "equal rights for men and women"
>people are not allowed to have their own opinion
Go away you boring cunt.
That's not Stallman
>Sup Forums in charge of b8ing
He's Swedish. What do you expect?
You're the cuck, enjoy being buttraped by wealthy corporations, you ignorant.
>I am uninformed but I wanna be opinionated
Thanks for holding us all back, shitlord!
It feels like you should probably get back to
Is this bait or are you a moron? Feel free to select both if they apply.
>their own opinions
Top fucking lel m8
Somebody please tell me again why we haven't deleted Sup Forums yet?
All of Sup Forums wants it off, so what possible agenda could the admins have by keeping it around?
Because it's a containment board for redditors streaming in fresh from /r/Sup Forums
Because it's a containment board. Of course, it leaks out all the time, but this is nothing compared to what would happen without it
The posters don't go away when you delete their board. See also: /r9k/
containment board
>My college professor told me da corporashunz are evil, im so educated and enlightened!
go back to Sup Forums faggot
This thread belongs in Sup Forums
I'm a Sup Forums regular, and this thread doesn't belong here.
nu/pol/ became a shilling reddit raided hell, and that isn't a reason to fuck the other boards.
Excet /po/, fuck /po/
Most Linux users here mindlessly worship Stallman
At least it seems like most. Maybe they're an outspoken minority, one can only hope.
>literally wanting women to ruin technology
This is why Linux is so shit, for example its widely known some kernel commits were accepted simply because they written by women "coders" so that nobody would think they were politically incorrect.
Sorry, there's rationally thinking people outside of Sup Forums, too. I would suggest you get your head out of your ass, but getting bending over I guess is a free choice in a free country.
>containment board
>where the core principles of the subject is spreading
Doesn't make sense. Almost every topic is a containment board in essence. /mlp/ was just annoying to deal with so they got their own board. I suppose that's the more stringent definition of containment board.
But having Sup Forums only assists political discussion.
As for OP
>voting for liberals
Ok? That's a pretty consistent with believing in equal rights.
Who gives a shit about his political opinions
If you're going to stop use software based on the developers beliefs you better just give up using technology
This. Everytime you download free software, you download communism.
I think it was a joke meme that eventually became sincere.
Any community who gets their kicks acting like idiots will eventually find themselves filled with real idiots who think they're at home.
>This is why Linux is so shit, for example its widely known some kernel commits were accepted simply because they written by women "coders" so that nobody would think they were politically incorrect.
You sound fat
That's nothing.
The FSF is spending millions of donated money a year to pay for female programmers to work on GNU projects
You sound like a cuck
>>Linus Torvalds 2w (chromebooks outsold macs for the first time)
>>Hey, either Macs don't count much on the desktop, or we may have to finally lay the "year of the Linux desktop" joke to rest.
>Linus Torvalds+143
>Maybe I should have put the "It's Happening" meme gif there instead?
This better be bait.
If that's being a cuck then pretty good I guess?
If that's the criteria can I be a cuck too, please? I'd like to be a normal and rational human being, thanks.
>implying i have an idol
What about other policies?
This man doesn't usually self censor himself like most liberals and doesn't accept the cancerous kids who will get their feelings hurt if they're not welcome in the community. So I very much doubt he loves regressives.
Also to believe in "equal rights for men and women" could mean to give the rights of women to men as well.
>Also to believe in "equal rights for men and women" could mean to give the rights of women to men as well.
Since when have women deserved equal treatment? There's a reason most (like 99 %) of the world's leaders are male - they are stronger, more intelligent and for the most part, not affected by irrational emotions.
Its really paradoxical how somebody who calls open source a "superior" and "more scientific" way of software design could think of women as somehow equals to men when all the scientific and objective evidence we have points to the opposite direction. Who do you think made the inventions that allow open source software or software at all to exist today? Hint: they didn't wear skirts.
Who fucking cares about the developer's opinions, as long as they keep developing software that I can use to shitpost on then I'm happy, I won't stop using it til it LITERALLY starts censoring me which it won't