What's the best IDE Sup Forums?

What's the best IDE Sup Forums?

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emacs :^)

Geany and kdevelop. Otherwise you are just a fizzbuzzer

visual studio

The most advanced IDE there is is IntelliJ IDEA. Without a doubt.

I find Geany to be the most pleasant.

VS for M$ shit
eclipse for pajeet shit
geany for basically everything else


Visual Studio

>not nano

agreed ,jetbrains is a really good software company soon to dominate the industry.

you have IDE's for every languag (at least , the important ones)



daily reminder that text editors (with maybe a little syntax highlighting and shit) != IDE


For some reason I initially read that as "PHPShitStorm".

Visual Studio 2015

Geany is the most easy to use ide. I have tried pretty much everything there is, but nothing beats the simplicity, ease of use, of geany. It does lack in the customizability section a bit, but considering its so darn small in size, i can let that one go

A close second is maybe code::blocks, because i occasionally have to work with C++, the auto bracket and autofinish feature are neat but still its not as quick as geany

>russian company
yeah no never I will use this putin botnet



if you're a student you can have every products for free

For me it is Emacs. The great pro point is that I have my entire work life integrated in Emacs and do not have to switch to another program or use a mouse.

For the majority it would be Eclipse. But with Spacemacs Emacs has become really easy to setup.

I've been using VSCode but I suppose it doesn't quite qualify as a full-blown IDE. I would use IntelliJ IDEA if I wanted one, though, shit's pretty sweet.

I like VS Code a lot, but one thing that kills it for me a bit is that it's ReactJS-based. UI is fuckin' slow at times.

I know it isn't a big deal to have a split-second UI delay once in a while, or a slow startup time, but that's enough to get me. Notepad++ is love.


American and European ones are filled with pajeets



>using the smiley with a carat nose

nice samefag pajeet

AFAIK pajeets don't have a botnet

Most, if not all, computers being made these days use SATA. IDE is old school.

Mousepad. Everything else is shit-tier imho.

>What's the best IDE Sup Forums?
ATA133 IDE,of course.
