New /bst/, comfy edition

New /bst/, comfy edition

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I feel like there's been an unnecessary amount of battlestation threads lately.

anyway, sweet cat!

Like that you've dropped the LEDs (at least in public)

Cat is nice, bulletin board is nice, cat is nice. guts look okay, casee is meh, monitor could be better. Keyboard is meh.

Maybe I'm alone on this but I don't like TVs above battle stations.

Concur that there are too many /bst/s these days.

>guts look okay, casee is meh, monitor could be better. Keyboard is meh.
The Case is already 5 or 6 years old, but has very good ventilation (3x200mm Fan + 2x120mm). It sadly has no good cablemanagment stuff and I will buy a new one, when my computer gets too slow
I haven't decided on a new Monitor yet, as I think that there isn't such a big difference and 4k 60fps is pretty expensive. (Also, there isn't that much 4k Video Content yet, so I will wait some time).

Yeah, understandable. Wasn't trying to shit all over it - just give some criticism (posting from a business trip, so I can't speak of any station whatsoever). I like the desk space, too.

>new monitor, ultrawide or 1440p idk
>hhkb pro 2 white printed

also r8

in early

Morning m8s

>Keyboard is CM quickfire Tk

Looks nice aside from the speakers being too close.

How do you get any work done with such auditory bliss?

He used to post here every thread and now that I'm looking for him he's nowhere to be seen what the fuck, where is the fag with 3 monitors all with Hotline Miami wallpapers

The more I see of those key caps the uglier they look
Is that 29 or 34" I can't tell, either way nice. Love the table

hello fellow memer

Do you have a turntable hooked up to that, lad?

My tiny ThinkPad battlestation

I kinda want a nice natural finish desk and long pad like that. Also do you find that portrait monitor too tall? If anything I'd use the ultrawide as my landscape but I guess you don't have much desk space there.

a few decades early

Government property, I actually kind of hate it because the back has a good ~5" of thickness that I can't clamp a monitor arm to, and it's cramped and takes up space I could use more effectively, but I can't get rid of it

>long mousepad
I love it it's comfy. It's corsair.

Not to tall, I use it for reading websites and coding mostly

Has anything changed in the last couple of months?

Just got out of my comfy bed (which now has 3 blankets and 5 pillows).

Dell 43" 4K screen just got into stock here and there, waiting for reviews. Rumours is that it has the same issue as Philiphs 43" 4K screen, burn-in and shitty panels..

Who are you calling fag you little bitchboi

>Dell 43" 4K screen just got into stock here and there, waiting for reviews
You do realize it's nowhere near as good as their Ultrasharps or even the other P series 4K displays right? They aren't targetting graphic designers or people who care about colors with that monitor. Just take a look at the specs.


I just want a large screen and these two are the only ones.

Looking good user!
I want to believe
Not my cuppa tea but OK
Not my cuppa tea but OK
Did somebody say memes!?
Looking good but get rid of meme mic
Looking good
Fucking hell m8! Barrel distortion much?
cyka blyat

dat airflow fan layout, do you like useless fans bro?

>cyka blyat
I don't speak CS:GO sorry senpai.

Forgot pic

Wait for something actually good unless you're okay with 82% color gamut as opposed to the 99.5% of the PremierColor models.

I mean you may as well just buy a 40" 4K A-panel at that point.



Do but I like your mums tite puss... Bitch

That's what fisheyes do.

Yes. I bought them all just for looks.

Nah, I've had this Dell 23" ips for like 9 years now and from all I've got to fool around with, large 4K fits me best and I can't wait any longer till the 1080ti release.

Whatever floats your boat.

What country?

It's a placeholder till we get UHD Premium screens for pc too.

Now there we are talking fancy stuff.

>Skater cunt
Do your fucking post processing you lazy tosser!
The rest of your shots seem straight enough.

>tfw not sure if I prefer the aesthetic of a mini-itx or my black monolith

It was a good deal on the lens and I got use of it here and there.

And I did correct it in pp, but in order to get it straight i had to do it so many times that the quality was shit for a large res.

So ye, nah.

stop posting this shitty image, its not even a bst, fuck off to a phone general or keyboard general u twat.

>tfw got a full sized keyboard with no labels on it

Kinda nervous, desu. I touch type more or less but I forget a lot of the keys outside of the tkl spectrum.

Just a joke I assume.

Posting again I guess.

Not bad but ultrasmall keyboard meme and miami meme.
Standing desk a shit, also don't fall for the hhkb meme.
Nice performa I guess.
You have a DSLR, use it to take pictures.
Also greatest if not for the meme movies posters.
also slav/10 but kinda comfy.
Clean but boring and sterile, also get ride of the shitty razer mousepad. Also cables.
Meh your station is better.

Get triggered senpai, it even works with my magic trackpad


A bit old now..
But i am moving room soon so i can update it for then.

Cute cat.
Cute keyboard.
Nice case hurrhurr.
Very clean.
Very nice except for the anime junk.
Very nice as usual.
ur a bitchboi. So many of these babby themed keyboards now.
what the hell/10
Kind of boring, but clean and all. Could use some decorations.
10/10 minimalism is best

>ur a bitchboi
fite me irl :^)

Weeaboo faggot

I'll fite your butt


What can I do to fix this?

Decorations, I would say add some colour, maybe a plant or two. Opening the window would do a lot, too.

>look guys i have a cat
>i put it in my picture so you can see i have a cat
>make comments about my cat

Thanks, unfortunately there's not much to see out of the window.

Well there isn't much going on, your station seems like a room straight out of an hopsital!
I mean it's really clean apart from the cables (I know it's a pain in the ass, I spent two hours and a half the other day doing mine) But try to sort them a bit neater.
Also add something to your station that reflects your personality I guess or just some stuff you like.

The main problem is that the floor is black, the equipment is black and all the rest is white.

Fix the cables, add something on either side, maybe a lamp or something.

How wide is the table?

What inputs do you have on that audio interface? Can it also drive your headphones?

I added the pile of books, thought it might fill up some space and add a bit of color to it.

When I first moved in my plan was to have everything be black and white, hence the black and white.

The table is 150x75cm

Wait no, whoops, was looking at the wrong one. It's actually 200x75


>and here's my 15 year old son's room

East Europe - former state of Russia - never under occupation of USSR reporting in.

Sounds like my sister.

Anyways, I'm moving into the basement and ditching the neon colors because the room was designed to glow in blacklight.


How are you liking Gravity's Rainbow so far?

>What inputs do you have on that audio interface?
A bunch.
>Can it also drive your headphones?

It was difficult to read/get through first time. I had read a lot of English literature before it but I wasn't ready for what it'd be. I had even read Inherent Vice prior to it and that was easy (if not mediocre) to get through. I hope the second time will work as author intended.

What can I say about it, that it definitely wasn't mediocre. It is something, I don't know what it is yet though. My reading was constantly interrupted by rereading passages or even pages, and sometimes checking dictionary for words.

I should reread it sometime soon, but I've been busy with Cormac McCarthy for now.

Thanks. Can you switch inputs on it? E.g. from PC to turntable but still play out of the monitors?

Yes you can hook up a phono pre to the analog inputs. There are cheaper alternatives to look into if that's what you're after though.

>There are cheaper alternatives to look into if that's what you're after though.

I'd be interested to see what your suggestions would be, as I simply want to be able to use my monitors (same as yours) with both my turntable (ProJect) and PC, and also use my headphones when I want without switching wires all the time.

i've posted this a few times and it seems to evoke polarized responses. i think the last time i posted it people said i should work out the cable management.

A Stealth DC-1 from Emotiva would do the trick.



Thanks, I'll look into it.

Anyway, fantastic station.


Not one.
Not one either.


Yeah Finland :_D

Yay :D

kill yourself

Never knew Finland had been under Russian control. You learn something everyday!

what part of "not one" didn't you understand?

>anime figurines
>anime posters
just end it already

Stop liking what I don't like xddd

We were 'autonomic' kingdom (grand duchy?) under Russian control for more than 100 years and prior to that under the control of Sweden for a long ass time (700 or so years)

We achieved independence in 1917, so this is a young country.


Side view of tower.

i dont have a life dont judge me :(((

What's the deal with the stickers? Are you 12 or something?

>Sup Forums

Dunno. It looked pretty plain and boring otherwise. Would have drawn something on it but stickers are easier to remove in case I grow up eventually.

You are supposed to slam stickers on your case like you are supposed to slam them on your portmanteau

i want animefags to LEAVE

>Sup Forums
please kill yourself quietly. nobody wants you shooting up an elementary school or something.

love it

get triggered lad

This looks so cool, really comfy and fun.

hurdur Sup Forums is an japanese imageboard


That's horribly disappointing now that I see it again, was a lot cooler in my memory
I guess I'll have to come up with my own Synthwave setup

>GG Button


you shouldnt have posted this, Sup Forums will get triggered