Hey Sup Forums what do you think about women and diversity in programming and development?

Hey Sup Forums what do you think about women and diversity in programming and development?

Check this out github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3721

Other urls found in this thread:


Put some more effort into your b8, Sup Forumstard

Fucking bitch has her chrome logo upside down

Lol how is my post b8 you retard? I'm completely neutral on the topic, just asking what Sup Forums thinks. Not sure what Sup Forums has to do with this

I think that's a completely retarded idea. How did we get here? How did we get to the point where we have to be politically correct with our code for fuck sake?

What a time to be alive.

Don't care

>TheAlphaNerd opened this Issue on Nov 9, 2015

If you cared so much, why didn't you search the archive viewpoints?

Worthless programmers who can get their name onto pull requests for big projects by proposing meaningless changes.

How good does it look on a resume to be the starter and contributor to a pull request on node.js itself? And if you're a woman - cause this shit isn't limited to women - even better.

I'm all for diversity and more women in programming. It *is* a field dominated by young white guys. I just don't think it's smart or effective to pander, punish and enforce diversity. You have to let it occur naturally.

Looks like I triggered a few nu-male feminists


I hope that interviewers actually fucking look at the contributions as opposed to just seeing that their name is on the list

Didn't read your link, but I think this is about a combination of women activists (women's approach to the world seems to be primarily about manipulating resources out of men, this can happen on an individual level or collective) demanding women be given access to the goodies, while various tech companies and individuals find that this is a good way to make a lot of money.

For example, I watched a documentary not long ago called 'Codegirl', which is about a competition to promote girl programmers. You could clearly see that apart from the girls themselves who were encouraged to take part in the competition, there was a whole industry of people who were benefitting - firstly there were 'mentors' appointed to each group of girls in the competition, all of these 'mentors' (who I believe probably wrote most of the code) were white males, these guys were probably paid well, but more importantly you have the people who run the company who promotes the competition - seemed to be mostly older women who wouldn't know much about programming.

Basically women nag for free shit, and there's always money in assisting this transaction, and this financial relationship of corruption that emerges becomes self-sustaining. Look at the legal system in the West. Where I am, Australia, MOST of the time spent by courts and police is dedicated to the women's issues of intervention orders\divorce, ontop of the already misandric criminal system which basically outlaws many things powerless males end up doing. The court staff, judges, even police are all getting paid, and paid well, by a system which exploits the inherent misandry and female appeasement of human nature.

>spending more time on her iphone than actually doing work
sounds about right.

I've never worked with female devs. Women seem to focus on design or html/css.

However, half the guys I work with are pretentious fucks that can't pass level one foobar.

>I just don't think it's smart or effective to pander, punish and enforce diversity. You have to let it occur naturally.

I agree. Too bad we're the minority here (heh, no pun intended).

> women
> css
has science gone too far?

>work in webdev
>female coworker says that javascript on server side is viable and we should use nodejs
> mfw

I don't see why women wouldn't learn css, since it's declaration based, design language. bunch of instructions and data telling us how colourful a webpage is, but women are not interested in abstraction algorithms, math, or logic/rational programming

> The Decemberists

It's obvious when someone tweets about it and they all comment at once about how it needs to be changed and that it's disgusting that people aren't taking it serious.


Why does everyone of them always look psychotic?

This is a business and/or political issue, not a tech one.

Git is technology. Github is a business. Want me to check out that link? You check out . I don't give a fuck what "issues" happen at Github pages here on Sup Forums.



>Major League Hacking

At least she has the tits of a real tech girl



I almost feel like this is all a psy-op of some sort. They can't be real, just can't, or the drug testing on the public never actually stopped.

honestly does making the change trigger your autism more than it triggers theirs?

open source development is just an exercise in compromises. this is the most trivial compromise i've ever seen anyone ask for. what precisely is your rationale for holding up such a trivial request?

>my pull request that ctrl-f a single .c file for the word "suicide" is worth just as much as a 1000 line algorithm!

I don't really take issue with removing macabre or dated references in lieu of explicit language. It's just hard for me to sympathize with claims of emotional distress over seeing these words. Discomfort is not distress. Seeing my ex's name might make me uncomfortable after a breakup but I'll not ask for it to be stricken from my sight.

They all are acting like this is a serious topic, when these same people orchestrate this shit on social media while raging against the ones who disagree with them on github. They are all pathological liars who are pushing an agenda.

>honestly does making the change trigger your autism more than it triggers theirs?

Don't even care, just wondering how they are getting away with it every time.

Wasnt she involved in the eggplant shit a while back?

he's being melodramatic about it, but you hit the nail on the head that this is literally just ctrl-f / find & replace. your incessant martyr complex is what leads 3 retarded faggot drama queens to turn into a 100-comment thread of people getting all wound up and calling this the holocaust of github code.

if you acknowledge that this is an inconsequential pull request, then make the change. if there are two parties that care about this that disagree, insist that they come up with consensus/unity on the topic, then make the change they request.

or better yet, ask them to go and change all the variables/whatever they want, run tests to confirm nothing's broken, and submit a pull request.

this is so fucking easy to deal with. i wish all you autistic faggots would fucking kill yourselves for lowering to their level and letting this be a big deal.

No one can believe this is sincere. It's Sup Forums-tier roleplay.

they're getting away with it because you fucking faggots say that this doesn't matter to you, and they're saying it does matter to them, and then you inexplicably become the biggest retarded cockheads in the world and insist that no it totally does matter to you and you want things to stay the way they are. for reasons you refuse to articulate sensibly.

if it doesn't matter to you, encourage them to make all the changes they want and submit pull requests. if it truly doesn't matter to you, change the variable names and be done with it. the worst case scenario is that a group of people have overblown how serious this topic is to them, and you've wasted like 30 seconds between comments ranging from
>hey, this sounds fine, just make the changes, submit a pull request, and i'll accept it
>PR accepted. thanks!

SJWs tire out easily. the only thing that fuels them is controversy. all the pushback about why you need master-slave naming schemes, mentions of suicide, references to retards, etc... all just riles them up.

stop fucking riling them up. every time they start winding up to have a shitstorm, take the air out of their campaign. just agree with their suggestion, ask them to quickly go through and make the changes they want, make sure it hasn't broken anything, and accept the change.

I'd rather deal with an SJW than this autism.


>the CoC isn't about silencing anyone, they said


>just lie down
>all just rejection emboldens them!

180 of reality. Winning is emboldening.

>Seeing "suicide" takes the fun out of Node coding and replaces it with painful memories
Funny, working in Node takes the fun out of coding all on its own

if there's a justified reason to reject a PR, then say so. all i'm seeing is bitching from autistic people.

so you're saying node is making suicide fun again?

just fork it and call it node.bs

Node makes suicide seem like an attractive option is all I'm saying

feeling like it's you+your friends against "the other" is known for fostering a sense of togetherness/camaraderie.

SJWs look for opportunities to rally and feel like they're being oppressed. they basically go around looking for projects to feel oppressed by.

it sounds more like you're looking for something to make a fight over. like if you change the names of variables in your github repo then suddenly you're giving up some important aspect of your code. that sounds like martyr complex to me. it's just variable naming. these are not things that matter, except to faggots.

if you want to be a faggot on the level of SJWs, then get caught up with them. otherwise, let the current of their retarded whims go whichever way they go.

why do all those agreeing and getting triggered by words look like typical nu-male cuckolds with fat/skinny build, glasses and/or beard, and low test?

Because Pajeet is too busy earning rupees to give a shit about variable and function names.

If they don't like the code, they should write their own rather than be crybabies on whatever someone else is working on. Paying attention to them is just a huge waste of time

Was autism intentionally forced upon the west in order to destroy it, or cause total subservient behavior?

when your dad came home (or comes home? i guess most of the people on Sup Forums are probably children, based on what i see), did he get all caught up in your childish bullshit, or did he just take a glance, make sure you weren't burning the fucking house down, and then go do his work?

that's what you should be doing in cases like these. let them do their childish shit. nothing they're doing is consequential or breaking. if you don't want people to freely come in and make shitty suggestions, then make the code closed source. otherwise, accept that opening it up to the commons means opening things up to the common idiot/child.

>let them do their childish shit
There was one comment total that in the entire 100~ish replies that could even be considered "trollish".

No, it's what happens when people get too wealthy for their own good

>Implying there's a difference

Let's not forget WHITE

when will you white people learn s.m.h. stop this gay shit.

>Paying attention to them is just a huge waste of time
i don't know how incompetent your integration/PR process can be that even a dozen separate pull requests would be that much of a time sink. just quickly reply to all of these requests with
>i'm open to the change, and apologize if the language made anyone uncomfortable, but i can't make the change right now; if someone wants to commit the suggested fixes, i'd be happy to approve them

that took about 30 seconds to write. if you have robust tests implemented (which you should), then following up with that PR should take about a minute or two.

meanwhile, fighting these fucking retards takes time out of your day as you beat back a bunch of self-righteous faggots, earns you the contempt of however many people show up to be assholes in your repository, and just gets you loads of negative attention.

i agree that it'd be better if nobody complained about stupid shit, but given that someone has complained about stupid shit, the options of "fighting it like a fucking nigger" or "accepting it because it doesn't fucking matter one way or another" are really fucking clear.

picking a fight with SJWs is the least productive use of a competent programmer's time imaginable. you should only do it if your project is dead and you have nothing better to do than make a fucking ass of yourself and risk looking like a liability to anyone who might ever get wind of the shitstorm you're in with SJWs.

i don't think i suggested anyone was trolling. i'm saying that the people who actually contribute to the codebase have better things to do than get caught up in an argument about something that doesn't matter on any level except the dumbest ones.

Not the user to whom you're replying but I disagree with the apology aspect. That's something people with reason accept from those with sympathy. These are not reasonable people and they'll read it as an admission of indelible guilt. What's more, it's another thing to twist. Apology for discomfort can be spun as an argument against having actually done anything wrong. Apology for an oversight can be spun as minimizing a major issue. So on and so forth.

No apologies to SJWs. DIsengage as quickly as possible.

>i don't think i suggested anyone was trolling. i'm saying that the people who actually contribute to the codebase have better things to do than get caught up in an argument about something that doesn't matter on any level except the dumbest ones.

They all agreed with each other. There was no tangible opposition.

>you have nothing better to do than make a fucking ass of yourself

>forced diversity

Just let people go whenever they want, don't force them; I don't want my coworkers to be there just because they're women - I want them to be here because they WANT to be.

I have no problem with women at all in my workplace otherwise.

(not that user) I don't see them in an argument (conflict) but I see them presenting an argument (proposal). Seems an accurate word.

>Just let people go whenever they want, don't force them

fine, then don't apologize. just accept the PR quietly and move on.

>caught up in an argument
implies conflict

I disagree. There's no apparent distinction between being caught up in a conflict and being caught up in a collective proposal.

if someone's good at something, it shouldn't matter what sex they are. Am I missing something here? Or do you only talk to your mom?

>take it in your asshole always and forever if you want to survive m8

i said it before and i'll say it again:

if changing some variable names constitutes sodomy to you, then your project is already dead and it's probably your fault.

caught up implies strong emotion arguments

that's what's happening in this thread. there are people talking about accepting a PR like this as taking "it" in your asshole. see for hyperbolic drama queen/exhibit A

Well a lot of them aren't. Women are incapable of distancing personal feelings from their job. It's just a biological thing. Women tend to be more emotional, it's not in their hands.

Just look at how the woman commented on the issue. Professionalism nonexistent.


"Sorry I was out late, I got caught up in all the excitement and lost track of time."
Hope this helps.

implies emotion

Not arguments.

I'm sorry that this isn't helping.


Of course the tranny is triggered

The word arguments is not on that page.
Getting caught up in something doesn't imply argument, argument doesn't imply conflict, ergo the assumption of conflict was inappropriate.

>this happens in my community /weekly/

Maybe you should face the problem and take care of it head on instead of complaining about the word "suicide" being used in some irrelevant software.

I find "take care of" distinctly unpleasant. That is a thing that happens in my community weekly and often requires that I drop what I'm doing and help someone take care of something.

you are wrong

Honestly don't give a shit about feelings if it makes the API more clear. But a boolean has no business using a verb as its name. If it takes starting a flame war and triggering a bunch of trannies to change it to a more explicit name, so be it.

This guy gets it. Stupid changes like this harm nothing and give the incompetent fuckwits something to distract themselves with while the real engineers build cool shit.

Why do programmers let trannies walk all over them and their code?

1) open source means open access, even to clowns and trannies.
2) this is so insignificant that it doesn't matter unless you're a petty child. that street goes both ways, so getting worked up over this is just as petty.

What's the worst that could possibly happen if you ignore their demands and just continue to develop your software?

I guess they'll "boycott" you and slander you, but that wouldn't hurt you a lot.

>doesn't matter

perforate my anus

Psychologically women are actually devout realists and opportunists. They don't have the same romantic or artisanal approach that men do in all creative fields.

>Programming node can be really fun for me. As somebody who has attempted suicide, seeing suicide come up in code occasionally takes away that fun and brings back some painful memories.

>What's the worst that could possibly happen if you ignore their demands and just continue to develop your software?
they'll feel like they're being oppressed, raise a shitstorm on twitter/tumblr/wherever - all places that you have no adequate presence to respond to their bitching - and onlookers (potentially including future employers) will write you off as a liability for being a lightning rod.

remember that nothing about the criticism will speak to your being qualified or writing good code. and keep in mind that absolutely nobody goes and does a code review of the codebase that SJWs target; they just become known for "fighting progress" and other retarded shit.

you can fight them, ignore them (and leave all the issues and shit open? i'm not sure how you would do this logistically), or humor them. the first two options will derail your project.

this is quintessentially a problem autistic people can't handle, because the right course of action requires the person maintaining the code to concede on the "immediate principles" (whether a word is offensive or not, etc...) and humor someone who's wrong to satisfy the broader principle of "getting shit done".

but autists can't handle being wrong or conceding that they were wrong (whether they were wrong or not), and they're willing to blow the whole fucking project up if the alternative means to concede anything.

Unrelated but I want to post it there.

>teaching sandniggers who've never seen a computer js

For what fucking purpose?

So they can feel good about themselves. The "teachers" that is.

Javascript - not even once.

Do they not see the irony with how the acronym CoC is pronounced? Aren't they "triggered"?

Someone should make a programming language that only contains words that offend these retards, would like to see the shitstorm it causes

C Plus Equality was basically the exact opposite concept with the same intended effect

If anyone needs a definition of irony this is it right here lel

> a system which exploits the inherent misandry and female appeasement of human nature.

This. Our culture is inherently misandric.

kek epic lulz bro! upvote upvote! how do i give u gold?

I think we could be fine as long as we're respectful of the male coworkers and not wholly unwilling to disregard genetic determinism when relevant. I could be wrong though, a lot of guys here bitch about shitty female coworkers. Maybe I'm going into the wrong field.