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did yoy try taping ok

It's evolving. You'll soon have a 3DS

it's going back to the motherland

It's become Japanese, happens to all Nintendo products after a while.
Turn it off before it commits sudoku.

I'd go to /jp/ or Sup Forums and ask for a translation desu

it has decided that you have grown up and that you no longer need it.

Google translate tells me it says this.

The 'kill' makes me think that it's some sort of hidden subroutine designed to activate at a specific time. Probably to tell undercover Japanese Imperial Agents that it's time to attack as a revenge for Hiroshima.

If you took a less blurry picture we could decipher more.

it's installing windows 10

We surely cant know, since it is proprietary and what you're seeing on screen is just binary code, its not open sources.

I'd sugggest installing a truly free(free as in freedom, not free beer) operating system on it like GNU/Linux, I'd suggest the Gentoo distribution as it truly respects our freedom.


... did you run it for the first time?

Stallsham is a faggot who pretends to be a doctor.

Neck yourself freetard

It says attach the former devices/hardware. I don't know what that means for a ds i have never used one.

No we've got a clear image we can properly translate the gook.

XX and X. Clever nips, we'd never expect them to use Roman Numerals. Somethings going to happen on the 30th of June.

Two nukes were not enough to to stop the yellow peril it seems.


He has honorary doctorates

He's a real doctor who cures you from proprietary cancer


So does Kanye West.

You gonna refer to him as Dr. West?

Or how about Dr. Torvalds, creator of Linux.

I wouldn't call him Mr. Torvalds

Your Windows 10 upgrade is ready.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linus, is in fact, Dr Linus, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Dr plus Linux. Linus is not a laureate unto himself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning laureate system made useful by the doctorate of philosophy, bachelor's and master's degrees comprising a full education as defined by a university.

Many people run a modified version of the doctorate system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of doctorate which is widely used today is often called Linus, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Dr system, developed by the Dr Project.

There really is a Linus, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linus is the doctor: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The doctor is an essential part of an university, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linus is normally used in combination with the Doctorate of philosophy: the whole system is basically Dr with Linus added, or Dr/Linus. All the so-called Linus distributions are really distributions of Dr/Linux!


Fuck Stallman