T-that's it , I-i just caved...
T-that's it , I-i just caved
Good boy
It's great right. Windows 10 is better then 7.
Enjoy your superior OS, faggot.
Welcome aboard.
Damn. This image is really making me think.
think about what?
You know, with all the bullshit MS has been pulling recently I downgraded all my PC's to 7 as a protest and shit. Not even a minute in and I'm really missing all the good stuff 10 really does right.
reported ;^)
What year is it?
>not using demotivationals
Did you at least install it in virtualbox?
Times have changed.
Any REAL benefits from using Live account to login?
>she fell for the tattoo meme
Just a heads up: enable system restore. It might save your life.
With system restore in 10 does it have to be on the OS drive? I've got a rather small SSD running my OS right now, so could I force the restore for the OS and shit onto one of my storage drives?
Sadly, no. It's stupid like that which is probably why MS just straight out disabled it instead adding options. Either way find some kind of backup solution for it.
Can a host-based firewall be used to block 10 dialling home or can the OS bypass the firewall?
Honestly I keep only a few programs on my OS SSD, which are usually already downloaded, the biggest pain in the ass is reinstalling stuffand Steam or Origin library shit because I've got 9tb of space so I haven't uninstalled a game in a while. Any idea how much room a system recovery takes up? Is it equal to the amount of stuff stored on the drive in the first place?