Web browsing privacy

Time to sound like an absolute normie here

>be me
>father is intel electrical engineer server technician type
>too scared to open porn sites on home internet
>been getting by fapping to big titty bitches on tumblr pages

To my understanding there's an ISP index he can look at and see all the IP addresses of websites I open on this network. Is this true? Am I doomed to browse websites like this forever scraping for pr0n or am I safe to open a legitimate website without my father seeing it?

tumblr uses http for most things, so that makes it just east easy to see that you went to slutswithcocks.tumblr.com as it is to see baileyjay.com

1. Use HTTPS
2. Use HTTPS

Jesus fucking christ

I bet you're regretting your fedora tipping refusal to get a smartphone now

What's the difference in the appearance of HTTPS sites on the ISP IP list?

I'm exclusively using a smartphone and tablet, my PC is totally clean of connecting to anything of the sort.

use tor browser, you should be good then

I have tor ready to go, what will the sites appear as on the ISP IP list?

they won't know what sites, the most they will know is that you're using tor

Watch porn what the fuck is he going to do tell you to knock it off? 100% chance he knows you are jerking it and doesn't care.

http: means you can see the whole entire URL, all cookie data, etc.
https:// means you can only see stuff before the slash... You can see www.youporn.com, but not www.youporn.com/video/BlackCuckoldPorn.wmf

Not even that really.
If his ISP was tracking via DNS requests I'm assuming the bare minimum of changing your DNS server to Google's could get around that.

>implying that tracking OP's browsing wouldn't be child's play to a server engineer

How retarded are you?

Yeah, but he is worried about his smart dad maybe putting logging software on his router/whatever.

Tunnel your traffic through tor if you're not going to be using a lot of bandwidth. Looking at pictures is going to be as good as it gets as tor is slow as shit.

Source: Set up tor with squid and privoxy.

OP here,

So, general consensus is TOR.
Let's assume I open TOR and go to any sight right now witu no squid, privoxy, etc, am I good?

To my understanding our ISP has a page on their website where customers such as himself can view like an index of hosts being conntected to from his network. I don't think he's using any extra tracking software.

if you have a server elesewhere, ssh tunnel or vpn through it.

I did that back to a machine at my house whenever i watched porn, since i didnt want my university knowing what type of degenerate smut i like.

He just said that so you wouldn't jack off on the shared computer

Also bear in mind that I also have an ipad and iphone. Does this make any difference while browsing? Also, does browsing sights through their apps appear differently on ISP indexes?

I've seen it open before. I don't think he actively checks it or would confront me about it, but I can image him scrolling through it in a state of drunken voyeurism peeking at my browsing, and having that anxiety fucks up my fapping.


yeah you should be good, and not sure but i don't think it should be different

This. As long as you have control of a networked machine elsewhere you can tunnel your traffic to it and avoid any DNS requests on your network.

Basically, you send your webpage requests to another computer and it makes them for you. The only thing that is loggable is the outbound and inbound packet streams to and from the server. The websites you visit cannot be monitored on your network.

For the least amount of work you could do this. Download the tor browser and browse away.

Worst thing that can happen is that your dad sees the tor traffic, but he won't know what you're seeing.

You could use VPN/proxy you normie moron!

He'll never confront me about it, as long as he can't see the porn itself we're golden. What will the TOR traffic appear as?just random shit the TOR routes through?

I wasn't sure if that would fool the ISP, or what it would appear as.

Yeah. Your traffic is sent to one node, and that node sends it to another, etc. Its the same deal with any other type of tunneling. I'm pretty sure you can throw a tor browser on your other devices. Your Apple devices may have to be jailbroken, though.

your dad is probably reading this OP and is very displeased, prepare for your daily spanking with an Abit motherboard

Just go on a big porn/hentai or whatever sort of debauchery rampage and eat the bullet once and save it for later uses.

>fapping anywhere anytime
this is why smartphones really took off

>not liking a good turbojet spanking

>imagine him scrolling through it in a state of drunken voyeurism peeking at my browsing history
>having that anxiety fucks up my fapping.
I'm sorry for your predicament, but that is too funny.

so don't
it's bad for you anyway

This. Also you really need to make sure you are using remote dns.